@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
class Index extends App.ControllerSubContent
requiredPermission: 'admin.webhook'
header: __('Webhooks')
+ events:
+ 'click [data-type=predefined]': 'choosePreDefinedWebhook'
constructor: ->
- @genericController = new App.ControllerGenericIndex(
+ @genericController = new WebhookIndex(
el: @el
id: @id
genericObject: 'Webhook'
@@ -23,12 +27,20 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerSubContent
buttons: [
{ name: __('Example Payload'), 'data-type': 'payload', class: 'btn' }
- { name: __('New Webhook'), 'data-type': 'new', class: 'btn--success' }
+ {
+ name: __('New Webhook')
+ 'data-type': 'new'
+ class: 'btn--success'
+ menu: [
+ { name: __('Pre-defined Webhook'), 'data-type': 'predefined' }
+ ]
+ }
logFacility: 'webhook'
payloadExampleUrl: '/api/v1/webhooks/preview'
container: @el.closest('.content')
veryLarge: true
+ handlers: [@customPayloadCollapseHandler]
validateOnSubmit: @validateOnSubmit
@@ -39,6 +51,35 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerSubContent
@genericController.paginate( @page || 1 )
+ disableSwitchCallback: ->
+ $(@).parents('form').find('[data-attribute-name="customized_payload"] label').css('pointer-events', 'none')
+ enableSwitchCallback: ->
+ $(@).parents('form').find('[data-attribute-name="customized_payload"] label').css('pointer-events', '')
+ customPayloadCollapseHandler: (params, attribute, attributes, classname, form, ui) =>
+ return if attribute.name isnt 'customized_payload'
+ customPayloadCollapseWidget = form.find('[data-attribute-name="custom_payload"] .panel-collapse')
+ # Prevent triggering duplicate events by disabling switch pointer events during collapsing.
+ customPayloadCollapseWidget
+ .off('show.bs.collapse hide.bs.collapse', @disableSwitchCallback)
+ .on('show.bs.collapse hide.bs.collapse', @disableSwitchCallback)
+ # Make sure the pointer events are re-enabled after collapsing.
+ customPayloadCollapseWidget
+ .off('shown.bs.collapse hidden.bs.collapse', @enableSwitchCallback)
+ .on('shown.bs.collapse hidden.bs.collapse', @enableSwitchCallback)
+ # Show or hide the custom payload widget depending on the switch value.
+ if params.customized_payload
+ customPayloadCollapseWidget.collapse('show')
+ form.find('[data-attribute-name="custom_payload"]').css('margin-bottom', '')
+ else
+ customPayloadCollapseWidget.collapse('hide')
+ form.find('[data-attribute-name="custom_payload"]').css('margin-bottom', '0')
validateOnSubmit: (params) ->
return if _.isEmpty(params['custom_payload'])
@@ -56,4 +97,142 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerSubContent
+ choosePreDefinedWebhook: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ new ChoosePreDefinedWebhook(
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ callback: @newPreDefinedWebhook
+ )
+ newPreDefinedWebhook: (webhook) =>
+ new NewPreDefinedWebhook(
+ genericObject: 'Webhook'
+ pageData:
+ object: __('Webhook')
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
+ veryLarge: true
+ handlers: [@customPayloadCollapseHandler]
+ validateOnSubmit: @validateOnSubmit
+ preDefinedWebhook: webhook
+ )
+class WebhookIndex extends App.ControllerGenericIndex
+ editControllerClass: -> EditWebhook
+class ChoosePreDefinedWebhook extends App.ControllerModal
+ buttonClose: true
+ buttonCancel: true
+ buttonSubmit: __('Next')
+ buttonClass: 'btn--primary'
+ head: __('Pre-defined Webhook')
+ veryLarge: true
+ shown: false
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ App.PreDefinedWebhook.subscribe(@render, initFetch: true)
+ content: ->
+ content = $(App.view('pre_defined_webhook')())
+ preDefinedWebhooksSelection = (el) ->
+ selection = App.UiElement.select.render(
+ id: 'preDefinedWebhooks'
+ name: 'pre_defined_webhook_id'
+ multiple: false
+ limit: 100
+ null: false
+ relation: 'PreDefinedWebhook'
+ nulloption: false
+ )
+ el.html(selection)
+ preDefinedWebhooksSelection(content.find('.js-preDefinedWebhooks'))
+ content
+ onSubmit: (e) =>
+ @formDisable(e)
+ params = @formParam(e.target)
+ webhook = App.PreDefinedWebhook.find(params.pre_defined_webhook_id)
+ @close()
+ @callback(webhook)
+PreDefinedWebhookMixin =
+ field_prefix: 'preferences::pre_defined_webhook'
+ preDefinedWebhookAttributes: ->
+ # Make a deep clone of the pre-defined webhook field definition.
+ fields = $.extend(true, {}, @preDefinedWebhook.fields)
+ # Include pre-defined webhook type as a disabled field.
+ attrs = [
+ name: 'pre_defined_webhook_type'
+ display: __('Pre-defined Webhook')
+ null: true
+ tag: 'select'
+ relation: 'PreDefinedWebhook'
+ value: @preDefinedWebhook.id
+ disabled: true
+ ]
+ # Append preferences field prefix to all field names.
+ attrs = attrs.concat(
+ _.map fields,
+ (field) =>
+ field.name = "#{@field_prefix}::#{field.name}"
+ field
+ )
+ attrs
+ contentFormModel: ->
+ # Make a deep clone of the pre-defined webhook field definition.
+ attrs = $.extend(true, [], App[@genericObject].configure_attributes)
+ # Process edit forms conditionally, in case we are dealing with a pre-defined webhook.
+ if not @preDefinedWebhook and @item?.pre_defined_webhook_type
+ @preDefinedWebhook = App.PreDefinedWebhook.find(@item.pre_defined_webhook_type)
+ # Add pre-defined webhook fields as additional attributes.
+ if @preDefinedWebhook
+ customizedPayloadIndex = _.findIndex(attrs, (attr) -> attr.name is 'customized_payload')
+ # Inject the fields right above the regular `customized_payload` attribute.
+ if customizedPayloadIndex isnt -1
+ attrs.splice(customizedPayloadIndex, 0, @preDefinedWebhookAttributes()...)
+ # As a fallback, inject the fields to the end of the form.
+ else
+ attrs = attrs.concat @preDefinedWebhookAttributes()
+ { configure_attributes: attrs }
+class NewPreDefinedWebhook extends App.ControllerGenericNew
+ @include PreDefinedWebhookMixin
+ # Inject the pre-defined webhook data into the form.
+ contentFormParams: ->
+ name: App.i18n.translatePlain(@preDefinedWebhook.name)
+ custom_payload: @preDefinedWebhook.custom_payload
+ note: App.i18n.translatePlain('Pre-defined webhook for %s.', App.i18n.translatePlain(@preDefinedWebhook.name))
+class EditWebhook extends App.ControllerGenericEdit
+ shown: false
+ @include PreDefinedWebhookMixin
+ constructor: ->
+ super
+ App.PreDefinedWebhook.subscribe(@render, initFetch: true)
+ # Inject the pre-defined webhook data into the form.
+ contentFormParams: ->
+ $.extend(true, @item, { custom_payload: @preDefinedWebhook?.custom_payload if not @item.customized_payload })
App.Config.set('Webhook', { prio: 3350, name: __('Webhook'), parent: '#manage', target: '#manage/webhook', controller: Index, permission: ['admin.webhook'] }, 'NavBarAdmin')