@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-- request:
- method: get
- uri: https://example.freshdesk.com/api/v2/contacts
- body:
- encoding: US-ASCII
- string: ''
- headers:
- Accept-Encoding:
- - gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
- Accept:
- - "*/*"
- User-Agent:
- - Zammad User Agent
- Host:
- - example.freshdesk.com
- response:
- status:
- code: 401
- message: Unauthorized
- headers:
- Date:
- - Fri, 02 Jul 2021 13:50:52 GMT
- Content-Type:
- - application/json; charset=utf-8
- Transfer-Encoding:
- - chunked
- Connection:
- - keep-alive
- Status:
- - 401 Unauthorized
- X-Ratelimit-Remaining:
- - '4998'
- X-Ratelimit-Total:
- - '5000'
- X-Request-Id:
- - f252fac3-343c-4f56-9306-56012f116d74
- X-Freshdesk-Api-Version:
- - latest=v2; requested=v2
- X-Rack-Cache:
- - miss
- Cache-Control:
- - no-cache
- X-Xss-Protection:
- - 1; mode=block
- X-Ratelimit-Used-Currentrequest:
- - '1'
- X-Ua-Compatible:
- - IE=Edge,chrome=1
- X-Content-Type-Options:
- - nosniff
- Set-Cookie:
- - _x_m=x_a; path=/; HttpOnly; secure
- - _x_w=39_1; path=/; HttpOnly; secure
- X-Fw-Ratelimiting-Managed:
- - 'false'
- X-Envoy-Upstream-Service-Time:
- - '58'
- X-Trace-Id:
- - 00-f37a5fc3bc948c193eb81c7049f6fd66-135d0d9947976cfe-00
- Server:
- - fwe
- body:
- encoding: UTF-8
- string: '{"code":"invalid_credentials","message":"You have to be logged in to
- perform this action."}'
- recorded_at: Fri, 02 Jul 2021 13:50:52 GMT
-recorded_with: VCR 6.0.0