@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+module RuboCop
+ module Cop
+ module Zammad
+ # This cop is used to identify usages of `find_by` in conditions and
+ # changes them to use `exists?` instead.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # # bad
+ # if User.find_by(name: 'Rubocop')
+ # if !User.find_by(name: 'Rubocop')
+ # unless User.find_by(name: 'Rubocop')
+ # if find_by(name: 'Rubocop')
+ # if !find_by(name: 'Rubocop')
+ # unless find_by(name: 'Rubocop')
+ #
+ # # good
+ # if User.exists?(name: 'Rubocop')
+ # if !User.exists?(name: 'Rubocop')
+ # unless User.exists?(name: 'Rubocop')
+ # if exists?(name: 'Rubocop')
+ # if !exists?(name: 'Rubocop')
+ # unless exists?(name: 'Rubocop')
+ class ExistsCondition < Cop
+ def_node_matcher :find_by_condition?, <<-PATTERN
+ {
+ $(send $_ :find_by ...)
+ (send $(send $_ :find_by ...) :!)
+ }
+ MSG = 'Use `%<prefer>s` instead of `%<current>s`.'.freeze
+ def on_if(node)
+ check_for_find_by(node)
+ end
+ def on_while(node)
+ check_for_find_by(node)
+ end
+ def on_while_post(node)
+ check_for_find_by(node)
+ end
+ def on_until(node)
+ check_for_find_by(node)
+ end
+ def on_until_post(node)
+ check_for_find_by(node)
+ end
+ def autocorrect(node)
+ lambda do |corrector|
+ corrector.replace(node.loc.selector, 'exists?')
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def check_for_find_by(node)
+ cond = condition(node)
+ handle_node(cond)
+ end
+ def check_node(node)
+ return unless node
+ if keyword_bang?(node)
+ receiver, = *node
+ handle_node(receiver)
+ elsif node.operator_keyword?
+ node.each_child_node { |op| handle_node(op) }
+ elsif node.begin_type? && node.children.one?
+ handle_node(node.children.first)
+ end
+ end
+ def keyword_bang?(node)
+ node.respond_to?(:keyword_bang?) && node.keyword_bang?
+ end
+ def handle_node(node)
+ if node.send_type?
+ check_offense(*find_by_condition?(node)) # rubocop:disable Rails/DynamicFindBy
+ elsif %i[and or begin].include?(node.type)
+ check_node(node)
+ end
+ end
+ def condition(node)
+ if node.send_type?
+ node.receiver
+ else
+ node.condition
+ end
+ end
+ def check_offense(method_call = nil, receiver = nil)
+ return if method_call.nil?
+ add_offense(method_call,
+ message: format(MSG,
+ prefer: replacement(receiver),
+ current: current(receiver)))
+ end
+ def current(node)
+ node.respond_to?(:source) ? "#{node.source}.find_by" : 'find_by'
+ end
+ def replacement(node)
+ node.respond_to?(:source) ? "#{node.source}.exists?" : 'exists?'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end