@@ -11,47 +11,87 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerContent
return if !@authenticate()
@title 'Translations', true
+ @locale = App.i18n.get()
+ @bind(
+ 'i18n:translation_update',
+ =>
+ @load()
+ )
render: =>
- @html App.view('translation/index')()
- options = {}
locales = App.Locale.all()
+ currentLanguage = @locale
for locale in locales
- options[locale.locale] = locale.name
- configure_attributes = [
- { name: 'locale', display: '', tag: 'select', null: false, class: 'input', options: options, default: App.i18n.get() },
- ]
- load = (params) =>
- @translationToDo = new TranslationToDo(
- el: @$('.js-ToDo')
- locale: params.locale
- )
- @translationList = new TranslationList(
- el: @$('.js-List')
- locale: params.locale
- )
+ if locale.locale is @locale
+ currentLanguage = locale.name
+ @html App.view('translation/index')(
+ currentLanguage: currentLanguage
+ )
+ @load()
- new App.ControllerForm(
- el: @$('.language')
- model: { configure_attributes: configure_attributes }
- autofocus: false
- handlers: [load]
+ load: =>
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'translations_admin'
+ type: 'GET'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/translations/admin/lang/#{@locale}"
+ processData: true
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ @times = []
+ @stringsNotTranslated = []
+ @stringsTranslated = []
+ for item in data.list
+ # if item has changed
+ if item[2] isnt item[3]
+ @showAction()
+ # collect items
+ if item[4] is 'time'
+ @times.push item
+ else
+ if item[2] is ''
+ @stringsNotTranslated.push item
+ else
+ @stringsTranslated.push item
+ if !@translationToDo
+ @translationToDo = new TranslationToDo(
+ el: @$('.js-ToDo')
+ locale: @locale
+ )
+ @translationToDo.update(
+ stringsNotTranslated: @stringsNotTranslated
+ stringsTranslated: @stringsTranslated
+ times: @times
+ )
+ if !@translationList
+ @translationList = new TranslationList(
+ el: @$('.js-List')
+ locale: @locale
+ )
+ @translationList.update(
+ stringsNotTranslated: @stringsNotTranslated
+ stringsTranslated: @stringsTranslated
+ times: @times
+ )
+ showAction: =>
+ @$('.js-changes').removeClass('hidden')
release: =>
rerender = ->
- if @translationToDo.changes() || @translationList.changes()
+ console.log('rr')
+ if @translationList.changes()
App.Delay.set(rerender, 400)
+ console.log('111', @translationList.changes())
hideAction: =>
pushChanges: =>
- locale = @$('[name="locale"]').val()
@loader = new App.ControllerModalLoading(
head: 'Push my changes'
message: 'Pushing translations to i18n.zammad.com'
@@ -62,7 +102,7 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerContent
id: 'translations'
type: 'PUT'
url: "#{@apiPath}/translations/push"
- data: JSON.stringify(locale: locale)
+ data: JSON.stringify(locale: @locale)
processData: false
success: (data, status, xhr) =>
@loader.update('Thanks for contributing!')
@@ -73,8 +113,6 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerContent
resetChanges: =>
- locale = @$('[name="locale"]').val()
@loader = new App.ControllerModalLoading(
head: 'Reset changes'
message: 'Reseting changes...'
@@ -85,11 +123,10 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerContent
id: 'translations'
type: 'POST'
url: "#{@apiPath}/translations/reset"
- data: JSON.stringify(locale: locale)
+ data: JSON.stringify(locale: @locale)
processData: false
success: (data, status, xhr) =>
- App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_todo_reload')
- App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_list_reload')
+ App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_update')
error: =>
@@ -97,8 +134,6 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerContent
syncChanges: =>
- locale = @$('[name="locale"]').val()
@loader = new App.ControllerModalLoading(
head: 'Get latest translations'
message: 'Getting latest translations from i18n.zammad.com'
@@ -106,8 +141,7 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerContent
hide = =>
- App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_todo_reload')
- App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_list_reload')
+ App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_update')
@@ -131,19 +165,17 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerContent
class TranslationToDo extends App.Controller
- hasChanges: false
'click .js-create': 'create'
'click .js-theSame': 'same'
constructor: ->
+ update: (data) =>
+ for key, value of data
+ @[key] = value
- @bind(
- 'i18n:translation_todo_reload',
- =>
- @render()
- )
render: =>
@@ -151,42 +183,37 @@ class TranslationToDo extends App.Controller
@html App.view('translation/english')()
- if !App.i18n.getNotTranslated(@locale)
+ if !App.i18n.getNotTranslated(@locale) && _.isEmpty(@stringsNotTranslated)
@html ''
- listNotTranslated = []
- for key, value of App.i18n.getNotTranslated(@locale)
- item = [ '', key, '', '']
- listNotTranslated.push item
+ if App.i18n.getNotTranslated(@locale)
+ for key, value of App.i18n.getNotTranslated(@locale)
+ item = [ '', key, '', '']
+ @stringsNotTranslated.push item
@html App.view('translation/todo')(
- list: listNotTranslated
+ list: @stringsNotTranslated
- showAction: =>
- @el.closest('.content').find('.js-changes').removeClass('hidden')
- changes: =>
- @hasChanges
create: (e) =>
- @hasChanges = true
- @showAction()
field = $(e.target).closest('tr').find('.js-Item')
+ id = field.data('id')
source = field.data('source')
+ format = 'string'
target = field.val()
+ return if !target
# remove from not translated list
# local update
- App.i18n.removeNotTranslated( @locale, source )
+ App.i18n.removeNotTranslated(@locale, source)
