@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/
+import type { SetNonNullable, SetOptional } from 'type-fest'
+import type { Ref } from 'vue'
+import { computed, ref, watch } from 'vue'
+import MutationHandler from '#shared/server/apollo/handler/MutationHandler.ts'
+import { useDebouncedLoading } from '#shared/composables/useDebouncedLoading.ts'
+import type { FormSubmitData } from '#shared/components/Form/types.ts'
+import type { MutationSendError } from '#shared/types/error.ts'
+import type {
+ ChannelEmailInboundConfiguration,
+ ChannelEmailOutboundConfiguration,
+} from '#shared/graphql/types.ts'
+import UserError from '#shared/errors/UserError.ts'
+import { i18n } from '#shared/i18n.ts'
+import { useChannelEmailValidateConfigurationRoundtripMutation } from '#desktop/entities/channel-email/graphql/mutations/channelEmailValidateConfigurationRoundtrip.api.ts'
+import { useChannelEmailAddMutation } from '#desktop/entities/channel-email/graphql/mutations/channelEmailAdd.api.ts'
+import type {
+ EmailChannelSteps,
+ EmailChannelForms,
+} from '../types/email-channel.ts'
+import type { EmailAccountData } from '../types/email-account.ts'
+import type {
+ UpdateMetaInformationInboundFunction,
+ EmailInboundMetaInformation,
+ EmailOutboundData,
+ EmailInboundData,
+ EmailInboundMessagesData,
+} from '../types/email-inbound-outbound.ts'
+import { useChannelEmailGuessConfigurationMutation } from '../graphql/mutations/channelEmailGuessConfiguration.api.ts'
+import { useChannelEmailValidateConfigurationInboundMutation } from '../graphql/mutations/channelEmailValidateConfigurationInbound.api.ts'
+import { useChannelEmailValidateConfigurationOutboundMutation } from '../graphql/mutations/channelEmailValidateConfigurationOutbound.api.ts'
+export const useEmailChannelConfiguration = (
+ emailChannelForms: EmailChannelForms,
+ metaInformationInbound: Ref<Maybe<EmailInboundMetaInformation>>,
+ updateMetaInformationInbound: UpdateMetaInformationInboundFunction,
+ onSuccessCallback: () => void,
+) => {
+ const { loading, debouncedLoading } = useDebouncedLoading()
+ const activeStep = ref<EmailChannelSteps>('account')
+ const pendingActiveStep = ref<Maybe<EmailChannelSteps>>(null)
+ const setActiveStep = (nextStep: EmailChannelSteps) => {
+ if (!debouncedLoading.value) {
+ activeStep.value = nextStep
+ return
+ }
+ console.log('pendingActiveStep', nextStep)
+ pendingActiveStep.value = nextStep
+ }
+ watch(debouncedLoading, (newValue: boolean) => {
+ console.log('activeStep', activeStep.value)
+ if (!newValue && pendingActiveStep.value) {
+ console.log('SWITCH', pendingActiveStep.value)
+ activeStep.value = pendingActiveStep.value
+ pendingActiveStep.value = null
+ }
+ })
+ const stepTitle = computed(() => {
+ switch (activeStep.value) {
+ case 'inbound':
+ case 'inbound-messages':
+ return __('Email Inbound')
+ case 'outbound':
+ return __('Email Outbound')
+ default:
+ return __('Email Account')
+ }
+ })
+ const activeForm = computed(() => {
+ switch (activeStep.value) {
+ case 'inbound':
+ return emailChannelForms.emailInbound.form.value
+ case 'inbound-messages':
+ return emailChannelForms.emailInboundMessages.form.value
+ case 'outbound':
+ return emailChannelForms.emailOutbound.form.value
+ default:
+ return emailChannelForms.emailAccount.form.value
+ }
+ })
+ const validateConfigurationRoundtripAndChannelAdd = async (
+ account: EmailAccountData,
+ inboundConfiguration: EmailInboundData,
+ outboundConfiguration: EmailOutboundData,
+ ) => {
+ const validateConfigurationRoundtripMutation = new MutationHandler(
+ useChannelEmailValidateConfigurationRoundtripMutation(),
+ )
+ const addEmailChannelMutation = new MutationHandler(
+ useChannelEmailAddMutation(),
+ )
+ // Transform port field to real number for usage in the mutation.
