@@ -1,522 +1,22 @@
class App.TicketOverview extends App.Controller
@extend App.TicketMassUpdatable
+ @include App.ValidUsersForTicketSelectionMethods
className: 'overviews'
activeFocus: 'nav'
- mouse:
- x: null
- y: null
- batchAnimationPaused: false
- '.js-batch-overlay': 'batchOverlay'
- '.js-batch-overlay-backdrop': 'batchOverlayBackdrop'
- '.js-batch-cancel': 'batchCancel'
- '.js-batch-macro-circle': 'batchMacroCircle'
- '.js-batch-assign-circle': 'batchAssignCircle'
- '.js-batch-assign': 'batchAssign'
- '.js-batch-assign-inner': 'batchAssignInner'
- '.js-batch-assign-group': 'batchAssignGroup'
- '.js-batch-assign-group-name': 'batchAssignGroupName'
- '.js-batch-assign-group-inner': 'batchAssignGroupInner'
- '.js-batch-macro': 'batchMacro'
- '.main': 'mainContent'
- events:
- 'mousedown .item': 'startDragItem'
- 'mouseenter .js-batch-hover-target': 'highlightBatchEntry'
- 'mouseleave .js-batch-hover-target': 'unhighlightBatchEntry'
- @include App.ValidUsersForTicketSelectionMethods
+ '.main': 'mainContent'
constructor: ->
- @batchSupport = @permissionCheck('ticket.agent')
- # rerender view, e. g. on language change
- @controllerBind('ui:rerender', =>
- @renderBatchOverlay()
- )
load = (data) =>
@formMeta = data.form_meta
@bindId = App.TicketOverviewCollection.bind(load)
- startDragItem: (event) =>
- return if !@batchSupport
- @grabbedItem = $(event.currentTarget)
- offset = @grabbedItem.offset()
- @batchDragger = $(App.view('ticket_overview/batch_dragger')())
- @grabbedItemClone = @grabbedItem.clone()
- @grabbedItemClone.data('offset', @grabbedItem.offset())
- @grabbedItemClone.addClass('batch-dragger-item js-main-item')
- @batchDragger.append @grabbedItemClone
- @batchDragger.data
- startX: event.pageX
- startY: event.pageY
- dx: Math.min(event.pageX - offset.left, 180)
- dy: event.pageY - offset.top
- moved: false
- $(document).on 'mousemove.item', @dragItem
- $(document).one 'mouseup.item', @endDragItem
- # TODO: fire @cancelDrag on ESC
- dragItem: (event) =>
- pos = @batchDragger.data()
- threshold = 3
- x = event.pageX - pos.dx
- y = event.pageY - pos.dy
- dir = if event.pageY > pos.startY then 1 else -1
- if !pos.moved
- if Math.abs(event.pageY - pos.startY) > threshold || Math.abs(event.pageX - pos.startX) > threshold
- @batchDragger.data 'moved', true
- @el.addClass('u-no-userselect')
- # check grabbed items batch checkbox to make sure its checked
- # (could be grabbed without checking the checkbox it)
- @grabbedItemWasntChecked = !@grabbedItem.find('[name="bulk"]').prop('checked')
- @grabbedItem.find('[name="bulk"]').prop('checked', true)
- @grabbedItemClone.find('[name="bulk"]').prop('checked', true)
- additionalItems = @el.find('[name="bulk"]:checked').parents('.item').not(@grabbedItem)
- additionalItemsClones = additionalItems.clone()
- @draggedItems = @grabbedItemClone.add(additionalItemsClones)
- # store offsets for later use
- additionalItemsClones.each (i, item) -> $(@).data('offset', additionalItems.eq(i).offset())
- @batchDragger.prepend additionalItemsClones.addClass('batch-dragger-item').get().reverse()
- if(additionalItemsClones.length)
- @batchDragger.find('.js-batch-dragger-count').text(@draggedItems.length)
- @renderOptions()
- @appEl.append(@batchDragger)
- @draggedItems.each (i, item) ->
- dx = $(item).data('offset').left - $(item).offset().left - x
- dy = $(item).data('offset').top - $(item).offset().top - y
- $.Velocity.hook item, 'translateX', "#{dx}px"
- $.Velocity.hook item, 'translateY', "#{dy}px"
- @alignDraggedItems(-dir)
- @mouseY = event.pageY
- @showBatchOverlay()
- else
- return
- event.preventDefault()
- $.Velocity.hook @batchDragger, 'translateX', "#{x}px"
- $.Velocity.hook @batchDragger, 'translateY', "#{y}px"
- endDragItem: (event) =>
- $(document).off 'mousemove.item'
- $(document).off 'mouseup.item'
- pos = @batchDragger.data()
- @clearDelay('clear-hovered-batch-entry')
- if !@hoveredBatchEntry
- @cleanUpDrag()
- return
- $.Velocity.hook @batchDragger, 'transformOriginX', "#{pos.dx}px"
