@@ -56,158 +56,6 @@ class CtiCallerIdTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- test '4 touch caller log / don\'t touch caller log' do
- 5.times do |count|
- travel 2.seconds
- Cti::Log.process(
- 'cause' => '',
- 'event' => 'newCall',
- 'user' => 'user 1',
- 'from' => '491111222222',
- 'to' => '4930600000000',
- 'callId' => "touch-loop-#{count}",
- 'direction' => 'in',
- )
- end
- last_updated_at = Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at
- travel 10.minutes
- @agent1.reload
- @agent1.touch
- Observer::Transaction.commit
- Scheduler.worker(true)
- assert_equal(last_updated_at, Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at)
- @agent1.reload
- @agent1.phone = '+49 1111 222222 999'
- @agent1.save!
- Observer::Transaction.commit
- Scheduler.worker(true)
- assert_not_equal(last_updated_at, Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at)
- travel 10.minutes
- Cti::Log.process(
- 'cause' => '',
- 'event' => 'newCall',
- 'user' => 'user 1',
- 'from' => '49111122222277',
- 'to' => '4930600000000',
- 'callId' => 'touch-loop-20',
- 'direction' => 'in',
- )
- last_updated_at = Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at
- travel 10.minutes
- @agent1.reload
- @agent1.phone = '+49 1111 222222 77'
- @agent1.save!
- Observer::Transaction.commit
- Scheduler.worker(true)
- assert_not_equal(last_updated_at, Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at)
- last = Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first
- assert_equal('49111122222277', last.preferences[:from][0][:caller_id])
- assert_nil(last.preferences[:from][0][:comment])
- assert_equal('known', last.preferences[:from][0][:level])
- assert_equal('User', last.preferences[:from][0][:object])
- assert_equal(@agent1.id, last.preferences[:from][0][:o_id])
- last_updated_at = Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at
- travel 30.minutes
- agent4 = User.create!(
- login: 'ticket-caller_id-agent4@example.com',
- firstname: 'CallerId',
- lastname: 'Agent4',
- email: 'ticket-caller_id-agent4@example.com',
- active: true,
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- Observer::Transaction.commit
- Scheduler.worker(true)
- assert_equal(last_updated_at, Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at)
- agent4.reload
- agent4.phone = ''
- agent4.save!
- Observer::Transaction.commit
- Scheduler.worker(true)
- assert_equal(last_updated_at, Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at)
- agent4.reload
- agent4.phone = nil
- agent4.save!
- Observer::Transaction.commit
- Scheduler.worker(true)
- assert_equal(last_updated_at, Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at)
- agent4.reload
- agent4.phone = '+49 1111 222222'
- agent4.save!
- Observer::Transaction.commit
- Scheduler.worker(true)
- assert_not_equal(last_updated_at, Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at)
- last_updated_at = Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at
- travel 30.minutes
- agent4.save!
- Observer::Transaction.commit
- Scheduler.worker(true)
- assert_equal(last_updated_at, Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at)
- last_updated_at = Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at
- travel 30.minutes
- agent4.reload
- agent4.phone = ''
- agent4.save!
- Observer::Transaction.commit
- Scheduler.worker(true)
- assert_not_equal(last_updated_at, Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at)
- last_updated_at = Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at
- travel 30.minutes
- last_caller_id_count = Cti::CallerId.count
- ticket1 = Ticket.create!(
- title: 'some caller id test 1',
- group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'),
- customer: @customer1,
- state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'new'),
- priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'),
- updated_by_id: @customer1.id,
- created_by_id: @customer1.id,
- )
- article1 = Ticket::Article.create!(
- ticket_id: ticket1.id,
- from: 'some_sender@example.com',
- to: 'some_recipient@example.com',
- subject: 'some subject',
- message_id: 'some@id',
- body: "some message\n+49 1111 222222",
- internal: false,
- sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.where(name: 'Customer').first,
- type: Ticket::Article::Type.where(name: 'email').first,
- updated_by_id: @customer1.id,
- created_by_id: @customer1.id,
- )
- Observer::Transaction.commit
- Scheduler.worker(true)
- assert_equal(last_caller_id_count + 2, Cti::CallerId.count)
- assert_equal(last_updated_at, Cti::Log.order(updated_at: :desc).first.updated_at)
- end
test '5 probe if caller log need to be pushed' do
test '5 probe if caller log need to be pushed' do