+ inboundConfiguration.port = Number(inboundConfiguration.port)
+ outboundConfiguration.port = Number(outboundConfiguration.port)
+ // Extend inbound configuration with archive information when needed.
+ if (metaInformationInbound.value?.archive) {
+ inboundConfiguration = {
+ ...inboundConfiguration,
+ archive: true,
+ archiveBefore: metaInformationInbound.value.archiveBefore,
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ const roundTripResult = await validateConfigurationRoundtripMutation.send(
+ {
+ inboundConfiguration,
+ outboundConfiguration,
+ emailAddress: account.email,
+ },
+ )
+ if (
+ roundTripResult?.channelEmailValidateConfigurationRoundtrip?.success
+ ) {
+ try {
+ const addChannelResult = await addEmailChannelMutation.send({
+ input: {
+ inboundConfiguration,
+ outboundConfiguration,
+ emailAddress: account.email,
+ emailRealname: account.realname,
+ },
+ })
+ if (addChannelResult?.channelEmailAdd?.channel) {
+ onSuccessCallback()
+ }
+ } catch (errors) {
+ emailChannelForms.emailAccount.setErrors(errors as MutationSendError)
+ setActiveStep('account')
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (errors) {
+ if (
+ errors instanceof UserError &&
+ Object.keys(errors.getFieldErrorList()).length > 0
+ ) {
+ if (
+ Object.keys(errors.getFieldErrorList()).some((key) =>
+ key.startsWith('outbound'),
+ )
+ ) {
+ setActiveStep('outbound')
+ emailChannelForms.emailOutbound.setErrors(errors as MutationSendError)
+ } else {
+ setActiveStep('inbound')
+ emailChannelForms.emailInbound.setErrors(errors as MutationSendError)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ emailChannelForms.emailAccount.setErrors(
+ new UserError([
+ {
+ message: i18n.t(
+ 'Email sending and receiving could not be verified. Please check your settings.',
+ ),
+ },
+ ]),
+ )
+ setActiveStep('account')
+ }
+ }
+ const guessEmailAccount = (data: FormSubmitData<EmailAccountData>) => {
+ loading.value = true
+ const guessConfigurationMutation = new MutationHandler(
+ useChannelEmailGuessConfigurationMutation(),
+ )
+ return guessConfigurationMutation
+ .send({
+ emailAddress: data.email,
+ password: data.password,
+ })
+ .then(async (result) => {
+ if (
+ result?.channelEmailGuessConfiguration?.result.inboundConfiguration &&
+ result?.channelEmailGuessConfiguration?.result.outboundConfiguration
+ ) {
+ const inboundConfiguration = result.channelEmailGuessConfiguration
+ .result.inboundConfiguration as SetOptional<
+ SetNonNullable<Required<ChannelEmailInboundConfiguration>>,
+ '__typename'
+ >
+ delete inboundConfiguration.__typename
+ const outboundConfiguration = result.channelEmailGuessConfiguration
+ .result.outboundConfiguration as SetOptional<
+ SetNonNullable<Required<ChannelEmailOutboundConfiguration>>,
+ '__typename'
+ >
+ delete outboundConfiguration.__typename
+ emailChannelForms.emailInbound.updateFieldValues(inboundConfiguration)
+ emailChannelForms.emailOutbound.updateFieldValues(
+ outboundConfiguration,
+ )
+ const mailboxStats =
+ result?.channelEmailGuessConfiguration?.result.mailboxStats
+ if (
+ mailboxStats?.contentMessages &&
+ mailboxStats?.contentMessages > 0
+ ) {
+ updateMetaInformationInbound(mailboxStats, 'roundtrip')
+ setActiveStep('inbound-messages')
+ return
+ }
+ await validateConfigurationRoundtripAndChannelAdd(
