@@ -2489,4 +2489,91 @@ RSpec.describe 'Ticket', type: :request do
expect(SearchIndexBackend.search(delete_article_body, 'Ticket', limit: 1)).to be_blank
+ describe 'Agent with being "ticket.agent" and "ticket.customer" is creating + updating a ticket', :aggregate_failures, authenticated_as: :user do
+ let(:group_only_create) { create(:group) }
+ let(:user) { create(:agent_and_customer) }
+ before do
+ skip 'This test requires some changes to the metadata concerns for the Ticket::Article model which are not done yet.'
+ user.group_names_access_map = {
+ group_only_create.name => %w[create],
+ }
+ end
+ it 'contains correct information for sender if agent sets himself as customer and responds' do
+ params = {
+ title: 'Test title for issue #4647',
+ group_id: group_only_create.id,
+ customer_id: user.id,
+ article: {
+ type: 'web',
+ internal: false,
+ sender: 'Customer',
+ subject: 'Test subject',
+ body: SecureRandom.uuid,
+ },
+ }
+ post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:created)
+ ticket = Ticket.last
+ expect(ticket.customer_id).to eq(user.id)
+ expect(ticket.articles.first).to have_attributes(
+ sender: Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup(name: 'Customer'),
+ from: "#{user.fullname} <#{user.email}>",
+ )
+ response_params = {
+ article: {
+ body: SecureRandom.uuid,
+ },
+ }
+ put "/api/v1/tickets/#{ticket.id}", params: response_params, as: :json
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(ticket.reload.articles.last.sender.name).to eq('Customer')
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'Article contains wrong "origin_by" + "from" information', :aggregate_failures, authenticated_as: :user do
+ let(:api_role) do
+ role = create(:role, name: 'API', permission_names: ['ticket.agent'])
+ role.group_names_access_map = {
+ Group.first.name => %w[create change],
+ }
+ role
+ end
+ let(:user) { create(:user, roles: [api_role]) }
+ it 'contains correct "origin_by" + "from" information' do
+ params = {
+ title: 'Test title for issue #4647',
+ group_id: Group.first.id,
+ customer_id: 'guess:dummy@example.com',
+ article: {
+ type: 'web',
+ internal: false,
+ sender: 'Customer',
+ subject: 'Test subject',
+ body: SecureRandom.uuid,
+ },
+ }
+ post '/api/v1/tickets', params: params, as: :json
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:created)
+ expect(Ticket.last.articles.first).to have_attributes(
+ origin_by_id: User.find_by(email: 'dummy@example.com').id,
+ from: ' <dummy@example.com>',
+ )
+ end
+ end