- $.Velocity.hook @batchDragger, 'transformOriginY', "#{pos.dy}px"
- @hoveredBatchEntry.velocity
- properties:
- scale: 1.1
- options:
- duration: 200
- complete: =>
- if !@hoveredBatchEntry
- @cleanUpDrag()
- return
- @hoveredBatchEntry.velocity 'reverse',
- duration: 200
- complete: =>
- if !@hoveredBatchEntry
- @cleanUpDrag()
- return
- # clean scale
- action = @hoveredBatchEntry.attr('data-action')
- id = @hoveredBatchEntry.attr('data-id')
- groupId = @hoveredBatchEntry.attr('data-group-id')
- items = @el.find('[name="bulk"]:checked')
- @hoveredBatchEntry.removeAttr('style')
- @cleanUpDrag(true)
- @performBatchAction items, action, id, groupId
- @batchDragger.velocity
- properties:
- scale: 0
- options:
- duration: 200
- cancelDrag: ->
- $(document).off 'mousemove.item'
- $(document).off 'mouseup.item'
- @cleanUpDrag()
- cleanUpDrag: (success) ->
- @hideBatchOverlay()
- @el.removeClass('u-no-userselect')
- $('.batch-dragger').remove()
- @hoveredBatchEntry = null
- if @grabbedItemWasntChecked
- @grabbedItem.find('[name="bulk"]').prop('checked', false)
- if success
- # uncheck all checked items
- @el.find('[name="bulk"]:checked').prop('checked', false)
- @el.find('[name="bulk_all"]').prop('checked', false)
- alignDraggedItems: (dir) ->
- @draggedItems.velocity
- properties:
- translateX: 0
- translateY: (i) => dir * i * @batchDragger.height()/2
- options:
- easing: 'ease-in-out'
- duration: 300
- @batchDragger.find('.js-batch-dragger-count').velocity
- properties:
- translateY: if dir < 0 then 0 else -@batchDragger.height()+8
- options:
- easing: 'ease-in-out'
- duration: 300
- performBatchAction: (items, action, id, groupId) ->
- ticket_ids = items.toArray().map (item) -> $(item).val()
- switch action
- when 'macro'
- path = 'macro'
- data =
- ticket_ids: ticket_ids
- macro_id: id
- when 'user_assign'
- path = 'update'
- data =
- ticket_ids: ticket_ids
- attributes:
- owner_id: id
- if !_.isEmpty(groupId)
- data.attributes.group_id = groupId
- when 'group_assign'
- path = 'update'
- data =
- ticket_ids: ticket_ids
- attributes:
- group_id: id
- @ajax_mass(path, data)
- showBatchOverlay: ->
- @batchOverlay.addClass('is-visible')
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden')
- @batchOverlayBackdrop.velocity { opacity: [1, 0] }, { duration: 500 }
- @batchMacroOffset = @batchMacro.offset().top + @batchMacro.outerHeight()
- @batchAssignOffset = @batchAssign.offset().top
- @batchOverlayShown = true
- $(document).on 'mousemove.batchoverlay', @controlBatchOverlay
- hideBatchOverlay: ->
- $(document).off 'mousemove.batchoverlay'
- @batchOverlayShown = false
- @batchOverlayBackdrop.velocity { opacity: [0, 1] }, { duration: 300, queue: false }
- @hideBatchCircles =>
- @batchOverlay.removeClass('is-visible')
- $('html').css('overflow', '')
- if @batchAssignShown
- @hideBatchAssign()
- if @batchMacroShown
- @hideBatchMacro()
- if @batchAssignGroupShown
- @hideBatchAssignGroup()
- controlBatchOverlay: (event) =>
- return if @batchAnimationPaused
- # store to detect if the mouse is hovering a drag-action entry
- # after an animation ended -> @highlightBatchEntryAtMousePosition
- @mouse.x = event.pageX
- @mouse.y = event.pageY
- if @batchAssignGroupShown && @batchAssignGroupOffset != undefined
- if @mouse.y < @batchAssignGroupOffset
- @hideBatchAssignGroup()
- @batchAnimationPaused = true
- return
- if @mouse.y <= @batchMacroOffset
- mouseInArea = 'top'
- else if @mouse.y > @batchMacroOffset && @mouse.y <= @batchAssignOffset
- mouseInArea = 'middle'
- else
- mouseInArea = 'bottom'
- switch mouseInArea
- when 'top'
- if !@batchMacroShown
- @hideBatchCircles()
- @showBatchMacro()
- @alignDraggedItems(1)
- when 'middle'
- if @batchAssignShown
- @hideBatchAssign()
- if @batchMacroShown
- @hideBatchMacro()
- if !@batchCirclesShown
- @showBatchCircles()
- when 'bottom'
- if !@batchAssignShown
- @hideBatchCircles()
- @showBatchAssign()
- @alignDraggedItems(-1)
- showBatchCircles: ->
- @batchCirclesShown = true
- @batchMacroCircle.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [0, '-150%']
