@@ -594,4 +594,81 @@ class AdminObjectManagerTest < TestCase
assert(undeletable_attribute_html.include?('cannot be deleted'))
+ def test_proper_sorting_of_select_attributes
+ @browser = browser_instance
+ login(
+ username: 'master@example.com',
+ password: 'test',
+ url: browser_url,
+ )
+ tasks_close_all()
+ # lexicographically ordered list of option strings
+ options = %w[0 000.000 1 100.100 100.200 2 200.100 200.200 3 ä b n ö p sr ß st t ü v]
+ options_hash = Hash[options.reverse.collect { |o| [o, o] }]
+ object_manager_attribute_create(
+ data: {
+ name: 'select_attributes_sorting_test',
+ display: 'Select Attributes Sorting Test',
+ data_type: 'Select',
+ data_option: { options: options_hash },
+ },
+ )
+ sleep 2
+ # open the select attribute that we just created
+ execute(js: "$(\".content.active td:contains('select_attributes_sorting_test')\").first().click()")
+ sleep 3
+ unsorted_locations = options.map do |key|
+ [get_location(xpath: "//input[@value='#{key}']").y, key]
+ end
+ log("unsorted_locations = #{unsorted_locations.inspect}")
+ sorted_locations = unsorted_locations.sort_by(&:first).map(&:second)
+ log("sorted_locations = #{sorted_locations.inspect}")
+ assert_equal options, sorted_locations
+ # close the attribute modal
+ click(css: '.modal button.js-submit')
+ watch_for(
+ css: '.content.active',
+ value: 'Database Update required',
+ )
+ watch_for(
+ css: '.content.active table',
+ value: 'select_attributes_sorting_test',
+ )
+ click(css: '.content.active .tab-pane.active div.js-execute')
+ watch_for(
+ css: '.modal',
+ value: 'restart',
+ )
+ watch_for_disappear(
+ css: '.modal',
+ timeout: 7.minutes,
+ )
+ sleep 5
+ watch_for(
+ css: '.content.active',
+ )
+ # create a new ticket and check whether the select attributes are correctly sorted or not
+ click(
+ css: 'a[href="#ticket/create"]',
+ mute_log: true,
+ )
+ watch_for(
+ css: 'select[name="select_attributes_sorting_test"]',
+ )
+ select_element = @browser.find_elements(css: 'select[name="select_attributes_sorting_test"]')[0]
+ unsorted_options = select_element.find_elements(xpath: './*').map(&:text).reject { |x| x == '-' }
+ log unsorted_options.inspect
+ assert_equal options, unsorted_options
+ end