# update runtime if same language is used
if App.i18n.get() is @locale
- App.i18n.setMap( source, target, 'string' )
+ App.i18n.setMap(source, target, 'string')
# remote update
params =
@@ -195,20 +222,27 @@ class TranslationToDo extends App.Controller
target: target
target_initial: ''
+ if id
+ method = 'PUT'
+ params.id = id
+ url = "#{@apiPath}/translations/#{id}"
+ else
+ method = 'POST'
+ url = "#{@apiPath}/translations"
id: 'translations'
- type: 'POST'
- url: @apiPath + '/translations'
+ type: method
+ url: url
data: JSON.stringify(params)
processData: false
success: (data, status, xhr) ->
- App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_list_reload')
+ App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_update')
same: (e) =>
@hasChanges = true
- @showAction()
field = $(e.target).closest('tr').find('.js-Item')
source = field.data('source')
@@ -216,11 +250,11 @@ class TranslationToDo extends App.Controller
# local update
- App.i18n.removeNotTranslated( @locale, source )
+ App.i18n.removeNotTranslated(@locale, source)
# update runtime if same language is used
if App.i18n.get() is @locale
- App.i18n.setMap( source, source, 'string' )
+ App.i18n.setMap(source, source, 'string')
# remote update
params =
@@ -236,65 +270,33 @@ class TranslationToDo extends App.Controller
data: JSON.stringify(params)
processData: false
success: (data, status, xhr) ->
- App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_list_reload')
+ App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_update')
class TranslationList extends App.Controller
hasChanges: false
- 'blur .js-translated input': 'update'
- 'click .js-translated .js-Reset': 'reset'
+ 'blur .js-translated input': 'updateItem'
+ 'click .js-translated .js-Reset': 'resetItem'
constructor: ->
- @load()
- @bind(
- 'i18n:translation_list_reload',
- =>
- @load()
- )
- load: =>
- @startLoading()
- @ajax(
- id: 'translations_admin'
- type: 'GET'
- url: @apiPath + "/translations/admin/lang/#{@locale}"
- processData: true
- success: (data, status, xhr) =>
- @stopLoading()
- @render(data)
- )
- render: (data = {}) =>
- @strings = []
- @times = []
- for item in data.list
- if item[4] is 'time'
- @times.push item
- else
- @strings.push item
+ update: (data) =>
+ for key, value of data
+ @[key] = value
+ @render()
+ render: =>
@html App.view('translation/list')(
times: @times
- strings: @strings
+ strings: @stringsTranslated
- ui = @
- @changesAvailable = false
- @$('.js-Item').each( (e) ->
- id = $(@).data('id')
- ui.updateRow(id)
- )
- if @changesAvailable
- @showAction()
- showAction: =>
- @el.closest('.content').find('.js-changes').removeClass('hidden')
changes: =>
- reset: (e) ->
+ resetItem: (e) ->
@hasChanges = true
field = $(e.target).closest('tr').find('.js-Item')
@@ -303,38 +305,12 @@ class TranslationList extends App.Controller
initial = field.data('initial')
format = field.data('format')
- # if it's translated by user it self, delete it
- if !initial || initial is ''
- # locale reset
- $(e.target).closest('tr').remove()
- # update runtime if same language is used
- if App.i18n.get() is @locale
- App.i18n.setMap( source, '', format )
- # remote reset
- params =
- id: id
- @ajax(
- id: 'translations'
- type: 'DELETE'
- url: @apiPath + '/translations/' + id
- data: JSON.stringify(params)
- processData: false
- success: =>
- App.i18n.setNotTranslated( @locale, source )
- App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_todo_reload')
- )
- return
# update runtime if same language is used
if App.i18n.get() is @locale
- App.i18n.setMap( source, initial, format )
+ App.i18n.setMap(source, initial, format)
# locale reset
- field.val( initial )
+ field.val(initial)
# remote reset
@@ -345,24 +321,29 @@ class TranslationList extends App.Controller
id: 'translations'
type: 'PUT'
- url: @apiPath + '/translations/' + id
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/translations/#{id}"
data: JSON.stringify(params)
processData: false
+ success: (data, status, xhr) ->
+ App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_update')
- update: (e) ->
+ updateItem: (e) ->
- id = $( e.target ).data('id')
- source = $( e.target ).data('source')
- format = $( e.target ).data('format')
- target = $( e.target ).val()
+ @hasChanges = true
+ field = $(e.target).closest('tr').find('.js-Item')
+ id = field.data('id')
+ source = field.data('source')
+ format = field.data('format')
+ target = field.val()
+ return if !target
# local update
# update runtime if same language is used
if App.i18n.get() is @locale
- App.i18n.setMap( source, target, format )
+ App.i18n.setMap(source, target, format)
# remote update
params =
@@ -372,9 +353,11 @@ class TranslationList extends App.Controller
id: 'translations'
type: 'PUT'
- url: @apiPath + '/translations/' + id
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/translations/#{id}"
data: JSON.stringify(params)
processData: false
+ success: (data, status, xhr) ->
+ App.Event.trigger('i18n:translation_update')
updateRow: (id) =>
@@ -384,11 +367,10 @@ class TranslationList extends App.Controller
reset = field.closest('tr').find('.js-Reset')
if current isnt initial
@changesAvailable = true
- @showAction()
- reset.show()
+ reset.removeClass('hidden')
- reset.hide()
+ reset.addClass('hidden')
-App.Config.set( 'Translation', { prio: 1800, parent: '#system', name: 'Translations', target: '#system/translation', controller: Index, role: ['Admin'] }, 'NavBarAdmin' )
+App.Config.set('Translation', { prio: 1800, parent: '#system', name: 'Translations', target: '#system/translation', controller: Index, role: ['Admin'] }, 'NavBarAdmin' )