@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
constructor: (params) ->
for key, value of params
@[key] = value
- @attribute_count = 0
+ if !@handlers
+ @handlers = []
+ @handlers.push @_showHideToggle
+ @handlers.push @_requiredMandantoryToggle
if !@form
@form = @formGen()
@@ -23,37 +27,62 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
fieldset = $('<fieldset></fieldset>')
- for attribute_clean in @model.configure_attributes
- attribute = _.clone( attribute_clean )
+ # collect form attributes
+ @attributes = []
+ if @model.attributesGet
+ attributesClean = @model.attributesGet(@screen)
+ else
+ attributesClean = App.Model.attributesGet(@screen, @model.configure_attributes )
+ for attributeName, attribute of attributesClean
+ # ignore read only attributes
+ if !attribute.readonly
+ # check generic filter
+ if @filter && !attribute.filter
+ if @filter[ attributeName ]
+ attribute.filter = @filter[ attributeName ]
- if !attribute.readonly && ( !@required || @required && attribute[@required] )
+ @attributes.push attribute
- @attribute_count = @attribute_count + 1
+ attribute_count = 0
+ className = @model.className + '_' + Math.floor( Math.random() * 999999 ).toString()
- # add item
- item = @formGenItem( attribute, @model.className, fieldset )
- item.appendTo(fieldset)
+ for attribute in @attributes
+ attribute_count = attribute_count + 1
- # if password, add confirm password item
- if attribute.type is 'password'
+ # add item
+ item = @formGenItem( attribute, className, fieldset, attribute_count )
+ item.appendTo(fieldset)
- # set selected value passed on current params
- if @params
- if attribute.name of @params
- attribute.value = @params[attribute.name]
+ # if password, add confirm password item
+ if attribute.type is 'password'
- # rename display and name to _confirm
- if !attribute.single
- attribute.display = attribute.display + ' (confirm)'
- attribute.name = attribute.name + '_confirm';
- item = @formGenItem( attribute, @model.className, fieldset )
- item.appendTo(fieldset)
+ # set selected value passed on current params
+ if @params
+ if attribute.name of @params
+ attribute.value = @params[attribute.name]
+ # rename display and name to _confirm
+ if !attribute.single
+ attribute.display = attribute.display + ' (confirm)'
+ attribute.name = attribute.name + '_confirm';
+ item = @formGenItem( attribute, className, fieldset, attribute_count )
+ item.appendTo(fieldset)
if @fullForm
if !@formClass
@formClass = ''
fieldset = $('<form class="' + @formClass + '"><button class="btn">' + App.i18n.translateContent('Submit') + '</button></form>').prepend( fieldset )
+ # bind form events
+ if @events
+ for eventSelector, callback of @events
+ do (eventSelector, callback) =>
+ evs = eventSelector.split(' ')
+ fieldset.find( evs[1] ).bind(evs[0], (e) => callback(e) )
# return form
return fieldset
@@ -131,14 +160,14 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
- formGenItem: (attribute_config, classname, form ) ->
- attribute = _.clone( attribute_config )
+ formGenItem: (attribute_config, classname, form, attribute_count ) ->
+ attribute = clone( attribute_config )
# create item id
attribute.id = classname + '_' + attribute.name
# set autofocus
- if @autofocus && @attribute_count is 1
+ if @autofocus && attribute_count is 1
attribute.autofocus = 'autofocus'
# set required option
@@ -234,6 +263,22 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
else if attribute.tag is 'select'
item = $( App.view('generic/select')( attribute: attribute ) )
+ # date
+ else if attribute.tag is 'date'
+ attribute.type = 'text'
+ item = $( App.view('generic/date')( attribute: attribute ) )
+ #item.datetimepicker({
+ # format: 'Y.m.d'
+ #});
+ # date
+ else if attribute.tag is 'datetime'
+ attribute.type = 'text'
+ item = $( App.view('generic/date')( attribute: attribute ) )
+ #item.datetimepicker({
+ # format: 'Y.m.d H:i'
+ #});
# timezone
else if attribute.tag is 'timezone'
attribute.options = []
@@ -717,7 +762,7 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
b = (event, item) =>
# set html form attribute
- $(local_attribute).val(item.id)
+ $(local_attribute).val(item.id).trigger('change')
$(local_attribute + '_autocompletion_value_shown').val(item.value)
# call calback
@@ -738,8 +783,11 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
+ source = attribute.source
+ if typeof(source) is 'string'
+ source = source.replace('#{@apiPath}', App.Config.get('api_path') );
- source: attribute.source,
+ source: source,
minLength: attribute.minLengt || 3,
select: ( event, ui ) =>
b(event, ui.item)
@@ -1221,63 +1269,12 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
item = $( App.view('generic/input')( attribute: attribute ) )
- if attribute.onchange
- if typeof attribute.onchange is 'function'
- attribute.onchange(attribute)
- else
- for i of attribute.onchange
- a = i.split(/__/)
- if a[1]
- if a[0] is attribute.name
