@@ -2,28 +2,37 @@
require 'browser_test_helper'
require 'browser_test_helper'
class AgentTicketMacroTest < TestCase
class AgentTicketMacroTest < TestCase
- def test_macro
+ def test_close_and_tag_as_spam_default
@browser = browser_instance
@browser = browser_instance
username: 'agent1@example.com',
username: 'agent1@example.com',
password: 'test',
password: 'test',
- url: browser_url,
+ url: browser_url,
- ticket1 = ticket_create(
+ ticket = ticket_create(
data: {
data: {
customer: 'nico',
customer: 'nico',
- group: 'Users',
- title: 'some subject - macro#1',
- body: 'some body - macro#1',
+ group: 'Users',
+ title: 'some subject - macro "Close & Tag as Spam" default',
+ body: 'some body - macro "Close & Tag as Spam" default',
- click(css: '.active.content .js-submitDropdown .js-openDropdownMacro')
- click(css: '.active.content .js-submitDropdown .js-dropdownActionMacro')
+ perform_macro(name: 'Close & Tag as Spam')
+ # check redirect after perfoming macro
+ location_check(
+ url: "#{browser_url}/#dashboard",
+ )
+ # reopen ticket and verify tags
+ ticket_open_by_search(
+ number: ticket[:number],
+ )
- # verify tags
tags: {
tags: {
'spam' => true,
'spam' => true,
@@ -32,86 +41,138 @@ class AgentTicketMacroTest < TestCase
- def test_macro_ux_flow_next_up
+ def test_ux_flow_next_up_stay_on_tab
@browser = browser_instance
@browser = browser_instance
username: 'master@example.com',
username: 'master@example.com',
password: 'test',
password: 'test',
- url: browser_url,
+ url: browser_url,
- # Setup: Create two tickets
- ticket_create(
+ ux_flow_next_up = 'Stay on tab'
+ macro_name = "Test #{ux_flow_next_up}"
+ macro_create(
+ name: macro_name,
+ ux_flow_next_up: ux_flow_next_up,
+ actions: {
+ 'Tags' => {
+ operator: 'add',
+ value: 'spam',
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ ticket = ticket_create(
data: {
data: {
- customer: 'nicole.braun',
- group: 'Users',
- title: 'Sample Ticket 1',
- body: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.',
+ customer: 'nico',
+ group: 'Users',
+ title: "some subject - macro #{macro_name}",
+ body: "some body - macro #{macro_name}",
- ticket_create(
+ perform_macro(name: macro_name)
+ location_check(
+ url: "#{browser_url}/#ticket/zoom/#{ticket[:id]}",
+ )
+ tags_verify(
+ tags: {
+ 'spam' => true,
+ 'tag1' => false,
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ def test_ux_flow_next_up_close_tab
+ @browser = browser_instance
+ login(
+ username: 'master@example.com',
+ password: 'test',
+ url: browser_url,
+ )
+ tasks_close_all()
+ ux_flow_next_up = 'Close tab'
+ macro_name = "Test #{ux_flow_next_up}"
+ macro_create(
+ name: macro_name,
+ ux_flow_next_up: ux_flow_next_up,
+ )
+ ticket = ticket_create(
data: {
data: {
- customer: 'nicole.braun',
- group: 'Users',
- title: 'Sample Ticket 2',
- body: 'Suspendisse volutpat lectus sem, in fermentum orci semper sit amet.',
+ customer: 'nico',
+ group: 'Users',
+ title: "some subject - macro #{macro_name}",
+ body: "some body - macro #{macro_name}",
- # Setup: Create three macros (one for each ux_flow_next_up option)
- click(css: 'a[href="#manage"]')
- click(css: '.sidebar a[href="#manage/macros"]')
- macro_options = ['Stay on tab', 'Close tab', 'Advance to next ticket from overview']
- macro_options.each.with_index do |o, i|
- click(css: '.page-header-meta > a[data-type="new"]')
- sendkey(css: '.modal-body input[name="name"]', value: "Test Macro #{i + 1}")
