@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/
+import { getByIconName } from '#tests/support/components/iconQueries.ts'
+import { renderComponent } from '#tests/support/components/index.ts'
+import CommonLoader from '../CommonLoader.vue'
+describe('CommonLoader.vue', () => {
+ it('does not render with default prop values', async () => {
+ const view = renderComponent(CommonLoader)
+ expect(view.queryByRole('status')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('renders loading animation with loading prop set', async () => {
+ const view = renderComponent(CommonLoader, {
+ props: {
+ loading: true,
+ },
+ })
+ const loader = view.getByRole('status')
+ expect(getByIconName(loader, 'spinner')).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('hides loading animation when loading prop is unset', async () => {
+ const view = renderComponent(CommonLoader, {
+ props: {
+ loading: true,
+ },
+ })
+ const loader = view.getByRole('status')
+ expect(loader).toBeInTheDocument()
+ await view.rerender({
+ loading: false,
+ })
+ expect(loader).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('renders alert if error prop is supplied', async () => {
+ const view = renderComponent(CommonLoader, {
+ props: {
+ error: 'foobar',
+ },
+ })
+ const alert = view.getByRole('alert')
+ expect(alert).toHaveTextContent('foobar')
+ expect(getByIconName(alert, 'close-small')).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('provides default slot', async () => {
+ const view = renderComponent(CommonLoader, {
+ slots: {
+ default: 'foobar',
+ },
+ })
+ expect(view.baseElement).toHaveTextContent('foobar')
+ expect(view.queryByRole('status')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(view.queryByRole('alert')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })