@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+class App.UiElement.ticket_selector extends App.UiElement.ApplicationUiElement
+ @render: (attribute, params = {}) ->
+ # list of attributes
+ groups =
+ tickets:
+ name: 'Ticket'
+ model: 'Ticket'
+ users:
+ name: 'Customer'
+ model: 'User'
+ organizations:
+ name: 'Organization'
+ model: 'Organization'
+ elements =
+ tickets:
+ title:
+ tag: 'input'
+ operator: ['contains', 'contains not']
+ number:
+ tag: 'input'
+ operator: ['contains', 'contains not']
+ group_id:
+ relation: 'Group'
+ tag: 'select'
+ multible: true
+ operator: ['is', 'is not']
+ priority_id:
+ relation: 'Priority'
+ tag: 'select'
+ multible: true
+ operator: ['is', 'is not']
+ state_id:
+ relation: 'State'
+ tag: 'select'
+ multible: true
+ operator: ['is', 'is not']
+ owner_id:
+ tag: 'user_selection'
+ relation: 'User'
+ operator: ['is', 'is not']
+ customer_id:
+ tag: 'user_selection'
+ relation: 'User'
+ operator: ['is', 'is not']
+ organization_id:
+ tag: ''
+ relation: 'Organization'
+ operator: ['is', 'is not']
+ tag:
+ tag: 'tag'
+ multible: true
+ operator: ['is', 'is not']
+ created_at:
+ tag: 'timestamp'
+ operator: ['before', 'after']
+ updated_at:
+ tag: 'timestamp'
+ operator: ['before', 'after']
+ escalation_time:
+ tag: 'timestamp'
+ operator: ['before', 'after']
+ users:
+ firstname:
+ tag: 'input'
+ operator: ['contains', 'contains not']
+ lastname:
+ tag: 'input'
+ operator: ['contains', 'contains not']
+ email:
+ tag: 'input'
+ operator: ['contains', 'contains not']
+ login:
+ tag: 'input'
+ operator: ['contains', 'contains not']
+ created_at:
+ tag: 'time_selector_enhanced'
+ operator: ['before', 'after']
+ updated_at:
+ tag: 'time_selector_enhanced'
+ operator: ['before', 'after']
+ organizations:
+ name:
+ tag: 'input'
+ operator: ['contains', 'contains not']
+ shared:
+ tag: 'boolean'
+ operator: ['is', 'is not']
+ created_at:
+ tag: 'time_selector_enhanced'
+ operator: ['before', 'after']
+ updated_at:
+ tag: 'time_selector_enhanced'
+ operator: ['before', 'after']
+ # megre config
+ for groupKey, groupMeta of groups
+ for elementKey, elementGroup of elements
+ if elementKey is groupKey
+ configure_attributes = App[groupMeta.model].configure_attributes
+ for attributeName, attributeConfig of elementGroup
+ for attribute in configure_attributes
+ if attribute.name is attributeName
+ attributeConfig.config = attribute
+ selector = @buildAttributeSelector(groups, elements)
+ # return item
+ item = $( App.view('generic/ticket_selector')( attribute: attribute ) )
+ item.find('.js-attributeSelector').prepend(selector)
+ # add filter
+ item.find('.js-add').bind('click', (e) =>
+ element = $(e.target).closest('.js-filterElement')
+ elementClone = element.clone(true)
+ element.after(elementClone)
+ elementClone.find('.js-attributeSelector select').trigger('change')
+ )
+ # remove filter
+ item.find('.js-remove').bind('click', (e) =>
+ $(e.target).closest('.js-filterElement').remove()
+ @rebuildAttributeSelectors(item)
+ )
+ # change filter
+ item.find('.js-attributeSelector select').bind('change', (e) =>
+ groupAndAttribute = $(e.target).find('option:selected').attr('value')
+ elementRow = $(e.target).closest('.js-filterElement')
+ console.log('CHANGE', groupAndAttribute, $(e.target))
+ @rebuildAttributeSelectors(item, elementRow, groupAndAttribute)
+ @rebuildOperater(item, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements)
+ @buildValue(item, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements)
+ )
+ # build inital params
+ console.log('P', params)
+ if !_.isEmpty(params.condition)
+ selectorExists = false
+ for position of params.condition.attribute
+ # get stored params
+ groupAndAttribute = params.condition.attribute[position]
+ if params.condition[groupAndAttribute]
+ selectorExists = true
+ operator = params.condition[groupAndAttribute].operator
+ value = params.condition[groupAndAttribute].value
+ # get selector rows
+ elementFirst = item.find('.js-filterElement').first()
+ elementLast = item.find('.js-filterElement').last()
+ # clone, rebuild and append
+ elementClone = elementFirst.clone(true)
+ @rebuildAttributeSelectors(item, elementClone, groupAndAttribute)
+ @rebuildOperater(item, elementClone, groupAndAttribute, elements, operator)