- select(css: '.modal-body select[name="ux_flow_next_up"]', value: o)
- click(css: '.modal-footer button[type="submit"]')
- end
+ perform_macro(name: macro_name)
- click(css: 'a[title$="Sample Ticket 1"]')
+ exists_not(css: '.tasks > a')
+ end
+ def test_ux_flow_next_up_advance_to_next_ticket_from_overview
+ @browser = browser_instance
+ login(
+ username: 'master@example.com',
+ password: 'test',
+ url: browser_url,
+ )
+ tasks_close_all()
+ ux_flow_next_up = 'Advance to next ticket from overview'
+ macro_name = "Test #{ux_flow_next_up}"
+ macro_create(
+ name: macro_name,
+ ux_flow_next_up: ux_flow_next_up,
+ )
+ title_prefix = "some subject - macro #{macro_name}"
+ ticket1 = ticket_create(
+ data: {
+ customer: 'nico',
+ group: 'Users',
+ title: "#{title_prefix} - 1",
+ body: "some body - macro #{macro_name}",
+ },
+ )
- # Assert: Run the first macro and verify the tab is still open
- click(css: '.active.content .js-submitDropdown .js-openDropdownMacro')
- click(css: '.active.content .js-submitDropdown .js-dropdownActionMacro[data-id="2"]')
- match(css: '.tasks > a.is-active > .nav-tab-name', value: 'Sample Ticket 1',)
+ ticket2 = ticket_create(
+ data: {
+ customer: 'nico',
+ group: 'Users',
+ title: "#{title_prefix} - 2",
+ body: "some body - macro #{macro_name}",
+ },
+ )
- # Setup: Close all tabs and reopen only the first ticket
+ # we need to close all open ticket tasks because
+ # otherwise the Zoom view won't change in "Overview"-mode
+ # when we re-enter the Zoom view for a ticket via the overview
- click(css: 'a[href="#ticket/view"]')
- begin
- remaining_retries = 1
- click(css: 'a[href="#ticket/view/all_unassigned"]')
- # responsive design means some elements are un-clickable at certain viewport sizes
- rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError => e
- raise e if remaining_retries.zero?
- (remaining_retries -= 1) && click(css: 'a.tab.js-tab[href="#ticket/view/all_unassigned"]')
- end
- click(css: 'td[title="Sample Ticket 1"]')
- # Assert: Run the second macro and verify the tab is closed
- click(css: '.active.content .js-submitDropdown .js-openDropdownMacro')
- click(css: '.active.content .js-submitDropdown .js-dropdownActionMacro[data-id="3"]')
- exists_not(css: '.tasks > a')
- # Setup: Reopen the first ticket via a Ticket Overview
- click(css: 'a[href="#ticket/view"]')
- begin
- remaining_retries = 1
- click(css: 'a[href="#ticket/view/all_unassigned"]')
- # responsive design means some elements are un-clickable at certain viewport sizes
- rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError => e
- raise e if remaining_retries.zero?
- (remaining_retries -= 1) && click(css: 'a.tab.js-tab[href="#ticket/view/all_unassigned"]')
- end
- click(css: 'td[title="Sample Ticket 1"]')
- # Assert: Run the third macro and verify the second ticket opens
- click(css: '.active.content .js-submitDropdown .js-openDropdownMacro')
- click(css: '.active.content .js-submitDropdown .js-dropdownActionMacro[data-id="4"]')
- match_not(css: '.tasks > a.task > .nav-tab-name', value: 'Sample Ticket 1',)
- match(css: '.tasks > a.is-active > .nav-tab-name', value: 'Sample Ticket 2',)
+ ticket_open_by_overview(
+ title: ticket1[:title],
+ link: '#ticket/view/all_unassigned',
+ )
+ verify_task(
+ data: {
+ title: ticket1[:title],
+ }
+ )
+ perform_macro(name: macro_name)
+ verify_task(
+ data: {
+ title: ticket2[:title],
+ }
+ )