@@ -229,9 +229,29 @@ function create_webserver_config () {
function enforce_redis () {
+ REDIS_URL=$(zammad config:get REDIS_URL)
if [ -n "${REDIS_URL}" ]; then
- echo "# Redis URL ${REDIS_URL} found."
- return 0
+ echo "# REDIS_URL variable set to ${REDIS_URL}."
+ if ! echo ${REDIS_URL} | grep -E 'redis://([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+|[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}):[0-9]+/?' > /dev/null; then
+ echo "ERROR - Malformed REDIS_URL."
+ echo -e "REDIS_URL must follow one of these formats:\nredis://<fqdn>:<port_number>\nredis://<ip_address>:<port_number>"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "# Performing connection check."
+ REDIS_URL_HOST=$(echo ${REDIS_URL} | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d':' -f1)
+ REDIS_URL_PORT=$(echo ${REDIS_URL} | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d':' -f2)
+ if echo 2> /dev/null > /dev/tcp/$REDIS_URL_HOST/$REDIS_URL_PORT; then
+ echo "# Connection check successful."
+ return 0
+ else
+ echo "# Connection check unsuccessful."
+ echo "ERROR - No redis server found at ${REDIS_URL}."
+ echo "Please install Redis following the instructions at https://redis.io/docs/getting-started/ or set the REDIS_URL environment variable with the following command."
+ echo -e "zammad config:set REDIS_URL=redis://your.redis.server:6379\n"
+ echo "Please fix these issues, then run the package installation again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
echo "# Enforcing Redis..."
@@ -239,6 +259,20 @@ function enforce_redis () {
if [ "${OS}" == "DEBIAN" ]; then
+ elif [ "${OS}" == "SUSE" ]; then
+ REDIS_PID=$(fuser 6379/tcp 2> /dev/null)
+ if [ -z "${REDIS_PID}" ]; then
+ echo -e "ERROR - SUSE Linux detected but no running redis-instance listening on port 6379 or REDIS_URL set.\n"
+ echo "SUSE Linux uses a systemd template for its redis package."
+ echo "If redis was installed via zypper, please make sure an instance of its template-service is running (e.g. redis@zammad.service) and it is listening on port 6379."
+ echo "Alternatively, you can set the REDIS_URL environment variable with the following command."
+ echo -e "zammad config:set REDIS_URL=redis://your.redis.server:6379\n"
+ echo "Please fix these issues, then run the package installation again."
+ exit 1
+ else
+ REDIS_SERVICE_NAME=$(ps -p $REDIS_PID -o unit=)
+ echo "# Redis service ${REDIS_SERVICE_NAME} detected."
+ fi
@@ -248,20 +282,15 @@ function enforce_redis () {
echo "# Starting Redis server"
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ if ${INIT_CMD} restart ${REDIS_SERVICE_NAME}; then
echo "# Redis server is running."
return 0
+ else
+ echo -e "\nSomething went wrong. Please check any error output above and fix the issues."
+ echo "Then run the package installation again."
+ exit 1
- echo "It seems no redis server runs locally."
- echo "Please install Redis following the instructions at https://redis.io/docs/getting-started/ or set the REDIS_URL environment variable."
- echo "e.g. export REDIS_URL=redis://your.redis.server:6379"
- echo
- echo "Please try again the Zammad package installation."
- return 1
function setup_elasticsearch () {