@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'Mobile > App links', app: :mobile, type: :system do
shared_examples 'redirecting to mobile app' do |source, target, authenticated: false|
- it 'redirects to mobile app and does not remember the choice' do
+ it 'redirects to mobile app' do
visit source, app: :desktop
if authenticated
@@ -54,10 +54,6 @@ RSpec.describe 'Mobile > App links', app: :mobile, type: :system do
click 'a', text: 'Continue to mobile'
expect_current_route(target, app: :mobile)
- visit source, app: :desktop
- expect_current_route(source, app: :desktop)
@@ -72,13 +68,41 @@ RSpec.describe 'Mobile > App links', app: :mobile, type: :system do
context 'with mobile user agent', mobile_user_agent: true do
+ before do
+ visit '/'
+ # Force desktop view in order to circumvent the automatic redirection to mobile.
+ page.evaluate_script "window.localStorage.setItem('forceDesktopApp', true)"
+ end
context 'when user is unauthenticated', authenticated_as: false do
it_behaves_like 'redirecting to mobile app', 'login', 'login'
context 'when user is authenticated' do
- it_behaves_like 'redirecting to mobile app', 'dashboard', '', authenticated: true
+ it_behaves_like 'redirecting to mobile app', 'profile', 'profile', authenticated: true
+ it_behaves_like 'redirecting to mobile app', 'profile/avatar', 'profile/avatar', authenticated: true
+ it_behaves_like 'redirecting to mobile app', 'organization/profile/1', 'organization/profile/1', authenticated: true
+ it_behaves_like 'redirecting to mobile app', 'search/string', 'search/ticket?search=string', authenticated: true
+ it_behaves_like 'redirecting to mobile app', 'ticket/create', 'ticket/create', authenticated: true
+ it_behaves_like 'redirecting to mobile app', 'ticket/zoom/1', 'ticket/zoom/1', authenticated: true
+ it_behaves_like 'redirecting to mobile app', 'user/profile/1', 'user/profile/1', authenticated: true
+ it_behaves_like 'redirecting to mobile app', 'dashboard', '#dashboard', authenticated: true
+ context 'with customer user', authenticated_as: :customer do
+ let(:customer) { create(:customer) }
+ it_behaves_like 'redirecting to mobile app', 'ticket/view/my_tickets', 'ticket/view/my_tickets', authenticated: true
+ end
+ context 'with mobile device detection', mobile_user_agent: true do
+ it 'automatically redirects to mobile app' do
+ visit '/', app: :desktop
+ expect_current_route('/', app: :mobile)
+ end
+ end