- opacity: [1, 0]
- options:
- easing: [1,-.55,.2,1.37]
- duration: 500
- visibility: 'visible'
- delay: 200
- @batchAssignCircle.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [0, '150%']
- opacity: [1, 0]
- options:
- easing: [1,-.55,.2,1.37]
- duration: 500
- visibility: 'visible'
- delay: 200
- hideBatchCircles: (callback) ->
- @batchMacroCircle.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: ['-150%', 0]
- opacity: [0, 1]
- options:
- duration: 300
- visibility: 'hidden'
- queue: false
- @batchAssignCircle.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: ['150%', 0]
- opacity: [0, 1]
- options:
- duration: 300
- complete: callback
- visibility: 'hidden'
- queue: false
- @batchCirclesShown = false
- showBatchAssign: ->
- return if !@batchOverlayShown # user might have dropped the item already
- @batchAssignShown = true
- @batchCancel.css
- top: 0
- bottom: @batchAssign.height()
- @batchAssign.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [0, '100%']
- opacity: [1, 0]
- options:
- easing: [1,-.55,.2,1.37]
- duration: 500
- visibility: 'visible'
- complete: @highlightBatchEntryAtMousePosition
- @batchCancel.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [0, '100%']
- opacity: [1, 0]
- options:
- easing: [1,-.55,.2,1.37]
- duration: 500
- visibility: 'visible'
- hideBatchAssign: ->
- @batchAssign.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: ['100%', 0]
- opacity: [0, 1]
- options:
- duration: 300
- visibility: 'hidden'
- queue: false
- complete: =>
- $.Velocity.hook @batchAssign, 'translateY', '0%'
- @batchCancel.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: ['100%', 0]
- opacity: [0, 1]
- options:
- duration: 300
- visibility: 'hidden'
- queue: false
- @batchAssignShown = false
- showBatchAssignGroup: =>
- return if !@batchOverlayShown # user might have dropped the item already
- @batchAssignGroupShown = true
- groupId = @hoveredBatchEntry.attr('data-id')
- group = App.Group.find(groupId)
- @batchAssignGroupName.text group.displayName()
- @batchAssignGroupInner.html $(App.view('ticket_overview/batch_overlay_user_group')(
- users: @usersInGroups([groupId])
- groups: []
- groupId: groupId
- ))
- # then adjust the size of the group that it almost overlaps the batch-assign box
- @batchAssignGroupInner.height(@batchAssignInner.height())
- @batchAssignGroup.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [0, '100%']
- opacity: [1, 0]
- options:
- easing: [1,-.55,.2,1.37]
- duration: 700
- visibility: 'visible'
- complete: =>
- @highlightBatchEntryAtMousePosition()
- @batchAssignGroupOffset = @batchAssignGroup.offset().top
- hideBatchAssignGroup: ->
- @batchAssignGroup.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: ['100%', 0]
- opacity: [0, 1]
- options:
- duration: 300
- visibility: 'hidden'
- queue: false
- complete: =>
- @batchAssignGroupShown = false
- @batchAssignGroupHovered = false
- setTimeout (=> @batchAnimationPaused = false), 1000
- @batchAssignGroupOffset = undefined
- showBatchMacro: ->
- return if !@batchOverlayShown # user might have dropped the item already
- @batchMacroShown = true
- @batchCancel.css
- bottom: 0
- top: @batchMacro.height()
- @batchMacro.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [0, '-100%']
- opacity: [1, 0]
- options:
- easing: [1,-.55,.2,1.37]
- duration: 500
- visibility: 'visible'
- complete: @highlightBatchEntryAtMousePosition
- @batchCancel.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: [0, '-100%']
- opacity: [1, 0]
- options:
- easing: [1,-.55,.2,1.37]
- duration: 500
- visibility: 'visible'
- hideBatchMacro: ->
- @batchMacro.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: ['-100%', 0]
- opacity: [0, 1]
- options:
- duration: 300
- visibility: 'hidden'
- queue: false
- complete: =>
- $.Velocity.hook @batchMacro, 'translateY', '0%'
- @batchCancel.velocity
- properties:
- translateY: ['-100%', 0]
- opacity: [0, 1]
- options:
- duration: 300
- visibility: 'hidden'
- queue: false
- @batchMacroShown = false
- highlightBatchEntryAtMousePosition: =>
