@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Zammad Foundation, http://zammad-foundation.org/
+module ApplicationModel::ChecksAttributeValuesAndLength
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ included do
+ before_create :check_attribute_values_and_length
+ before_update :check_attribute_values_and_length
+ end
+1) check string/varchar size and cut them if needed
+2) check string for null byte \u0000 and remove it
+ def check_attribute_values_and_length
+ columns = self.class.columns_hash
+ attributes.each { |name, value|
+ next if value.blank?
+ next if !value.instance_of?(String)
+ column = columns[name]
+ next if !column
+ # strip null byte chars (postgresql will complain about it)
+ if column.sql_type == 'text'
+ if Rails.application.config.db_null_byte == false
+ self[name].delete!("\u0000")
+ end
+ end
+ # for varchar check length and replace null bytes
+ limit = column.limit
+ if limit
+ current_length = value.length
+ if limit < current_length
+ logger.warn "WARNING: cut string because of database length #{self.class}.#{name}(#{limit} but is #{current_length}:#{value})"
+ self[name] = value[0, limit]
+ end
+ # strip null byte chars (postgresql will complain about it)
+ if Rails.application.config.db_null_byte == false
+ self[name].delete!("\u0000")
+ end
+ end
+ # strip 4 bytes utf8 chars if needed (mysql/mariadb will complain it)
+ next if self[name].blank?
+ self[name] = self[name].utf8_to_3bytesutf8
+ }
+ true
+ end