@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
+ # add @title methode to set title
+ title: (name) ->
+ $('html head title').html( Config.product_name + ' - ' + name )
+ # add @notify methode to create notification
+ notify: (data) ->
+ Spine.trigger 'notify', data
+ # add @navupdate methode to update navigation
+ navupdate: (url) ->
+ Spine.trigger 'navupdate', url
+# # extend delegateEvents to unbind and undelegate
+# delegateEvents: ->
+# # here unbind and undelegate while @el
+# @el.unbind()
+# @el.undelegate()
+# for key, method of @events
+# unless typeof(method) is 'function'
+# method = @proxy(@[method])
+# match = key.match(@eventSplitter)
+# eventName = match[1]
+# selector = match[2]
+# if selector is ''
+# @el.bind(eventName, method)
+# else
+# @el.delegate(selector, eventName, method)
+ formGen: (data) ->
+ form = $('<form>')
+ fieldset = $('<fieldset>')
+ fieldset.appendTo(form)
+ autofocus = 1;
+ if data.autofocus isnt undefined
+ autofocus = data.autofocus
+ attributes = clone( data.model.configure_attributes || [] )
+ for attribute in attributes
+ if !attribute.readonly && ( !data.required || data.required && attribute[data.required] )
+ # set autofocus
+ if autofocus is 1
+ attribute.autofocus = 'autofocus'
+ autofocus = 0
+ # set required option
+ if !attribute.null
+ attribute.required = 'required'
+ else
+ attribute.required = ''
+ # set multible option
+ if attribute.multiple
+ attribute.multiple = 'multiple'
+ else
+ attribute.multiple = ''
+ # set autocapitalize option
+ if attribute.autocapitalize is undefined || attribute.autocapitalize
+ attribute.autocapitalize = ''
+ else
+ attribute.autocapitalize = 'autocapitalize="off"'
+ # set value
+ if data.params
+ if attribute.name of data.params
+ attribute.value = data.params[attribute.name]
+ # set default value
+ else
+ if 'default' of attribute
+ @log 'default', attribute.default
+ attribute.value = attribute.default
+ else
+ attribute.value = ''
+ # add item
+ item = $( @formGenItem(attribute, data.model.className) )
+ item.appendTo(fieldset)
+ # if password, add confirm password item
+ if attribute.type is 'password'
+ attribute.display = attribute.display + ' (confirm)'
+ attribute.name = attribute.name + '_confirm';
+ item = $( @formGenItem(attribute, data.model.className) )
+ item.appendTo(fieldset)
+ # return form
+ return form.html()
+ formGenItem: (attribute, classname) ->
+ # create item id
+ attribute.id = classname + '_' + attribute.name
+ # build options list based on config
+ selection = []
+ if attribute.options
+ if attribute.nulloption
+ attribute.options[''] = '-'
+ for key of attribute.options
+ selection.push {
+ name: attribute.options[key],
+ value: key,
+ }
+ # build options list based on relation
+ attribute.options = selection || []
+ if attribute.relation && App[attribute.relation]
+ attribute.options = []
+ if attribute.nulloption
+ attribute.options[''] = '-'
+ attribute.options.push {
+ name: '-',
+ value: '',
+ }
+ list = []
+ if attribute.filter && attribute.filter[attribute.name]
+ filter = attribute.filter[attribute.name]
+ # check all records
+ for record in App[attribute.relation].all()
+ # check all filter attributes
+ for key of filter
+ # check all filter values as array
+ for value in filter[key]
+ # if it's matching, use it for selection
+ if record[key] is value
+ list.push record
+ else
+ list = App[attribute.relation].all()
+ list.forEach( (item) =>
+ if item.active
+ name = '???'
+ if item.name
+ name = item.name
+ else if item.firstname
+ name = item.firstname
+ if item.lastname
+ if name
+ name = name + ' '
+ name = name + item.lastname
+ attribute.options.push {
+ name: name,
+ value: item.id,
+ note: item.note,
+ }
+ )
+ # finde selected/checked item of list
+ if attribute.options
+ for record in attribute.options
+ if typeof attribute.value is 'string' || typeof attribute.value is 'number' || typeof attribute.value is 'boolean'
+ # if name or value is matching
+ if record.value.toString() is attribute.value.toString() || record.name.toString() is attribute.value.toString()
+ record.selected = 'selected'
+ record.checked = 'checked'
+# if record.name.toString() is attribute.value.toString()
+# record.selected = 'selected'
+# record.checked = 'checked'
+ if ( attribute.value && record.value && _.include(attribute.value, record.value) ) || ( attribute.value && record.name && _.include(attribute.value, record.name) )
+ record.selected = 'selected'
+ record.checked = 'checked'
+ # boolean
+ if attribute.tag is 'boolean'
+ # build options list
+ attribute.options = [
+ { name: 'active', value: true }
+ { name: 'inactive', value: false }
+ ] || []
+ # finde selected item of list
+ for record in attribute.options
+ if record.value is attribute.value
+ record.selected = 'selected'
+ # return item
+ item = App.view('generic/select')( attribute: attribute )
+ # select
+ else if attribute.tag is 'select'
+ item = App.view('generic/select')( attribute: attribute )
+ # checkbox
+ else if attribute.tag is 'checkbox'
+ item = App.view('generic/checkbox')( attribute: attribute )
+ # radio
+ else if attribute.tag is 'radio'
+ item = App.view('generic/radio')( attribute: attribute )
+ # textarea
+ else if attribute.tag is 'textarea'
+ item = App.view('generic/textarea')( attribute: attribute )
+ # autocompletion
+ else if attribute.tag is 'autocompletion'
+ item = App.view('generic/autocompletion')( attribute: attribute )
+ a = ->
+# if attribute.relation && App[attribute.relation]
+# @log '1312312333333333333', App[attribute.relation]
+# @log '1231231231', '#' + attribute.id + '_autocompletion'
+ @local_attribute = '#' + attribute.id
+ @local_attribute_full = '#' + attribute.id + '_autocompletion'
+ @callback = attribute.callback
+ b = (event, key) =>
+# @log 'zzzz', event, item, key, @local_attribute
+ $(@local_attribute).val(key)
+ if @callback
+ @callback( user_id: key )
+ ###
+ $(@local_attribute_full).tagsInput(
+ autocomplete_url: '/user_search',
+ height: '30px',
+ width: '530px',
+ auto: {
+ source: '/user_search',
+ minLength: 2,
+ select: ( event, ui ) =>
+ @log 'selected', event, ui
+ b(event, ui.item.id)
+ }
+ )
+ ###
+ $(@local_attribute_full).autocomplete(
+ source: '/user_search',
+ minLength: 2,
+ select: ( event, ui ) =>
+ @log 'selected', event, ui
+ b(event, ui.item.id)
+ )
+ @delay(a, 800)
+ # input
+ else
+ item = App.view('generic/input')( attribute: attribute )
+ return App.view('generic/attribute')(
+ attribute: attribute,
+ item: item,
+ )
+ # get all params of the form
+ formParam: (form, errors) ->
+ param = {}
+ # find form based on sub elements
+ if $(form).children()[0]
+ form = $(form).children().parents('form')
+ # find form based on parents next <form>
+ else if $(form).parents('form')[0]
+ form = $(form).parents('form')
+ # find form based on parents next <form>, not really good!
+ else if $(form).parents().find('form')[0]
+ form = $(form).parents().find('form')
+ else
+ @log 'ERROR, no form found!', form
+ for key in form.serializeArray()
+ if param[key.name]
+ if typeof param[key.name] is 'string'
+ param[key.name] = [ param[key.name], key.value]
+ else
+ param[key.name].push key.value
+ else
+ param[key.name] = key.value
+ @log 'formParam', form, param
+ return param
+ formDisable: (form) ->
+ @log 'disable...', $(form.target).parent()
+ $(form.target).parent().find('[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', true)
+ $(form.target).parent().find('[type="reset"]').attr('disabled', true)
+ formEnable: (form) ->
+ @log 'enable...', $(form).parent()
+ $(form).parent().find('[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', false)
+ $(form).parent().find('[type="reset"]').attr('disabled', false)
+ table: (data) ->
+ overview = data.overview || data.model.configure_overview || []
+ attributes = data.attributes || data.model.configure_attributes || []
+ # define normal header
+ header = []
+ for row in overview
+ for attribute in attributes
+ if row is attribute.name
+ header.push(attribute.display)
+ else
+ rowWithoutId = row + '_id'
+ if rowWithoutId is attribute.name
+ header.push(attribute.display)
+ data_types = []
+ for row in overview
+ data_types.push {
+ name: row,
+ link: 1,
+ }
+ # extended table format
+ if data.overview_extended
+ header = []
+ for row in data.overview_extended
+ for attribute in attributes
+ if row.name is attribute.name
+ header.push(attribute.display)
+ else
+ rowWithoutId = row.name + '_id'
+ if rowWithoutId is attribute.name
+ header.push(attribute.display)
+ data_types = data.overview_extended
+ # generate content data
