@@ -1,47 +1,60 @@
<!-- Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/ -->
<script setup lang="ts">
-import { computed, nextTick, ref, toRef, watch } from 'vue'
-import { escapeRegExp } from 'lodash-es'
-import { Dialog, TransitionRoot, TransitionChild } from '@headlessui/vue'
+import { computed, nextTick, ref, toRef } from 'vue'
import { i18n } from '@shared/i18n'
+import { useDialog } from '@shared/composables/useDialog'
import CommonTicketStateIndicator from '@shared/components/CommonTicketStateIndicator/CommonTicketStateIndicator.vue'
-import CommonInputSearch from '@shared/components/CommonInputSearch/CommonInputSearch.vue'
import useLocaleStore from '@shared/stores/locale'
import useValue from '../../composables/useValue'
-import useSelectDialog from '../../composables/useSelectDialog'
import useSelectOptions from '../../composables/useSelectOptions'
import useSelectAutoselect from '../../composables/useSelectAutoselect'
-import type { FormFieldContext } from '../../types/field'
-import type { SelectOption, SelectOptionSorting } from '../FieldSelect'
-import type { TreeSelectOption, FlatSelectOption } from './types'
+import type {
+ TreeSelectOption,
+ FlatSelectOption,
+ TreeSelectContext,
+} from './types'
interface Props {
- context: FormFieldContext<{
- autoselect?: boolean
- clearable?: boolean
- noFiltering?: boolean
- disabled?: boolean
- multiple?: boolean
- noOptionsLabelTranslation?: boolean
- options: TreeSelectOption[]
- sorting?: SelectOptionSorting
- }>
+ context: TreeSelectContext
const props = defineProps<Props>()
-const { hasValue, valueContainer, isCurrentValue, clearValue } = useValue(
+const { hasValue, valueContainer, clearValue } = useValue(
toRef(props, 'context'),
-const { isOpen, setIsOpen } = useSelectDialog()
const currentPath = ref<FlatSelectOption[]>([])
-const currentParent = computed(
- () => currentPath.value[currentPath.value.length - 1] ?? null,
+const clearPath = () => {
+ currentPath.value = []
+const nameDialog = `field-tree-select-${props.context.id}`
+const dialog = useDialog({
+ name: nameDialog,
+ prefetch: true,
+ component: () => import('./FieldTreeSelectInputDialog.vue'),
+ afterClose() {
+ clearPath()
+ },
+const openModal = () => {
+ return dialog.open({
+ context: toRef(props, 'context'),
+ name: nameDialog,
+ currentPath,
+ onPush(option: FlatSelectOption) {
+ currentPath.value.push(option)
+ },
+ onPop() {
+ currentPath.value.pop()
+ },
+ })
const flattenOptions = (
options: TreeSelectOption[],
@@ -61,26 +74,6 @@ const flattenOptions = (
const flatOptions = computed(() => flattenOptions(props.context.options))
-const pushToPath = (option: FlatSelectOption) => {
- currentPath.value.push(option)
-const popFromPath = () => {
- currentPath.value.pop()
-const clearPath = () => {
- currentPath.value = []
-const filter = ref('')
-const clearFilter = () => {
- filter.value = ''
-watch(toRef(props.context, 'noFiltering'), clearFilter)
const filterInput = ref(null)
const focusFirstTarget = (targetElements?: HTMLElement[]) => {
@@ -95,46 +88,14 @@ const focusFirstTarget = (targetElements?: HTMLElement[]) => {
-const previousPageCallback = (
- option?: SelectOption | FlatSelectOption,
- getDialogFocusTargets?: (optionsOnly?: boolean) => HTMLElement[],
-) => {
- popFromPath()
- clearFilter()
- nextTick(() =>
- focusFirstTarget(getDialogFocusTargets && getDialogFocusTargets(true)),
- )
-const nextPageCallback = (
- option?: SelectOption | FlatSelectOption,
- getDialogFocusTargets?: (optionsOnly?: boolean) => HTMLElement[],
-) => {
- if (option && (option as FlatSelectOption).hasChildren) {
- pushToPath(option as FlatSelectOption)
- nextTick(() =>
- focusFirstTarget(getDialogFocusTargets && getDialogFocusTargets(true)),
- )
- }
const {
- dialog,
- sortedOptions,