+ @buildValue(item, elementClone, groupAndAttribute, elements, value)
+ elementLast.after(elementClone)
+ # remove first dummy row
+ if selectorExists
+ item.find('.js-filterElement').first().remove()
+ item
+ @getElementConfig: (groupAndAttribute, elements) ->
+ for elementGroup, elementConfig of elements
+ for elementKey, elementItem of elementConfig
+ if "#{elementGroup}.#{elementKey}" is groupAndAttribute
+ return elementItem
+ false
+ @buildValue: (elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, value) ->
+ # do nothing if item already exists
+ name = "condition::#{groupAndAttribute}::value"
+ return if elementRow.find("[name=\"#{name}\"]").get(0)
+ # build new item
+ attributeConfig = @getElementConfig(groupAndAttribute, elements)
+ item = ''
+ if attributeConfig && attributeConfig.config && App.UiElement[attributeConfig.config.tag]
+ config = _.clone(attributeConfig.config)
+ config['name'] = name
+ config['value'] = value
+ if 'multiple' of config
+ config.multiple = true
+ config.nulloption = false
+ item = App.UiElement[attributeConfig.config.tag].render(config, {})
+ elementRow.find('.js-value').html(item)
+ @buildAttributeSelector: (groups, elements) ->
+ selection = $('<input type="hidden" name="condition::attribute"><select class="form-control"></select>')
+ for groupKey, groupMeta of groups
+ displayName = App.i18n.translateInline(groupMeta.name)
+ selection.closest('select').append("<optgroup label=\"#{displayName}\" class=\"js-#{groupKey}\"></optgroup>")
+ optgroup = selection.find("optgroup.js-#{groupKey}")
+ for elementKey, elementGroup of elements
+ if elementKey is groupKey
+ for attributeName, attributeConfig of elementGroup
+ if attributeConfig.config && attributeConfig.config.display
+ displayName = App.i18n.translateInline(attributeConfig.config.display)
+ else
+ displayName = App.i18n.translateInline(attributeName)
+ optgroup.append("<option value=\"#{groupKey}.#{attributeName}\">#{displayName}</option>")
+ selection
+ @rebuildAttributeSelectors: (elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute) ->
+ # enable all
+ elementFull.find('.js-attributeSelector select option').removeAttr('disabled')
+ # disable all used attributes
+ elementFull.find('.js-attributeSelector select').each(->
+ keyLocal = $(@).val()
+ elementFull.find('.js-attributeSelector select option[value="' + keyLocal + '"]').attr('disabled', true)
+ elementFull.find('.js-hiddenAttribute').val(keyLocal)
+ )
+ # disable - if we only have one attribute
+ if elementFull.find('.js-attributeSelector select').length > 1
+ elementFull.find('.js-remove').removeClass('is-disabled')
+ else
+ elementFull.find('.js-remove').addClass('is-disabled')
+ # set attribute
+ if groupAndAttribute
+ elementRow.find('.js-attributeSelector select').val(groupAndAttribute)
+ elementRow.find('[name="condition::attribute"]').val("#{groupAndAttribute}")
+ @buildOperator: (elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, current_operator) ->
+ selection = $("<select class=\"form-control\" name=\"condition::#{groupAndAttribute}::operator\"></select>")
+ attributeConfig = @getElementConfig(groupAndAttribute, elements)
+ for operator in attributeConfig.operator
+ operatorName = App.i18n.translateInline(operator)
+ selected = ''
+ if current_operator is operator
+ selected = 'selected="selected"'
+ selection.append("<option value=\"#{operator}\" #{selected}>#{operatorName}</option>")
+ selection
+ @rebuildOperater: (elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, current_operator) ->
+ return if !groupAndAttribute
+ # do nothing if item already exists
+ name = "condition::#{groupAndAttribute}::operator"
+ return if elementRow.find("[name=\"#{name}\"]").get(0)
+ # render new operator
+ operator = @buildOperator(elementFull, elementRow, groupAndAttribute, elements, current_operator)
+ elementRow.find('.js-operator select').replaceWith(operator)
+ @humanText: (condition) ->
+ return [] if _.isEmpty(condition)
+ rules = []
+ for position of condition.attribute
+ # get stored params
+ groupAndAttribute = condition.attribute[position]
+ if condition[groupAndAttribute]
+ selectorExists = true
+ operator = condition[groupAndAttribute].operator
+ value = condition[groupAndAttribute].value
+ rules.push "Where <b>#{groupAndAttribute}</b> #{operator} <b>#{value}</b>."
+ rules