@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class Observer::Ticket::Notification::BackgroundJob
created_by_id: ticket.updated_by_id || 1,
user_id: user.id,
- Rails.logger.info "send ticket online notifiaction to agent (#{@p[:type]}/#{ticket.id}/#{user.email})"
+ Rails.logger.debug "sent ticket online notifiaction to agent (#{@p[:type]}/#{ticket.id}/#{user.email})"
# ignore email channel notificaiton and empty emails
@@ -147,39 +147,26 @@ class Observer::Ticket::Notification::BackgroundJob
# get user based notification template
# if create, send create message / block update messages
+ template = nil
if @p[:type] == 'create'
- template = template_create(user, ticket, article, changes)
+ template = 'ticket_create'
elsif @p[:type] == 'update'
- template = template_update(user, ticket, article, changes)
+ template = 'ticket_update'
fail "unknown type for notification #{@p[:type]}"
- # prepare subject & body
- notification = {}
- [:subject, :body].each { |key|
- notification[key.to_sym] = NotificationFactory.build(
- locale: user.preferences[:locale],
- string: template[key],
- objects: {
- ticket: ticket,
- article: article,
- recipient: user,
- }
- )
- }
- # rebuild subject
- notification[:subject] = ticket.subject_build(notification[:subject])
- Rails.logger.info "send ticket email notifiaction to agent (#{@p[:type]}/#{ticket.id}/#{user.email})"
- NotificationFactory.send(
- recipient: user,
- subject: notification[:subject],
- body: notification[:body],
- content_type: 'text/html',
+ NotificationFactory.notification(
+ template: template,
+ user: user,
+ objects: {
+ ticket: ticket,
+ article: article,
+ recipient: user,
+ changes: changes,
+ }
+ Rails.logger.debug "sent ticket email notifiaction to agent (#{@p[:type]}/#{ticket.id}/#{user.email})"
@@ -203,6 +190,7 @@ class Observer::Ticket::Notification::BackgroundJob
def human_changes(user, record)
return {} if !@p[:changes]
+ locale = user.preferences[:locale] || 'en-us'
# only show allowed attributes
attribute_list = ObjectManager::Attribute.by_object_as_hash('Ticket', user)
@@ -278,7 +266,9 @@ class Observer::Ticket::Notification::BackgroundJob
display = object_manager_attribute[:display].to_s
changes[display] = if object_manager_attribute && object_manager_attribute[:translate]
- ["i18n(#{value_str[0]})", "i18n(#{value_str[1]})"]
+ from = Translation.translate(locale, value_str[0])
+ to = Translation.translate(locale, value_str[1])
+ [from, to]
[value_str[0].to_s, value_str[1].to_s]
@@ -286,176 +276,4 @@ class Observer::Ticket::Notification::BackgroundJob
- def template_create(user, ticket, article, _ticket_changes)
- article_content = ''
- if article
- article_content = 'i18n(Information):
-<blockquote type="cite">
- end
- if user.preferences[:locale] =~ /^de/i
- subject = 'Neues Ticket (#{ticket.title})'
- body = '<div>Hallo #{recipient.firstname.text2html},</div>
-es wurde ein neues Ticket (#{ticket.title.text2html}) von "<b>#{ticket.updated_by.fullname.text2html}</b>" erstellt.
-i18n(Group): #{ticket.group.name.text2html}<br>
-i18n(Owner): #{ticket.owner.fullname.text2html}<br>
-i18n(State): i18n(#{ticket.state.name.text2html})<br>
-' + article_content + '
- else
- subject = 'New Ticket (#{ticket.title})'
- body = '<div>Hi #{recipient.firstname.text2html},</div>
-a new Ticket (#{ticket.title.text2html}) has been created by "<b>#{ticket.updated_by.fullname.text2html}</b>".
-Group: #{ticket.group.name.text2html}<br>
-Owner: #{ticket.owner.fullname.text2html}<br>
-State: i18n(#{ticket.state.name.text2html})<br>
-' + article_content + '
- end
- body = template_header(user) + body
- body += template_footer(user, ticket, article)
- template = {
- subject: subject,
- body: body,
- }
- template
- end
- def template_update(user, ticket, article, ticket_changes)
- changes = ''
- ticket_changes.each {|key, value|
- changes += "i18n(#{key.to_s.text2html}): #{value[0].to_s.text2html} -> #{value[1].to_s.text2html}<br>\n"
- }
- article_content = ''
- if article
- article_content = 'i18n(Information):
-<blockquote type="cite">
- end
- if user.preferences[:locale] =~ /^de/i
- subject = 'Ticket aktualisiert (#{ticket.title})'
- body = '<div>Hallo #{recipient.firstname.text2html},</div>
-Ticket (#{ticket.title.text2html}) wurde von "<b>#{ticket.updated_by.fullname.text2html}</b>" aktualisiert.
-' + changes + '
-' + article_content + '
- else
- subject = 'Updated Ticket (#{ticket.title})'
- body = '<div>Hi #{recipient.firstname.text2html},</div>
-Ticket (#{ticket.title.text2html}) has been updated by "<b>#{ticket.updated_by.fullname.text2html}</b>".
-' + changes + '
-' + article_content + '
- end
- body = template_header(user) + body
- body += template_footer(user, ticket, article)
- template = {
- subject: subject,
- body: body,
- }
- template
- end
- def template_header(_user)
- '
-<style type="text/css">
- blockquote {
- border-left: 2px solid blue;
- padding-left: 1em;
- }
- .header {
- color: #aaaaaa;
- border-bottom-style:solid;
- border-bottom-width:1px;
- border-bottom-color:#aaaaaa;
- width: 100%;
- max-width: 600px;
- padding-bottom: 6px;
- margin-bottom: 16px;
- padding-top: 6px;
- font-size: 16px;
- }
- .footer {
- color: #aaaaaa;
- border-top-style:solid;
- border-top-width:1px;
- border-top-color:#aaaaaa;
- width: 100%;
- max-width: 600px;
- padding-top: 6px;
- margin-top: 16px;
- padding-botton: 6px;
- }
- .footer a {
- color: #aaaaaa;
- }
-<div class="header">
- #{config.product_name} i18n(Notification)
- end
- def template_footer(_user, _ticket, _article)
- '
- <a href="#{config.http_type}://#{config.fqdn}/#ticket/zoom/#{ticket.id}" target="zammad_app">i18n(View this in Zammad)</a>
-<div class="footer">
- <a href="#{config.http_type}://#{config.fqdn}/#profile/notifications">i18n(Manage your notifications settings)</a>
- end