@@ -1,56 +1,63 @@
<div class="login fullscreen">
<div class="fullscreen-center">
<div class="fullscreen-body">
- <p><%- @T( 'Login with %s', @C( 'fqdn' ) ) %></p>
+ <p><%- @T('Login with %s', @C('fqdn')) %></p>
+ <% if @C('maintenance_mode'): %>
+ <div class="hero-unit alert alert--danger js-maintenanceMode"><%- @T('Zammad is currently in maintenance mode. Only administrators can login. Please wait until the maintenance window is over.') %></div>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if @C('maintenance_login') && @C('maintenance_login_message'): %>
+ <div class="hero-unit alert alert--success js-maintenanceLogin"><%- @C('maintenance_login_message') %></div>
+ <% end %>
<div class="hero-unit">
- <img class="company-logo" src="<%= @logoUrl %>" alt="<%= @C( 'product_name' ) %>">
+ <img class="company-logo" src="<%= @logoUrl %>" alt="<%= @C('product_name') %>">
<form id="login">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="formGroup-label">
- <label for="username"><%- @Ti( 'Username / email' ) %></label>
+ <label for="username"><%- @Ti('Username / email') %></label>
<input id="username" name="username" type="text" class="form-control" value="<%= @item.username %>" autocapitalize="off" />
<div class="form-group">
<div class="formGroup-label">
- <label for="password"><%- @Ti( 'Password' ) %></label>
+ <label for="password"><%- @Ti('Password') %></label>
<input id="password" name="password" type="password" class="form-control"/>
<div class="form-group">
- <label for="remember_me"><%- @Ti( 'Remember me' ) %></label>
+ <label for="remember_me"><%- @Ti('Remember me') %></label>
<input id="remember_me" name="remember_me" value="1" type="checkbox"/>
<label class="inline-label checkbox-replacement">
<input name="remember_me" value="1" type="checkbox">
<%- @Icon('checkbox', 'icon-unchecked') %>
<%- @Icon('checkbox-checked', 'icon-checked') %>
- <span class="label-text"><%- @T( 'Remember me' ) %></span>
+ <span class="label-text"><%- @T('Remember me') %></span>
<div class="form-controls">
- <button class="btn btn--primary" type="submit"><%- @T( 'Sign in' ) %></button>
+ <button class="btn btn--primary" type="submit"><%- @T('Sign in') %></button>
<% if @C('user_lost_password'): %>
- <a href="#password_reset" class="btn btn--text btn--secondary align-right"><%- @T( 'Forgot password?' ) %></a>
+ <a href="#password_reset" class="btn btn--text btn--secondary align-right"><%- @T('Forgot password?') %></a>
<% end %>
- <% if !_.isEmpty( @auth_providers ): %>
+ <% if !_.isEmpty(@auth_providers): %>
<div class="separator">
- <span class="separator-text"><%- @T( 'or sign in using' ) %></span>
+ <span class="separator-text"><%- @T('or sign in using') %></span>
<div class="auth-providers">
<% for auth_provider in @auth_providers: %>
<a class="auth-provider auth-provider--<%= auth_provider.class %>" href="<%= auth_provider.url %>">
<%- @Icon("#{auth_provider.class}-button", 'provider-icon') %>
- <span class="provider-name"><%- @T( auth_provider.name ) %></span>
+ <span class="provider-name"><%- @T(auth_provider.name) %></span>
<% end %>
@@ -59,23 +66,23 @@
- <%- @T( "You're already registered with your email adress if you've been in touch with our support team.") %><br>
+ <%- @T("You're already registered with your email adress if you've been in touch with our support team.") %><br>
<% if @C('user_lost_password'): %>
- <%- @T( "You can request your password") %> <a href="#password_reset"><%- @T( "here") %></a>.
+ <%- @T('You can request your password') %> <a href="#password_reset"><%- @T('here') %></a>.
<% end %>
<% if @C('user_create_account'): %>
- <a href="#signup"><%- @T( 'Register as a new customer' ) %></a>
+ <a href="#signup"><%- @T('Register as a new customer') %></a>
<% end %>
<div class="poweredBy">
<%- @Icon('logo') %>
- <%- @T("Powered by") %>
+ <%- @T('Powered by') %>
<%- @Icon('logotype', 'logotype') %>