+ data,
+ inboundConfiguration,
+ outboundConfiguration,
+ )
+ } else {
+ emailChannelForms.emailInbound.updateFieldValues({
+ user: data.email,
+ password: data.password,
+ })
+ emailChannelForms.emailOutbound.updateFieldValues({
+ user: data.email,
+ password: data.password,
+ })
+ emailChannelForms.emailInbound.setErrors(
+ new UserError([
+ {
+ message: i18n.t(
+ 'The server settings could not be automatically detected. Please configure them manually.',
+ ),
+ },
+ ]),
+ )
+ setActiveStep('inbound')
+ }
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ loading.value = false
+ })
+ }
+ const validateEmailInbound = (data: FormSubmitData<EmailInboundData>) => {
+ loading.value = true
+ const validationConfigurationInbound = new MutationHandler(
+ useChannelEmailValidateConfigurationInboundMutation(),
+ )
+ return validationConfigurationInbound
+ .send({
+ inboundConfiguration: {
+ ...data,
+ port: Number(data.port),
+ },
+ })
+ .then((result) => {
+ if (result?.channelEmailValidateConfigurationInbound?.success) {
+ emailChannelForms.emailOutbound.updateFieldValues({
+ host: data.host,
+ user: data.user,
+ password: data.password,
+ })
+ const mailboxStats =
+ result?.channelEmailValidateConfigurationInbound?.mailboxStats
+ if (
+ mailboxStats?.contentMessages &&
+ mailboxStats?.contentMessages > 0 &&
+ !data.keepOnServer
+ ) {
+ updateMetaInformationInbound(mailboxStats, 'outbound')
+ setActiveStep('inbound-messages')
+ return
+ }
+ setActiveStep('outbound')
+ }
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ loading.value = false
+ })
+ }
+ const importEmailInboundMessages = async (
+ data: FormSubmitData<EmailInboundMessagesData>,
+ ) => {
+ if (metaInformationInbound.value && data.archive) {
+ metaInformationInbound.value.archive = true
+ metaInformationInbound.value.archiveBefore = new Date().toISOString()
+ }
+ if (metaInformationInbound.value?.nextAction === 'outbound') {
+ setActiveStep('outbound')
+ }
+ if (metaInformationInbound.value?.nextAction === 'roundtrip') {
+ loading.value = true
+ await validateConfigurationRoundtripAndChannelAdd(
+ emailChannelForms.emailAccount.values.value,
+ emailChannelForms.emailInbound.values.value,
+ emailChannelForms.emailOutbound.values.value,
+ )
+ loading.value = false
+ }
+ }
+ const validateEmailOutbound = (data: FormSubmitData<EmailOutboundData>) => {
+ loading.value = true
+ const validationConfigurationOutbound = new MutationHandler(
+ useChannelEmailValidateConfigurationOutboundMutation(),
+ )
+ return validationConfigurationOutbound
+ .send({
+ outboundConfiguration: {
+ ...data,
+ port: Number(data.port),
+ },
+ emailAddress: emailChannelForms.emailAccount.values.value
+ ?.email as string,
+ })
+ .then(async (result) => {
+ if (result?.channelEmailValidateConfigurationOutbound?.success) {
+ await validateConfigurationRoundtripAndChannelAdd(
+ emailChannelForms.emailAccount.values.value,
+ emailChannelForms.emailInbound.values.value,
+ emailChannelForms.emailOutbound.values.value,
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ loading.value = false
+ })
+ }
+ return {
+ debouncedLoading,
+ stepTitle,
+ activeStep,
+ activeForm,
+ guessEmailAccount,
+ validateEmailInbound,
+ importEmailInboundMessages,
+ validateEmailOutbound,
+ }