@@ -146,20 +146,9 @@ returns
assets: assets,
-return all history entries of an object and it's assets and extended with an condition (e. g. to only retrive new history entries)
- history = History.list('Ticket', 123, nil, true, ['created_at > ?', [Time.zone.now - 2.days]])
- history = {
- list: list,
- assets: assets,
- }
- def self.list(requested_object, requested_object_id, related_history_object = nil, assets = nil, condition = nil)
+ def self.list(requested_object, requested_object_id, related_history_object = nil, assets = nil)
histories = History.where(
history_object_id: object_lookup(requested_object).id,
o_id: requested_object_id
@@ -174,10 +163,6 @@ returns
- if condition.present?
- histories = histories.where(condition)
- end
histories = histories.order(:created_at)
list = histories.map(&:attributes).each do |data|