@@ -274,13 +274,19 @@ remove whole data from index
-return search result
+@param query [String] search query
+@param index [String, Array<String>, nil] indexes to search in (see search_by_index)
+@param options [Hash] search options (see build_query)
- result = SearchIndexBackend.search('search query', limit, ['User', 'Organization'])
+@return search result
- result = SearchIndexBackend.search('search query', limit, 'User')
+@example Sample queries
- result = SearchIndexBackend.search('search query', limit, 'User', ['updated_at'], ['desc'])
+ result = SearchIndexBackend.search('search query', ['User', 'Organization'], limit: limit)
+ result = SearchIndexBackend.search('search query', 'User', limit: limit)
+ result = SearchIndexBackend.search('search query', 'User', limit: limit, sort_by: ['updated_at'], order_by: ['desc'])
result = [
@@ -299,25 +305,28 @@ return search result
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
- def self.search(query, limit = 10, index = nil, query_extention = {}, from = 0, sort_by = [], order_by = [])
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists
- return [] if query.blank?
- if index.class == Array
- ids = []
- index.each do |local_index|
- local_ids = search_by_index(query, limit, local_index, query_extention, from, sort_by, order_by )
- ids = ids.concat(local_ids)
- end
- return ids
+ def self.search(query, index = nil, options = {})
+ if !index.is_a? Array
+ return search_by_index(query, index, options)
- search_by_index(query, limit, index, query_extention, from, sort_by, order_by)
+ index
+ .map { |local_index| search_by_index(query, local_index, options) }
+ .compact
+ .flatten(1)
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
- def self.search_by_index(query, limit = 10, index = nil, query_extention = {}, from = 0, sort_by = [], order_by = [])
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists
+@param query [String] search query
+@param index [String, Array<String>, nil] index name or list of index names. If index is nil or not present will, search will be performed globally
+@param options [Hash] search options (see build_query)
+@return search result
+ def self.search_by_index(query, index = nil, options = {})
return [] if query.blank?
url = build_url
@@ -332,15 +341,6 @@ return search result
- data = {}
- data['from'] = from
- data['size'] = limit
- data['sort'] = search_by_index_sort(sort_by, order_by)
- data['query'] = query_extention || {}
- data['query']['bool'] ||= {}
- data['query']['bool']['must'] ||= []
# real search condition
condition = {
@@ -350,14 +350,15 @@ return search result
'analyze_wildcard' => true,
- data['query']['bool']['must'].push condition
+ query_data = build_query(condition, options)
Rails.logger.info "# curl -X POST \"#{url}\" \\"
- Rails.logger.debug { " -d'#{data.to_json}'" }
+ Rails.logger.debug { " -d'#{query_data.to_json}'" }
response = UserAgent.get(
- data,
+ query_data,
json: true,
open_timeout: 5,
@@ -372,35 +373,31 @@ return search result
Rails.logger.error humanized_error(
verb: 'GET',
url: url,
- payload: data,
+ payload: query_data,
response: response,
return []
- data = response.data
+ data = response.data&.dig('hits', 'hits')
- ids = []
- return ids if !data
- return ids if !data['hits']
- return ids if !data['hits']['hits']
+ return [] if !data
- data['hits']['hits'].each do |item|
+ data.map do |item|
Rails.logger.info "... #{item['_type']} #{item['_id']}"
- data = {
+ {
id: item['_id'],
type: item['_type'],
- ids.push data
- ids
- def self.search_by_index_sort(sort_by = [], order_by = [])
+ def self.search_by_index_sort(sort_by = nil, order_by = nil)
result = []
- sort_by.each_with_index do |value, index|
+ sort_by&.each_with_index do |value, index|
next if value.blank?
- next if order_by[index].blank?
+ next if order_by&.at(index).blank?
if value !~ /\./ && value !~ /_(time|date|till|id|ids|at)$/
value += '.raw'
@@ -735,4 +732,44 @@ return true if backend is configured
query += '*' if !query.match?(/:/)
+@param condition [Hash] search condition
+@param options [Hash] search options
+@option options [Integer] :from
+@option options [Integer] :limit
+@option options [Hash] :query_extension applied to ElasticSearch query
+@option options [Array<String>] :order_by ordering directions, desc or asc
+@option options [Array<String>] :sort_by fields to sort by
+ from: 0,
+ limit: 10
+ }.freeze
+ def self.build_query(condition, options = {})
+ options = DEFAULT_QUERY_OPTIONS.merge(options.deep_symbolize_keys)
+ data = {
+ from: options[:from],
+ size: options[:limit],
+ sort: search_by_index_sort(options[:sort_by], options[:order_by]),
+ query: {
+ bool: {
+ must: []
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (extension = options.dig(:query_extension))
+ data[:query].deep_merge! extension.deep_dup
+ end
+ data[:query][:bool][:must].push condition
+ data
+ end