- selectOption,
- advanceDialogFocus,
-} = useSelectOptions(
- flatOptions,
- toRef(props, 'context'),
- previousPageCallback,
- nextPageCallback,
+} = useSelectOptions(flatOptions, toRef(props, 'context'))
const getSelectedOptionParents = (selectedValue: string | number) =>
(optionValueLookup.value[selectedValue] &&
@@ -147,72 +108,16 @@ const getSelectedOptionFullPath = (selectedValue: string | number) =>
.join('') +
(getSelectedOptionLabel(selectedValue) || selectedValue.toString())
-const goToPreviousPage = () => {
- previousPageCallback(undefined, getDialogFocusTargets)
-const goToNextPage = (option: FlatSelectOption) => {
- nextPageCallback(option, getDialogFocusTargets)
-const toggleDialog = (isVisible: boolean) => {
- setIsOpen(isVisible)
+const toggleDialog = async (isVisible: boolean) => {
if (isVisible) {
+ await openModal()
nextTick(() => focusFirstTarget(getDialogFocusTargets(true)))
- clearPath()
- clearFilter()
+ await dialog.close()
-const select = (option: FlatSelectOption) => {
- selectOption(option)
- if (!props.context.multiple) toggleDialog(false)
-const currentOptions = computed(() => {
- // In case we are not currently filtering for a parent, return only top-level options.
- if (!currentParent.value)
- return sortedOptions.value.filter(
- (option) => !(option as FlatSelectOption).parents.length,
- )
- // Otherwise, return all options which are children of the current parent.
- return sortedOptions.value.filter(
- (option) =>
- (option as FlatSelectOption).parents.length &&
- (option as FlatSelectOption).parents[
- (option as FlatSelectOption).parents.length - 1
- ] === currentParent.value?.value,
- )
-const deaccent = (s: string) =>
- s.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '')
-const filteredOptions = computed(() => {
- // In case we are not currently filtering for a parent, search across all options.
- let options = sortedOptions.value
- // Otherwise, search across options which are children of the current parent.
- if (currentParent.value)
- options = sortedOptions.value.filter((option) =>
- (option as FlatSelectOption).parents.includes(currentParent.value?.value),
- )
- // Trim and de-accent search keywords and compile them as a case-insensitive regex.
- // Make sure to escape special regex characters!
- const filterRegex = new RegExp(
- escapeRegExp(deaccent(filter.value.trim())),
- 'i',
- )
- // Search across options via their de-accented labels.
- return options.filter((option) => filterRegex.test(deaccent(option.label)))
useSelectAutoselect(flatOptions, toRef(props, 'context'))
const locale = useLocaleStore()
@@ -286,192 +191,6 @@ const locale = useLocaleStore()
- <TransitionRoot :show="isOpen" as="template" appear>
- <Dialog
- class="fixed inset-0 z-10 flex overflow-y-auto"
- role="dialog"
- @close="toggleDialog(false)"
- >
- <TransitionChild
- class="h-full grow"
- enter="duration-300 ease-out"
- enter-from="opacity-0 translate-y-3/4"
- enter-to="opacity-100 translate-y-0"
- leave="duration-200 ease-in"
- leave-from="opacity-100 translate-y-0"
- leave-to="opacity-0 translate-y-3/4"
- >
- <div ref="dialog" class="flex h-full grow flex-col bg-black">
- <div class="mx-4 h-2.5 shrink-0 rounded-t-xl bg-gray-150/40" />
- <div
- class="relative flex h-16 shrink-0 items-center justify-center rounded-t-xl bg-gray-600/80"
- >
- <div
- class="grow text-center text-base font-semibold leading-[19px] text-white"
- >
- {{ i18n.t(context.label) }}
- </div>
- <div
- class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 flex items-center pr-4"
- >
- <div
- class="grow cursor-pointer text-blue"
- tabindex="0"
- role="button"
- @click="toggleDialog(false)"
- @keypress.space="toggleDialog(false)"
- @keydown="advanceDialogFocus"
- >
- {{ i18n.t('Done') }}
