@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ class WebsocketServer
@options = options
@clients = {}
+ # By default, we are only logging errors to STDOUT.
+ # To turn on some more logging to get some insights, please, provide one of the following parameters:
+ # -n | --info => info
+ # -v | --verbose => debug
Rails.configuration.interface = 'websocket'
EventMachine.run do
EventMachine::WebSocket.start(host: @options[:b], port: @options[:p], secure: @options[:s], tls_options: @options[:tls_options]) do |ws|
@@ -78,9 +83,12 @@ class WebsocketServer
def self.onmessage(websocket, msg)
client_id = websocket.object_id.to_s
- log 'debug', "received: #{msg} ", client_id
+ log 'info', "receiving #{msg.to_s.bytesize} bytes", client_id
+ log 'debug', "received: #{msg}", client_id
+ log 'info', 'start: parse message to JSON', client_id
data = JSON.parse(msg)
+ log 'info', 'end: parse message to JSON', client_id
rescue => e
log 'error', "can't parse message: #{msg}, #{e.inspect}", client_id
@@ -93,7 +101,7 @@ class WebsocketServer
@clients[client_id][:last_ping] = Time.now.utc.to_i
if data['event']
- log 'debug', "execute event '#{data['event']}'", client_id
+ log 'info', "start: execute event '#{data['event']}'", client_id
message = Sessions::Event.run(
event: data['event'],
payload: data,
@@ -103,6 +111,7 @@ class WebsocketServer
clients: @clients,
options: @options,
+ log 'info', "end: execute event '#{data['event']}'", client_id
if message
websocket_send(client_id, message)
@@ -119,7 +128,8 @@ class WebsocketServer
- log 'debug', "send #{msg}", client_id
+ log 'info', "sending #{msg.to_s.bytesize} bytes", client_id
+ log 'debug', "send: #{msg}", client_id
if !@clients[client_id]
log 'error', "no such @clients for #{client_id}", client_id
@@ -169,7 +179,6 @@ class WebsocketServer
queue = Sessions.queue(client_id)
next if queue.blank?
- log 'info', 'send data to client', client_id
websocket_send(client_id, queue)
rescue => e
log 'error', "problem:#{e.inspect}", client_id
@@ -207,9 +216,26 @@ class WebsocketServer
def self.log(level, data, client_id = '-')
- return if !@options[:v] && level == 'debug'
+ skip_log = true
+ case level
+ when 'error'
+ skip_log = false
+ when 'debug'
+ if @options[:v]
+ skip_log = false
+ end
+ when 'info'
+ if @options[:n] || @options[:v]
+ skip_log = false
+ end
+ end
+ return if skip_log
+ client_id_str = client_id.eql?('-') ? '' : "##{client_id}"
- puts "#{Time.now.utc.iso8601}:client(#{client_id}) #{data}" # rubocop:disable Rails/Output
- # puts "#{Time.now.utc.iso8601}:#{ level }:client(#{ client_id }) #{ data }"
+ # same format as in log/production.log
+ puts "#{level.to_s.first.upcase}, [#{Time.now.utc.strftime('%FT%T.%6N')}#{client_id_str}] #{level.upcase} -- : #{data}" # rubocop:disable Rails/Output