@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class OrganizationRefObjectTouchTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- test 'check if ticket and customer has been updated' do
- # create base
- groups = Group.where(name: 'Users')
- roles = Role.where(name: 'Agent')
- agent1 = User.create_or_update(
- login: 'organization-ref-object-update-agent1@example.com',
- firstname: 'Notification',
- lastname: 'Agent1',
- email: 'organization-ref-object-update-agent1@example.com',
- password: 'agentpw',
- active: true,
- roles: roles,
- groups: groups,
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:37:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- roles = Role.where(name: 'Customer')
- organization1 = Organization.create_if_not_exists(
- name: 'Ref Object Update Org 1',
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:37:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- organization2 = Organization.create_if_not_exists(
- name: 'Ref Object Update Org 2',
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:37:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- customer1 = User.create_or_update(
- login: 'organization-ref-object-update-customer1@example.com',
- firstname: 'Notification',
- lastname: 'Agent1',
- email: 'organization-ref-object-update-customer1@example.com',
- password: 'customerpw',
- active: true,
- organization_id: organization1.id,
- roles: roles,
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:37:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- customer2 = User.create_or_update(
- login: 'organization-ref-object-update-customer2@example.com',
- firstname: 'Notification',
- lastname: 'Agent2',
- email: 'organization-ref-object-update-customer2@example.com',
- password: 'customerpw',
- active: true,
- organization_id: organization2.id,
- roles: roles,
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:37:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- ticket = Ticket.create!(
- title: "some title1\n äöüß",
- group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'),
- customer_id: customer1.id,
- owner_id: agent1.id,
- state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'new'),
- priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'),
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- assert(ticket, 'ticket created')
- assert_equal(ticket.customer.id, customer1.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.organization.id, organization1.id)
- travel 4.seconds
- organization1.name = 'Ref Object Update Org 1/1'
- organization1.save!
- # check if ticket and customer has been touched
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- if ticket.updated_at > 2.seconds.ago
- assert(true, 'ticket.updated_at has been updated')
- else
- assert(false, 'ticket.updated_at has not been updated')
- end
- customer1.reload
- if customer1.updated_at > 2.seconds.ago
- assert(true, 'customer1.updated_at has been updated')
- else
- assert(false, 'customer1.updated_at has not been updated')
- end
- travel 4.seconds
- customer2.organization_id = organization1.id
- customer2.save!
- # check if customer1 and organization has been touched
- customer1.reload
- if customer1.updated_at > 2.seconds.ago
- assert(true, 'customer1.updated_at has been updated')
- else
- assert(false, 'customer1.updated_at has not been updated')
- end
- organization1.reload
- if organization1.updated_at > 2.seconds.ago
- assert(true, 'organization1.updated_at has been updated')
- else
- assert(false, 'organization1.updated_at has not been updated')
- end
- assert(ticket.destroy, 'ticket destroy')
- travel_back
- end
- test 'check if ticket and customer has not been updated (different featrue propose)' do
- # create base
- groups = Group.where(name: 'Users')
- roles = Role.where(name: 'Agent')
- agent1 = User.create_or_update(
- login: 'organization-ref-object-not-update-agent1@example.com',
- firstname: 'Notification',
- lastname: 'Agent1',
- email: 'organization-ref-object-not-update-agent1@example.com',
- password: 'agentpw',
- active: true,
- roles: roles,
- groups: groups,
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:37:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- roles = Role.where(name: 'Customer')
- organization1 = Organization.create_if_not_exists(
- name: 'Ref Object Update Org 1 (no update)',
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:37:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- organization2 = Organization.create_if_not_exists(
- name: 'Ref Object Update Org 2 (no update)',
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:37:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- customer1 = User.create_or_update(
- login: 'organization-ref-object-not-update-customer1@example.com',
- firstname: 'Notification',
- lastname: 'Agent1',
- email: 'organization-ref-object-not-update-customer1@example.com',
- password: 'customerpw',
- active: true,
- organization_id: organization1.id,
- roles: roles,
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:37:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- customer2 = User.create_or_update(
- login: 'organization-ref-object-not-update-customer2@example.com',
- firstname: 'Notification',
- lastname: 'Agent2',
- email: 'organization-ref-object-not-update-customer2@example.com',
- password: 'customerpw',
- active: true,
- organization_id: organization2.id,
- roles: roles,
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:37:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- (1..100).each do |count|
- User.create_or_update(
- login: "organization-ref-object-update-customer3-#{count}@example.com",
- firstname: 'Notification',
- lastname: 'Agent2',
- email: "organization-ref-object-update-customer3-#{count}@example.com",
- password: 'customerpw',
- active: true,
- organization_id: organization1.id,
- roles: roles,
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:37:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- end
- ticket = Ticket.create!(
- title: "some title1\n äöüß",
- group: Group.lookup(name: 'Users'),
- customer_id: customer1.id,
- owner_id: agent1.id,
- state: Ticket::State.lookup(name: 'new'),
- priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup(name: '2 normal'),
- updated_at: '2015-02-05 16:39:00',
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- assert(ticket, 'ticket created')
- assert_equal(ticket.customer.id, customer1.id)
- assert_equal(ticket.organization.id, organization1.id)
- customer1.reload
- assert_not_equal('2015-02-05 16:37:00 UTC', customer1.updated_at.to_s)
- customer1_updated_at = customer1.updated_at
- travel 4.seconds
- organization1.name = 'Ref Object Update Org 1 (no update)/1'
- organization1.save!
- organization1_updated_at = organization1.updated_at
- # check if ticket and customer has been touched
- ticket = Ticket.find(ticket.id)
- assert_equal('2015-02-05 16:39:00 UTC', ticket.updated_at.to_s)
- customer1.reload
- assert_equal(customer1_updated_at.to_s, customer1.updated_at.to_s)
- travel 4.seconds
- customer2.organization_id = organization1.id
- customer2.save!
- # check if customer1 and organization has been touched
- customer1.reload
- assert_equal(customer1_updated_at.to_s, customer1.updated_at.to_s)
- organization1.reload
- assert_equal(organization1_updated_at.to_s, organization1.updated_at.to_s)
- assert(ticket.destroy, 'ticket destroy')
- travel_back
- end