@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+class Index extends App.ControllerContent
+ className: 'getstarted fit'
+ elements:
+ '.input-feedback': 'urlStatus'
+ '[data-target=otrs-start-migration]': 'nextStartMigration'
+ '.otrs-link-error': 'linkErrorMessage'
+ events:
+ 'click .js-otrs-link': 'showLink'
+ 'click .js-download': 'startDownload'
+ 'click .js-migration-start': 'startMigration'
+ 'keyup #otrs-link': 'updateUrl'
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ # set title
+ @title 'Import'
+ @fetch()
+ fetch: ->
+ # get data
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'getting_started',
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: @apiPath + '/getting_started',
+ processData: true,
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ # redirect to login if master user already exists
+ if @Config.get('system_init_done')
+ @navigate '#login'
+ return
+ # check if import is active
+ if data.import_mode == true && data.import_backend != 'otrs'
+ @navigate '#import/' + data.import_backend
+ return
+ # render page
+ @render()
+ if data.import_mode == true
+ @showImportState()
+ @updateMigration()
+ )
+ render: ->
+ @html App.view('import/otrs')()
+ startDownload: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @$('.js-otrs-link').removeClass('hide')
+ showLink: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @$('[data-slide=otrs-plugin]').toggleClass('hide')
+ @$('[data-slide=otrs-link]').toggleClass('hide')
+ showImportState: =>
+ @$('[data-slide=otrs-plugin]').addClass('hide')
+ @$('[data-slide=otrs-link]').addClass('hide')
+ @$('[data-slide=otrs-import]').removeClass('hide')
+ updateUrl: (e) =>
+ url = $(e.target).val()
+ @urlStatus.attr('data-state', 'loading')
+ @linkErrorMessage.text('')
+ # get data
+ callback = =>
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'import_otrs_url',
+ type: 'POST',
+ url: @apiPath + '/import/otrs/url_check',
+ data: JSON.stringify(url: url)
+ processData: true,
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ # validate form
+ console.log(data)
+ if data.result is 'ok'
+ @urlStatus.attr('data-state', 'success')
+ @linkErrorMessage.text('')
+ @nextStartMigration.removeClass('hide')
+ else
+ @urlStatus.attr('data-state', 'error')
+ @linkErrorMessage.text( data.message_human || data.message )
+ @nextStartMigration.addClass('hide')
+ )
+ @delay( callback, 700, 'import_otrs_url' )
+ startMigration: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @showImportState()
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'import_start',
+ type: 'POST',
+ url: @apiPath + '/import/otrs/import_start',
+ processData: true,
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ # validate form
+ console.log(data)
+ if data.result is 'ok'
+ @delay( @updateMigration, 3000 )
+ )
+ updateMigration: =>
+ @showImportState()
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'import_status',
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: @apiPath + '/import/otrs/import_status',
+ processData: true,
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ if data.setup_done
+ @Config.set('system_init_done', true)
+ @navigate '#'
+ return
+ for key, item of data.data
+ element = @$('.js-' + key.toLowerCase() )
+ element.find('.js-done').text(item.done)
+ element.find('.js-total').text(item.total)
+ element.find('progress').attr('max', item.total )
+ element.find('progress').attr('value', item.done )
+ if item.total <= item.done
+ element.addClass('is-done')
+ else
+ element.removeClass('is-done')
+ @delay( @updateMigration, 5000 )
+ )
+App.Config.set( 'import/zendesk', Index, 'Routes' )
+App.Config.set( 'zendesk', {
+ title: 'Zendesk'
+ name: 'Zendesk'
+ class: 'js-zendesk'
+ url: '#import/zendesk'
+}, 'ImportPlugins' )