@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
require 'test_helper'
class SessionBasicTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ user = User.lookup(id: 1)
+ roles = Role.where(name: %w(Agent Admin))
+ user.roles = roles
+ user.save
test 'a cache' do
Sessions::CacheIn.set('last_run_test', true, { expires_in: 2.seconds })
result = Sessions::CacheIn.get('last_run_test')
@@ -179,84 +185,6 @@ class SessionBasicTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
assert_equal(result1, result2, 'check collections')
- user = User.lookup(id: 1)
- roles = Role.where(name: %w(Agent Admin))
- user.roles = roles
- user.save
- test 'c collections organization' do
- require 'sessions/backend/collections/organization.rb'
- UserInfo.current_user_id = 2
- # create users
- roles = Role.where(name: ['Agent'])
- groups = Group.all
- organization = Organization.create( name: "SomeOrg1::#{rand(999_999)}", active: true )
- agent2 = User.create_or_update(
- login: 'session-agent-2',
- firstname: 'Session',
- lastname: 'Agent 2',
- email: 'session-agent2@example.com',
- password: 'agentpw',
- active: true,
- roles: roles,
- groups: groups,
- organization: organization,
- )
- agent2.roles = roles
- agent2.save
- collection_client1 = Sessions::Backend::Collections::Organization.new(agent2, {}, false, '123-1', 3)
- collection_client2 = Sessions::Backend::Collections::Organization.new(agent2, {}, false, '234-2', 3)
- # get collection - should be nil, no chnaged org exists!
- result1 = collection_client1.push
- assert(!result1.empty?, 'check collections')
- result2 = collection_client2.push
- assert(!result2.empty?, 'check collections')
- assert_equal(result1, result2, 'check collections')
- # next check - should still be nil, no org exists!
- result1 = collection_client1.push
- assert(!result1, 'check collections - recall')
- sleep 0.6
- result2 = collection_client2.push
- assert(!result2, 'check collections - recall')
- # change collection
- organization.name = "#{organization.name}-2"
- organization.save
- #organization = Organization.create(name: "SomeOrg2::#{rand(999_999)}", active: true)
- sleep 4
- # get collection
- result1 = collection_client1.push
- assert(!result1.empty?, 'check collections - after create')
- result2 = collection_client2.push
- assert(!result2.empty?, 'check collections - after create')
- assert_equal(result1, result2, 'check collections')
- sleep 4
- # next check should be empty
- result1 = collection_client1.push
- assert(!result1, 'check collections - after create recall')
- result2 = collection_client2.push
- assert(!result2, 'check collections - after create recall')
- organization = Organization.first
- organization.touch
- sleep 4
- # get collection
- result1 = collection_client1.push
- assert(!result1.empty?, 'check collections - after touch')
- result2 = collection_client2.push
- assert(!result1.empty?, 'check collections - after touch')
- assert_equal(result1, result2, 'check collections')
- end
test 'c rss' do
user = User.lookup(id: 1)
collection_client1 = Sessions::Backend::Rss.new(user, {}, false, '123-1')