@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ module Ticket::Overviews
-all overview by user
+all overviews by user
result = Ticket::Overviews.all(
- :current_user => User.find(123),
+ current_user: User.find(123),
@@ -15,137 +15,105 @@ returns
- def self.all (data)
+ def self.all(data)
# get customer overviews
if data[:current_user].role?('Customer')
- role = Role.find_by( name: 'Customer' )
+ role = Role.find_by(name: 'Customer')
overviews = if data[:current_user].organization_id && data[:current_user].organization.shared
- Overview.where( role_id: role.id, active: true )
+ Overview.where(role_id: role.id, active: true)
- Overview.where( role_id: role.id, organization_shared: false, active: true )
+ Overview.where(role_id: role.id, organization_shared: false, active: true)
return overviews
# get agent overviews
- return if !data[:current_user].role?( 'Agent' )
- role = Role.find_by( name: 'Agent' )
- Overview.where( role_id: role.id, active: true )
+ return if !data[:current_user].role?('Agent')
+ role = Role.find_by(name: 'Agent')
+ Overview.where(role_id: role.id, active: true)
-selected overview by user
- result = Ticket::Overviews.list(
- current_user: User.find(123),
- view: 'some_view_url',
- )
+ result = Ticket::Overviews.index(User.find(123))
- result = {
- tickets: tickets, # [ticket1, ticket2, ticket3]
- tickets_count: tickets_count, # count of tickets
- overview: overview_selected_raw, # overview attributes
+ [
+ {
+ overview: {
+ id: 123,
+ updated_at: ...,
+ },
+ count: 3,
+ tickets: [
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ updated_at: ...,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 2,
+ updated_at: ...,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 3,
+ updated_at: ...,
+ }
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ ...
+ ]
- def self.list (data)
- overviews = all(data)
- return if !overviews
- # build up attributes hash
- overview_selected = nil
- overview_selected_raw = nil
- overviews.each { |overview|
- # remember selected view
- if data[:view] && data[:view] == overview.link
- overview_selected = overview
- overview_selected_raw = Marshal.load( Marshal.dump(overview.attributes) )
- end
- }
- if data[:view] && !overview_selected
- raise "No such view '#{data[:view]}'"
- end
+ def self.index(user)
+ overviews = Ticket::Overviews.all(
+ current_user: user,
+ )
# get only tickets with permissions
- access_condition = Ticket.access_condition( data[:current_user] )
- # overview meta for navbar
- if !overview_selected
- # loop each overview
- result = []
- overviews.each { |overview|
+ access_condition = Ticket.access_condition(user)
- query_condition, bind_condition = Ticket.selector2sql(overview.condition, data[:current_user])
+ list = []
+ overviews.each {|overview|
+ query_condition, bind_condition = Ticket.selector2sql(overview.condition, user)
- # get count
- count = Ticket.where( access_condition ).where( query_condition, *bind_condition ).count()
- # get meta info
- all = {
- name: overview.name,
- prio: overview.prio,
- link: overview.link,
- }
- # push to result data
- result.push all.merge( { count: count } )
- }
- return result
- end
- # get result list
- if data[:array]
- order_by = overview_selected[:order][:by].to_s + ' ' + overview_selected[:order][:direction].to_s
- if overview_selected.group_by && !overview_selected.group_by.empty?
- order_by = overview_selected.group_by + '_id, ' + order_by
+ order_by = "#{overview.order[:by]} #{overview.order[:direction]}"
+ if overview.group_by && !overview.group_by.empty?
+ order_by = "#{overview.group_by}_id, #{order_by}"
- query_condition, bind_condition = Ticket.selector2sql(overview_selected.condition, data[:current_user])
- tickets = Ticket.select('id')
- .where( access_condition )
- .where( query_condition, *bind_condition )
- .order( order_by )
- .limit( 500 )
- ticket_ids = []
- tickets.each { |ticket|
- ticket_ids.push ticket.id
+ ticket_result = Ticket.select('id, updated_at')
+ .where(access_condition)
+ .where(query_condition, *bind_condition)
+ .order(order_by)
+ .limit(500)
+ tickets = []
+ ticket_result.each { |ticket|
+ ticket_item = {
+ id: ticket.id,
+ updated_at: ticket.updated_at,
+ }
+ tickets.push ticket_item
- tickets_count = Ticket.where( access_condition ).where( query_condition, *bind_condition ).count()
- return {
- ticket_ids: ticket_ids,
- tickets_count: tickets_count,
- overview: overview_selected_raw,
+ count = Ticket.where(access_condition).where(query_condition, *bind_condition).count()
+ item = {
+ overview: {
+ id: overview.id,
+ view: overview.link,
+ updated_at: overview.updated_at,
+ },
+ tickets: tickets,
+ count: count,
- end
- # get tickets for overview
- data[:start_page] ||= 1
- query_condition, bind_condition = Ticket.selector2sql(overview_selected.condition, data[:current_user])
- tickets = Ticket.where( access_condition )
- .where( query_condition, *bind_condition )
- .order( overview_selected[:order][:by].to_s + ' ' + overview_selected[:order][:direction].to_s )
- tickets_count = Ticket.where( access_condition ).where( query_condition, *bind_condition ).count()
- {
- tickets: tickets,
- tickets_count: tickets_count,
- overview: overview_selected_raw,
+ list.push item
+ list