@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+class App.TwoFactorConfigurationModalSecurityKeys extends App.TwoFactorConfigurationModal
+ buttonSubmit: __('Set Up')
+ buttonClass: 'btn--success'
+ head: __('Security Keys')
+ content: ->
+ false
+ render: ->
+ super
+ $('.modal .js-loading').removeClass('hide')
+ $('.modal .js-submit').prop('disabled', true)
+ callback = (data) =>
+ @config = data?.configuration or {}
+ @credentials = @config?.credentials or []
+ content = $(App.view('widget/two_factor_configuration/security_keys/index')())
+ $('.modal .js-loading').addClass('hide')
+ $('.modal-body').html(content)
+ $('.modal .js-submit').prop('disabled', false)
+ return if not @credentials.length
+ # Show the table with the keys only if there is at least one configured.
+ $('.modal-body').find('.js-table').html(@renderTable().el)
+ @fetchExistingSecurityKeys(callback)
+ fetchExistingSecurityKeys: (callback) =>
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'two_factor_authentication_method_configuration'
+ type: 'GET'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/users/two_factor_authentication_method_configuration/security_keys"
+ success: callback
+ error: callback
+ )
+ renderTable: =>
+ new App.ControllerTable(
+ customActions: [
+ name: 'remove'
+ display: __('Remove')
+ icon: 'trash'
+ class: 'btn--danger'
+ callback: @removeSecurityKey
+ ]
+ overview: ['nickname', 'created_at']
+ attribute_list: [
+ { name: 'nickname', display: __('Name'), type: 'text' },
+ { name: 'created_at', display: __('Created at'), tag: 'datetime' },
+ ]
+ objects: _.map(@credentials, (credential) ->
+ _.extend(credential,
+ id: credential.external_id
+ )
+ )
+ pagerEnabled: false
+ )
+ confirmRemoval: (id) =>
+ credential = @credentials.find((credential) -> credential.external_id is id)
+ new App.ControllerConfirm(
+ head: __('Are you sure?')
+ message: App.i18n.translatePlain('Security key "%s" will be removed.', credential.nickname)
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ small: true
+ callback: =>
+ @removeSecurityKey(id)
+ )
+ removeSecurityKey: (id) =>
+ newConfiguration = _.extend({}, @config)
+ newConfiguration.credentials = _.filter(@credentials, (credential) -> credential.external_id isnt id)
+ data =
+ configuration: _.extend({}, @config,
+ credentials: _.filter(@credentials, (credential) -> credential.external_id isnt id)
+ )
+ # Remove the complete configuration if it's the last key.
+ data.configuration = null if not data.configuration.credentials.length
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'two_factor_authentication_method_configuration'
+ type: 'PUT'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/users/two_factor_authentication_method_configuration/security_keys"
+ data: JSON.stringify(data)
+ processData: true
+ success: =>
+ # Refresh the table in the password profile screen.
+ @successCallback()
+ @render()
+ )
+ nextModalClass: ->
+ App.TwoFactorConfigurationModalSecurityKeyConfig
+ onSubmit: (e) ->
+ # Pass the modal options to the next modal instance.
+ @next(
+ container: @container
+ successCallback: @successCallback
+ )
+ # We are not calling `super`, since we do not want to call success callback yet.
+class App.TwoFactorConfigurationModalSecurityKeyConfig extends App.TwoFactorConfigurationModal
+ buttonSubmit: __('Next')
+ buttonClass: 'btn--primary'
+ head: __('Security Key')
+ content: ->
+ false
+ render: ->
+ super
+ configure_attributes = [
+ { name: 'nickname', display: __('Name for this security key'), tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 255, null: false, class: 'input' }
+ ]
+ @payloadForm = new App.ControllerForm(
+ elReplace: $('.modal-body')
+ model: { configure_attributes: configure_attributes }
+ )
+ nextModalClass: ->
+ App.TwoFactorConfigurationModalSecurityKeyRegister
+ onSubmit: (e) ->
+ params = @formParam(e.target)
+ errors = @payloadForm.validate(params)
+ if !_.isEmpty(errors)
+ @formValidate(form: e.target, errors: errors)
+ return false
+ # Pass the modal options to the next modal instance.
+ @next(
+ container: @container
+ nickname: params.nickname
+ successCallback: @successCallback
+ )
+ # We are not calling `super`, since we do not want to call success callback yet.
+class App.TwoFactorConfigurationModalSecurityKeyRegister extends App.TwoFactorConfigurationModal
+ buttonSubmit: __('Retry')
+ buttonClass: 'btn--primary hidden'
+ head: __('Security Key')
+ constructor: ->
+ @method = App.Config.get('TwoFactorMethods').SecurityKeys
+ super
+ content: ->
+ false
+ render: ->
+ super
+ $('.modal .js-loading').removeClass('hide')
+ callback = (data) =>
+ @config = data.configuration
+ content = $(App.view('widget/two_factor_configuration/security_keys/register')())
+ $('.modal .js-loading').addClass('hide')
+ $('.modal-body').html(content)
+ @onSubmit()
+ @fetchInitialConfiguration(callback)
+ fetchInitialConfiguration: (callback) =>
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'two_factor_authentication_method_initiate_configuration'
+ type: 'GET'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/users/two_factor_authentication_method_initiate_configuration/#{@method.key}"
+ success: callback
+ )
+ showError: (message = __('Security key set up failed.')) =>
+ @el.find('.main').hide()
+ @showAlert(message)
+ @el.find('.js-submit').removeClass('hidden')
+ hideError: =>
+ @el.find('.js-submit').addClass('hidden')
+ @clearAlerts()
+ @el.find('.main').show()
+ onSubmit: =>
+ @hideError()
+ if not window.isSecureContext
+ @showError(__('The application is not running in a secure context.'))
+ return
+ webauthnJSON
+ .create(publicKey: @config)
+ .then((publicKeyCredential) =>
+ data = JSON.stringify(
+ method: @method.key
+ payload:
+ credential: publicKeyCredential
+ challenge: @config.challenge
+ configuration: _.extend({}, @config, { nickname: @nickname, type: 'registration' })
+ )
+ @ajax
+ id: 'two_factor_verify_configuration'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/users/two_factor_verify_configuration"
+ data: data
+ processData: true
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ if data?.verified
+ @finalizeConfigurationWizard(data)
+ return
+ App.Log.error('TwoFactorConfigurationModalSecurityKeyRegister', data, status)
+ @showError()
+ )
+ .catch((e) =>
+ App.Log.error('TwoFactorConfigurationModalSecurityKeyRegister', e)
+ @showError()
+ )