- @attribute = attribute
- @classname = classname
- @attributes_clean = attributes_clean
- @change = a
- b = =>
-# console.log 'aaa', @attribute
- attribute = @attribute
- change = @change
- classname = @classname
- attributes_clean = @attributes_clean
- ui = @
- $( '#' + @attribute.id ).bind('change', ->
- ui.log 'change', @, attribute, change
- ui.log change[0] + ' has changed - changing ' + change[1]
- item = $( ui.formGenItem(attribute, classname, attributes_clean) )
- ui.log item, classname
- )
- App.Delay.set( b, 100, undefined, 'form_change' )
-# if attribute.onchange[]
- ui = @
- item.bind('change', ->
- if ui.form_data
- params = App.ControllerForm.params(@)
- for i of ui.form_data
- a = i.split(/__/)
- if a[1] && a[0] is attribute.name
- newListAttribute = i
- changedAttribute = a[0]
- toChangeAttribute = a[1]
- # get new option list
- newListAttributes = ui['form_data'][newListAttribute][ params['group_id'] ]
- # find element to replace
- for item in ui.model.configure_attributes
- if item.name is toChangeAttribute
- item.display = false
- item['filter'][toChangeAttribute] = newListAttributes
- if params[changedAttribute]
- item.default = params[toChangeAttribute]
- if !item.default
- delete item['default']
- newElement = ui.formGenItem( item, classname, form )
- # replace new option list
- form.find('[name="' + toChangeAttribute + '"]').replaceWith( newElement )
- )
+ if @handlers
+ item.bind('change', (e) =>
+ params = App.ControllerForm.params( $(e.target) )
+ for handler in @handlers
+ handler(params, attribute, @attributes, classname, form, @)
+ )
# bind dependency
if @dependency
@@ -1339,6 +1336,44 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
el.find('[name="' + key + '"]').parents('.form-group').addClass('hide')
el.find('[name="' + key + '"]').addClass('is-hidden')
+ _mandantory: (name, el = @el) ->
+ if !_.isArray(name)
+ name = [name]
+ for key in name
+ el.find('[name="' + key + '"]').attr('required', true)
+ el.find('[name="' + key + '"]').parents('.form-group').find('label span').html('*')
+ _optional: (name, el = @el) ->
+ if !_.isArray(name)
+ name = [name]
+ for key in name
+ el.find('[name="' + key + '"]').attr('required', false)
+ el.find('[name="' + key + '"]').parents('.form-group').find('label span').html('')
+ _showHideToggle: (params, changedAttribute, attributes, classname, form, ui) =>
+ for attribute in attributes
+ if attribute.shown_if
+ hit = false
+ for refAttribute, refValue of attribute.shown_if
+ if params[refAttribute] && params[refAttribute].toString() is refValue.toString()
+ hit = true
+ if hit
+ ui._show(attribute.name)
+ else
+ ui._hide(attribute.name)
+ _requiredMandantoryToggle: (params, changedAttribute, attributes, classname, form, ui) =>
+ for attribute in attributes
+ if attribute.required_if
+ hit = false
+ for refAttribute, refValue of attribute.required_if
+ if params[refAttribute] && params[refAttribute].toString() is refValue.toString()
+ hit = true
+ if hit
+ ui._mandantory(attribute.name)
+ else
+ ui._optional(attribute.name)
# sort attribute.options
_sortOptions: (attribute) ->
@@ -1399,6 +1434,7 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
list = []
if attribute.filter
App.Log.debug 'ControllerForm', '_getRelationOptionList:filter', attribute.filter
# function based filter
@@ -1426,6 +1462,22 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
if record['id'] is key
list.push record
+ # data based filter
+ else if attribute.filter && _.isArray attribute.filter
+ App.Log.debug 'ControllerForm', '_getRelationOptionList:filter-array', attribute.filter
+ # check all records
+ for record in App[ attribute.relation ].search( sortBy: attribute.sortBy )
+ # check all filter attributes
+ for key in attribute.filter
+ # check all filter values as array
+ # if it's matching, use it for selection
+ if record['id'] is key
+ list.push record
# no data filter matched
App.Log.debug 'ControllerForm', '_getRelationOptionList:filter-data no filter matched'
@@ -1512,8 +1564,9 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
validate: (params) ->
- model: @model,
- params: params,
+ model: @model
+ params: params
+ screen: @screen
# get all params of the form
@@ -1637,13 +1690,8 @@ class App.ControllerForm extends App.Controller
# show new errors
for key, msg of data.errors
- $(data.form).parents().find('[name*="' + key + '"]').parents('div .form-group').addClass('has-error')
- $(data.form).parents().find('[name*="' + key + '"]').parent().find('.help-inline').html(msg)
+ $(data.form).parents().find('[name="' + key + '"]').parents('div .form-group').addClass('has-error')
+ $(data.form).parents().find('[name="' + key + '"]').parent().find('.help-inline').html(msg)
# set autofocus
$(data.form).parents().find('.has-error').find('input, textarea').first().focus()
-# # enable form again
-# if $(data.form).parents().find('.has-error').html()
-# @formEnable(data.form)