@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+RSpec.shared_examples 'ApplicationModel::CanAssets' do |associations: [], selectors: [], own_attributes: true|
+ subject { create(described_class.name.underscore, updated_by_id: admin.id) }
+ let(:admin) { create(:admin_user) }
+ describe '#assets (for supplying model data to front-end framework)' do
+ shared_examples 'own asset attributes' do
+ it 'returns a hash with own asset attributes' do
+ expect(subject.assets({}).dig(described_class.to_app_model))
+ .to include(subject.id => hash_including(subject.attributes_with_association_ids))
+ end
+ end
+ include_examples 'own asset attributes' if own_attributes
+ describe 'for created_by & updated_by users' do
+ let(:users) { User.where(id: subject.attributes.slice('created_by_id', 'updated_by_id').values) }
+ let(:users_assets) { users.reduce({}) { |assets_hash, user| user.assets(assets_hash) } }
+ it 'returns a hash with their asset attributes' do
+ expect(subject.assets({})[:User]).to include(users_assets[:User])
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when given a non-empty hash' do
+ let(:hash) { { described_class.to_app_model => { foo: 'bar' } } }
+ it 'deep-merges assets into it, in place' do
+ expect { subject.assets(hash) }
+ .to change { hash }
+ .to(hash.deep_merge(subject.assets({})))
+ end
+ end
+ Array(associations).each do |association|
+ describe "for ##{association} association" do
+ let(:reflection) { described_class.reflect_on_association(association) }
+ shared_examples 'single association' do
+ subject { create(described_class.name.underscore, association => single) }
+ let(:single) { create(reflection.class_name.underscore) }
+ it 'returns a hash with its asset attributes' do
+ expect(subject.assets({})).to include(single.assets({}))
+ end
+ context 'after association has been modified' do
+ it 'does not use a cached value' do
+ subject.assets({})
+ single.update(updated_by_id: User.last.id)
+ expect(subject.assets({}).dig(reflection.klass.to_app_model, single.id))
+ .to include(single.attributes_with_association_ids)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples 'collection association' do
+ subject { create(described_class.name.underscore, association => collection) }
+ let(:collection) { create_list(reflection.class_name.underscore, 5) }
+ let(:collection_assets) { collection.reduce({}) { |assets_hash, single| single.assets(assets_hash) } }
+ it 'returns a hash with their asset attributes' do
+ expect(subject.assets({})).to include(collection_assets)
+ end
+ context 'after association has been modified' do
+ it 'does not use a cached value' do
+ subject.assets({})
+ collection.first.update(updated_by_id: User.last.id)
+ expect(subject.assets({}).dig(reflection.klass.to_app_model, collection.first.id))
+ .to include(collection.first.attributes_with_association_ids)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if described_class.reflect_on_association(association).macro.in?(%i[has_one belongs_to])
+ include_examples 'single association'
+ else
+ include_examples 'collection association'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Array(selectors).each do |s|
+ subject { create(described_class.name.underscore, s => selector) }
+ let(:selector) { { 'ticket.priority_id' => { operator: 'is', value: [1, 2] } } }
+ let(:priorities_assets) { Ticket::Priority.first(2).reduce({}) { |asset_hash, priority| priority.assets(asset_hash) } }
+ describe "for objects referenced in ##{s}" do
+ it 'returns a hash with their asset attributes' do
+ expect(subject.assets({})).to include(priorities_assets)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end