@@ -534,9 +534,12 @@ curl http://localhost/api/v1/users/email_verify_send -v -u #{login}:#{password}
raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'No email!' if !params[:email]
- # check is verify is possible to send
user = User.find_by(email: params[:email].downcase)
- raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, 'No such user!' if !user
+ if !user
+ # result is always positive to avoid leaking of existing user accounts
+ render json: { message: 'ok' }, status: :ok
+ return
+ end
#if user.verified == true
# render json: { error: 'Already verified!' }, status: :unprocessable_entity
@@ -615,14 +618,10 @@ curl http://localhost/api/v1/users/password_reset -v -u #{login}:#{password} -H
render json: { message: 'ok', token: result[:token].name }, status: :ok
- # token sent to user, send ok to browser
- render json: { message: 'ok' }, status: :ok
- return
- # unable to generate token
- render json: { message: 'failed' }, status: :ok
+ # result is always positive to avoid leaking of existing user accounts
+ render json: { message: 'ok' }, status: :ok