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div
- class="flex grow flex-col items-start overflow-y-auto bg-black text-white"
- >
- <div class="w-full p-4">
- <CommonInputSearch
- v-if="!context.noFiltering"
- ref="filterInput"
- v-model="filter"
- />
- </div>
- <div
- v-if="currentPath.length"
- :class="{
- 'px-6': !context.noFiltering,
- }"
- class="flex h-[58px] cursor-pointer items-center self-stretch py-5 px-4 text-base leading-[19px] text-white focus:bg-blue-highlight focus:outline-none"
- tabindex="0"
- role="button"
- @click="goToPreviousPage()"
- @keypress.space="goToPreviousPage()"
- @keydown="advanceDialogFocus"
- >
- <CommonIcon
- :fixed-size="{ width: 24, height: 24 }"
- class="mr-3"
- name="chevron-left"
- />
- <span class="grow font-semibold text-white/80">
- {{ currentParent.label || currentParent.value }}
- </span>
- </div>
- <div
- :class="{
- 'border-t border-white/30': currentPath.length,
- }"
- class="flex grow flex-col items-start self-stretch overflow-y-auto"
- role="listbox"
- >
- <div
- v-for="(option, index) in filter
- ? filteredOptions
- : currentOptions"
- :key="option.value"
- :class="{
- 'px-6': !context.noFiltering,
- 'pointer-events-none': option.disabled,
- }"
- :tabindex="option.disabled ? '-1' : '0'"
- :aria-selected="isCurrentValue(option.value)"
- class="relative flex h-[58px] cursor-pointer items-center self-stretch py-5 px-4 text-base leading-[19px] text-white focus:bg-blue-highlight focus:outline-none"
- role="option"
- @click="select(option as FlatSelectOption)"
- @keypress.space="select(option as FlatSelectOption)"
- @keydown="advanceDialogFocus($event, option)"
- >
- <div
- v-if="index !== 0"
- :class="{
- 'left-4': !context.multiple,
- 'left-14': context.multiple,
- }"
- class="absolute right-4 top-0 h-0 border-t border-white/10"
- />
- <CommonIcon
- v-if="context.multiple"
- :class="{
- '!text-white': isCurrentValue(option.value),
- 'opacity-30': option.disabled,
- }"
- :fixed-size="{ width: 24, height: 24 }"
- :name="
- isCurrentValue(option.value)
- ? 'checked-yes'
- : 'checked-no'
- "
- class="mr-3 text-white/50"
- />
- <CommonTicketStateIndicator
- v-if="option.status"
- :status="option.status"
- :label="option.label"
- :class="{
- 'opacity-30': option.disabled,
- }"
- class="mr-[11px]"
- />
- <CommonIcon
- v-else-if="option.icon"
- :name="option.icon"
- :fixed-size="{ width: 16, height: 16 }"
- :class="{
- '!text-white': isCurrentValue(option.value),
- 'opacity-30': option.disabled,
- }"
- class="mr-[11px] text-white/80"
- />
- <span
- :class="{
- 'font-semibold !text-white': isCurrentValue(option.value),
- 'opacity-30': option.disabled,
- }"
- class="grow text-white/80"
- >
- {{ option.label || option.value }}
- <template v-if="filter">
- <span
- v-for="parentValue in (option as FlatSelectOption).parents"
- :key="parentValue"
- class="opacity-50"
- >
- —
- {{ getSelectedOptionLabel(parentValue) || parentValue }}
- </span>
- </template>
- </span>
- <CommonIcon
- v-if="!context.multiple && isCurrentValue(option.value)"
- :class="{
- 'opacity-30': option.disabled,
- 'mr-3': (option as FlatSelectOption).hasChildren,
- }"
- :fixed-size="{ width: 16, height: 16 }"
- name="check"
- />
- <CommonIcon
- v-if="(option as FlatSelectOption).hasChildren && !filter"
- class="pointer-events-auto"
- :fixed-size="{ width: 24, height: 24 }"
- name="chevron-right"
- role="link"
- @click.stop="goToNextPage(option as FlatSelectOption)"
- />
- </div>
- <div
- v-if="filter && !filteredOptions.length"
- class="relative flex h-[58px] items-center justify-center self-stretch py-5 px-4 text-base leading-[19px] text-white/50"
- role="alert"
- >
- {{ i18n.t('No results found') }}
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </TransitionChild>
- </Dialog>
- </TransitionRoot>