- entryAtPoint = $(document.elementFromPoint(@mouse.x, @mouse.y)).closest('.js-batch-overlay-entry .avatar')
- if(entryAtPoint.length)
- @hoveredBatchEntry = entryAtPoint.closest('.js-batch-overlay-entry').addClass('is-hovered')
- highlightBatchEntry: (event) ->
- @clearDelay('clear-hovered-batch-entry')
- @hoveredBatchEntry = $(event.currentTarget).closest('.js-batch-overlay-entry').addClass('is-hovered')
- if @hoveredBatchEntry.attr('data-action') is 'group_assign'
- @batchAssignGroupHintTimeout = setTimeout @blinkBatchEntry, 800
- @batchAssignGroupTimeout = setTimeout @showBatchAssignGroup, 900
- unhighlightBatchEntry: (event) ->
- return if !@hoveredBatchEntry
- if @hoveredBatchEntry.attr('data-action') is 'group_assign'
- if @batchAssignGroupTimeout
- clearTimeout @batchAssignGroupTimeout
- if @batchAssignGroupHintTimeout
- clearTimeout @batchAssignGroupHintTimeout
- @hoveredBatchEntry.removeClass('is-hovered')
- delay = =>
- @hoveredBatchEntry = null
- @delay(delay, 800, 'clear-hovered-batch-entry')
- blinkBatchEntry: =>
- @hoveredBatchEntry
- .velocity({ opacity: [0.5, 1] }, { duration: 120 })
- .velocity({ opacity: [1, 0.5] }, { duration: 60, delay: 40 })
- .velocity({ opacity: [0.5, 1] }, { duration: 120 })
- .velocity({ opacity: [1, 0.5] }, { duration: 60, delay: 40 })
render: ->
elLocal = $(App.view('ticket_overview/index')())
@@ -533,6 +33,16 @@ class App.TicketOverview extends App.Controller
view: @view
+ @controllerTicketBatch.releaseController() if @controllerTicketBatch
+ @controllerTicketBatch = new App.TicketBatch(
+ el: elLocal.filter('.js-batch-overlay')
+ parent: @
+ parentEl: elLocal
+ appEl: @appEl
+ batchSuccess: =>
+ @render()
+ )
@contentController.releaseController() if @contentController
@contentController = new Table(
el: elLocal.find('.overview-table')
@@ -541,8 +51,6 @@ class App.TicketOverview extends App.Controller
keyboardOff: @keyboardOff
- @renderBatchOverlay(elLocal.filter('.js-batch-overlay'))
@html elLocal
@$('.main').on('click', =>
@@ -559,54 +67,6 @@ class App.TicketOverview extends App.Controller
@delay(update, 2800, 'overview:fetch')
- renderBatchOverlay: (elLocal) =>
- if elLocal
- elLocal.html( App.view('ticket_overview/batch_overlay')() )
- return
- @batchOverlay.html( App.view('ticket_overview/batch_overlay')() )
- @refreshElements()
- renderOptions: =>
- @renderOptionsGroups()
- @renderOptionsMacros()
- renderOptionsGroups: =>
- @batchAssignInner.html $(App.view('ticket_overview/batch_overlay_user_group')(
- @validUsersForTicketSelection()
- ))
- renderOptionsMacros: =>
- @possibleMacros = []
- macros = App.Macro.getList()
- items = @el.find('[name="bulk"]:checked')
- group_ids =[]
- for item in items
- ticket = App.Ticket.find($(item).val())
- group_ids.push ticket.group_id
- group_ids = _.uniq(group_ids)
- for macro in macros
- # push if no group_ids exists
- if _.isEmpty(macro.group_ids) && !_.includes(@possibleMacros, macro)
- @possibleMacros.push macro
- # push if group_ids are equal
- if _.isEqual(macro.group_ids, group_ids) && !_.includes(@possibleMacros, macro)
- @possibleMacros.push macro
- # push if all group_ids of tickets are in macro.group_ids
- if !_.isEmpty(macro.group_ids) && _.isEmpty(_.difference(group_ids,macro.group_ids)) && !_.includes(@possibleMacros, macro)
- @possibleMacros.push macro
- @batchMacro.html $(App.view('ticket_overview/batch_overlay_macro')(
- macros: @possibleMacros
- ))
active: (state) =>
return @shown if state is undefined
@shown = state
@@ -1058,6 +518,8 @@ class Table extends App.Controller
# open ticket via task manager to provide task with overview info
ticket = App.Ticket.findNative(id)
+ return if !ticket
key: "Ticket-#{ticket.id}"
controller: 'TicketZoom'
@@ -1228,9 +690,11 @@ class Table extends App.Controller
@bulkForm.releaseController() if @bulkForm
@bulkForm = new App.TicketBulkForm(
- el: @el.find('.bulkAction')
- holder: @el
- view: @view
+ el: @el.find('.bulkAction')
+ holder: @el
+ view: @view
+ batchSuccess: =>
+ @render()
# start bulk action observ