@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/
+import type { Story } from '@storybook/vue3'
+import { FormKit } from '@formkit/vue'
+import { escapeRegExp } from 'lodash-es'
+import gql from 'graphql-tag'
+import defaultArgTypes from '@stories/support/form/field/defaultArgTypes'
+import type { FieldArgs } from '@stories/types/form'
+import { createMockClient } from 'mock-apollo-client'
+import { provideApolloClient } from '@vue/apollo-composable'
+import type { AutoCompleteOption } from '../FieldAutoComplete'
+export default {
+ title: 'Form/Field/Recipient',
+ component: FormKit,
+ argTypes: {
+ ...defaultArgTypes,
+ options: {
+ type: { name: 'array', required: true },
+ description: 'List of initial recipients',
+ table: {
+ expanded: true,
+ type: {
+ summary: 'AutoCompleteOption[]',
+ detail: `{
+ value: string | number
+ label: string
+ labelPlaceholder?: string[]
+ heading?: string
+ headingPlaceholder?: string[]
+ disabled?: boolean
+ icon?: string
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ action: {
+ description: 'Defines route for an optional action button in the dialog',
+ },
+ actionIcon: {
+ description: 'Defines optional icon for the action button in the dialog',
+ },
+ autoselect: {
+ description:
+ 'Automatically selects last option when and only when option list length equals one',
+ },
+ clearable: {
+ description: 'Allows clearing of selected values',
+ },
+ debounceInterval: {
+ description:
+ 'Defines interval for debouncing search input (default: 500)',
+ },
+ gqlQuery: {
+ description: 'Defines GraphQL query for the recipient search',
+ },
+ limit: {
+ description: 'Controls maximum number of results',
+ },
+ multiple: {
+ description: 'Allows multi selection',
+ },
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: {
+ description: 'Skips translation of option labels',
+ },
+ optionIconComponent: {
+ type: { name: 'Component', required: false },
+ description:
+ 'Controls which type of icon component will be used for options',
+ },
+ sorting: {
+ type: { name: 'string', required: false },
+ description: 'Sorts options by property',
+ table: {
+ type: {
+ summary: "'label' | 'value'",
+ },
+ },
+ options: [undefined, 'label', 'value'],
+ control: {
+ type: 'select',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+const testOptions: AutoCompleteOption[] = [
+ {
+ value: 'baz@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Baz',
+ heading: 'baz@bar.tld',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'qux@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Qux',
+ heading: 'qux@bar.tld',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'corge@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Corge',
+ heading: 'corge@bar.tld',
+ },
+const AutocompleteSearchRecipientDocument = gql`
+ query autocompleteSearchRecipient($query: String!, $limit: Int) {
+ autocompleteSearchRecipient(query: $query, limit: $limit) {
+ value
+ label
+ labelPlaceholder
+ heading
+ headingPlaceholder
+ disabled
+ icon
+ }
+ }
+type AutocompleteSearchRecipientQuery = {
+ __typename?: 'Queries'
+ autocompleteSearchRecipient: Array<{
+ __typename?: 'AutocompleteEntry'
+ value: string
+ label: string
+ labelPlaceholder?: Array<string> | null
+ heading?: string | null
+ headingPlaceholder?: Array<string> | null
+ disabled?: boolean | null
+ icon?: string | null
+ }>
+const mockQueryResult = (
+ query: string,
+ limit: number,
+): AutocompleteSearchRecipientQuery => {
+ const options = testOptions.map((option) => ({
+ ...option,
+ labelPlaceholder: null,
+ headingPlaceholder: null,
+ disabled: null,
+ icon: null,
+ __typename: 'AutocompleteEntry',
+ }))
+ const deaccent = (s: string) =>
+ s.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '')
+ // Trim and de-accent search keywords and compile them as a case-insensitive regex.
+ // Make sure to escape special regex characters!
+ const filterRegex = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(deaccent(query)), 'i')
+ // Search across options via their de-accented labels.
+ const filteredOptions = options.filter(
+ (option) =>
+ filterRegex.test(deaccent(option.label)) ||
+ filterRegex.test(deaccent(option.heading as string)),
+ ) as unknown as {
+ __typename?: 'AutocompleteEntry'
+ value: string
+ label: string
+ labelPlaceholder?: Array<string> | null
+ disabled?: boolean | null
+ icon?: string | null
+ }[]
+ return {
+ autocompleteSearchRecipient: filteredOptions.slice(0, limit ?? 25),
+ }
+const mockClient = () => {
+ const mockApolloClient = createMockClient()
+ mockApolloClient.setRequestHandler(
+ AutocompleteSearchRecipientDocument,
+ (variables) => {
+ return Promise.resolve({
+ data: mockQueryResult(variables.query, variables.limit),
+ })
+ },
+ )
+ provideApolloClient(mockApolloClient)
+const Template: Story<FieldArgs> = (args: FieldArgs) => ({
+ components: { FormKit },
+ setup() {
+ mockClient()
+ return { args }
+ },
+ template: '<FormKit type="recipient" v-bind="args"/>',
+export const Default = Template.bind({})
+Default.args = {
+ options: null,
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Recipient',
+ name: 'recipient',
+export const InitialOptions = Template.bind({})
+InitialOptions.args = {
+ options: testOptions,
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Initial Options',
+ name: 'recipient_options',
+export const DefaultValue = Template.bind({})
+DefaultValue.args = {
+ options: null,
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Default Value',
+ name: 'recipient_default_value',
+ value: 'corge@bar.tld',
+export const ClearableValue = Template.bind({})
+ClearableValue.args = {
+ options: testOptions,
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: true,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Clearable Value',
+ name: 'recipient_clearable',
+ value: 'qux@bar.tld',
+export const QueryLimit = Template.bind({})
+QueryLimit.args = {
+ options: null,
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: 1,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Query Limit',
+ name: 'recipient_limit',
+export const DisabledState = Template.bind({})
+DisabledState.args = {
+ options: testOptions,
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Disabled State',
+ name: 'recipient_disabled',
+ value: 'baz@bar.tld',
+ disabled: true,
+export const MultipleSelection = Template.bind({})
+MultipleSelection.args = {
+ options: testOptions,
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: true,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Multiple Selection',
+ name: 'recipient_multiple',
+ value: ['baz@bar.tld', 'corge@bar.tld'],
+export const OptionSorting = Template.bind({})
+OptionSorting.args = {
+ options: testOptions.reverse(),
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: 'label',
+ label: 'Option Sorting',
+ name: 'recipient_sorting',
+export const OptionTranslation = Template.bind({})
+OptionTranslation.args = {
+ options: [
+ {
+ value: 'baz@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Baz (%s)',
+ labelPlaceholder: ['1st'],
+ heading: 'baz@bar.tld',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'qux@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Qux (%s)',
+ labelPlaceholder: ['2nd'],
+ heading: 'qux@bar.tld',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'corge@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Corge (%s)',
+ labelPlaceholder: ['3rd'],
+ heading: 'corge@bar.tld',
+ },
+ ],
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Option Translation',
+ name: 'recipient_translation',
+export const OptionAutoselect = Template.bind({})
+OptionAutoselect.args = {
+ options: [
+ {
+ value: 'foo@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Foo',
+ heading: 'foo@bar.tld',
+ },
+ ],
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: true,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Option Autoselect',
+ name: 'recipient_autoselect',
+export const OptionDisabled = Template.bind({})
+OptionDisabled.args = {
+ options: [
+ {
+ value: 'baz@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Baz',
+ heading: 'baz@bar.tld',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'qux@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Qux',
+ heading: 'qux@bar.tld',
+ disabled: true,
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'corge@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Corge',
+ heading: 'corge@bar.tld',
+ },
+ ],
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Option Disabled',
+ name: 'recipient_disabled',
+export const OptionIcon = Template.bind({})
+OptionIcon.args = {
+ options: [
+ {
+ value: 'baz@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Baz',
+ heading: 'baz@bar.tld',
+ icon: 'email',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'qux@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Qux',
+ heading: 'qux@bar.tld',
+ icon: 'email',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'corge@bar.tld',
+ label: 'Corge',
+ heading: 'corge@bar.tld',
+ icon: 'email',
+ },
+ ],
+ action: null,
+ actionIcon: null,
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Option Icon',
+ name: 'recipient_icon',
+export const AdditionalAction = Template.bind({})
+AdditionalAction.args = {
+ options: null,
+ action: '/tickets',
+ actionIcon: 'web',
+ autoselect: false,
+ clearable: false,
+ limit: null,
+ multiple: false,
+ noOptionsLabelTranslation: false,
+ size: null,
+ sorting: null,
+ label: 'Additional Action',
+ name: 'recipient_action',