+ objects = clone( data.objects )
+ for object in objects
+ for row in data_types
+ # check if data is a object
+ if typeof object[row.name] is 'object'
+ if !object[row.name]
+ object[row.name] = {
+ name: '-',
+ }
+ # if no content exists, try firstname/lastname
+ if !object[row.name]['name']
+ if object[row.name]['firstname'] || object[row.name]['lastname']
+ object[row.name]['name'] = (object[row.name]['firstname'] || '') + ' ' + (object[row.name]['lastname'] || '')
+ # if it isnt a object, create one
+ else if typeof object[row.name] isnt 'object'
+ object[row.name] = {
+ name: object[row.name],
+ }
+ # fallback if it's something else
+ else
+ object[row.name] = {
+ name: '????',
+ }
+ # execute callback on content
+ if row.callback
+ object[row.name]['name'] = row.callback(object[row.name]['name'])
+# @log 'table', 'header', header, 'overview', data_types, 'objects', objects
+ table = App.view('generic/table')(
+ header: header,
+ overview: data_types,
+ objects: objects,
+ checkbox: data.checkbox,
+ )
+# @log 'ttt', $(table).find('span')
+# $(table).find('span').bind('click', ->
+# console.log('----------click---------')
+# )
+ # convert to jquery object
+ table = $(table)
+ # enable checkbox bulk selection
+ if data.checkbox
+ table.delegate('[name="bulk_all"]', 'click', (e) ->
+ if $(e.target).attr('checked')
+ $(e.target).parents().find('[name="bulk"]').attr('checked', true);
+ else
+ $(e.target).parents().find('[name="bulk"]').attr('checked', false);
+ )
+ return table
+ ticketTableAttributes: (attributes) =>
+ all_attributes = [
+ { name: 'number', link: true },
+ { name: 'title', link: true },
+ { name: 'customer', class: 'user-data', data: { id: true } },
+ { name: 'ticket_state' },
+ { name: 'ticket_priority' },
+ { name: 'group' },
+ { name: 'owner', class: 'user-data', data: { id: true } },
+ { name: 'created_at', callback: @humanTime },
+ { name: 'last_contact', callback: @humanTime },
+ { name: 'last_contact_agent', callback: @humanTime },
+ { name: 'last_contact_customer', callback: @humanTime },
+ { name: 'first_response', callback: @humanTime },
+ { name: 'close_time', callback: @humanTime },
+ ]
+ shown_all_attributes = []
+ for all_attribute in all_attributes
+ for attribute in attributes
+ if all_attribute['name'] is attribute
+ shown_all_attributes.push all_attribute
+ break
+ return shown_all_attributes
+ validateForm: (data) ->
+ # remove all errors
+ $(data.form).parents().find('.error').removeClass('error')
+ $(data.form).parents().find('.help-inline').html('')
+ # show new errors
+ for key, msg of data.errors
+ $(data.form).parents().find('[name*="' + key + '"]').parents('div .control-group').addClass('error')
+ $(data.form).parents().find('[name*="' + key + '"]').parent().find('.help-inline').html(msg);
+ # set autofocus
+ $(data.form).parents().find('.error').find('input, textarea').first().focus()
+# # enable form again
+# if $(data.form).parents().find('.error').html()
+# @formEnable(data.form)
+# redirectToLogin: (data) ->
+ # human readable file size
+ humanFileSize: (size) =>
+ if size > ( 1024 * 1024 )
+ size = Math.round( size / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) + ' MBytes'
+ else if size > 1024
+ size = Math.round( size / 1024 ) + ' KBytes'
+ else
+ size = size + ' Bytes'
+ return size
+ # human readable time
+ humanTime: (time) =>
+ current = new Date()
+ created = new Date(time)
+ diff = (current - created) / 1000
+ if diff >= 86400
+ unit = Math.round( (diff / 86400) )
+ if unit > 1
+ return unit + ' days'
+ else
+ return unit + ' day'
+ if diff >= 3600
+ unit = Math.round( (diff / 3600) )
+ if unit > 1
+ return unit + ' hours'
+ else
+ return unit + ' hour'
+ if diff <= 3600
+ unit = Math.round( (diff / 60) )
+ if unit > 1
+ return unit + ' minutes'
+ else
+ return unit + ' minute'
+ userInfo: (data) =>
+ # start customer info controller
+ new App.UserInfo(
+ el: data.el || $('#customer_info'),
+ user_id: data.user_id,
+ )
+ authenticate: ->
+ console.log 'authenticate', window.Session
+ return true if window.Session['id']
+ # redirect to login
+ @navigate '#login'
+ return false
+ clone = (obj) ->
+ if not obj? or typeof obj isnt 'object'
+ return obj
+ newInstance = new obj.constructor()
+ for key of obj
+ newInstance[key] = clone obj[key]
+ return newInstance
+ userPopups: (position = 'right') ->
+ # show user popup
+ $('.user-data').popover(
+ delay: { show: 500, hide: 1200 },
+# placement: 'bottom',
+ placement: position,
+ title: (e) =>
+ user_id = $(e).data('id')
+ user = App.User.find(user_id)
+ (user.firstname || '') + ' ' + (user.lastname || '')
+ content: (e) =>
+ user_id = $(e).data('id')
+ user = App.User.find(user_id)
+ # get display data
+ data = []
+ for item in App.User.configure_attributes
+ if user[item.name]
+ if item.name isnt 'firstname'
+ if item.name isnt 'lastname'
+ if item.info #&& ( @user[item.name] || item.name isnt 'note' )
+ data.push item
+ # insert data
+ App.view('user_info_small')(
+ user: user,
+ data: data,
+ )
+ )
+ userTicketPopups: (data) ->
+ # get data
+ @tickets = {}
+ ajax = new App.Ajax
+ ajax.ajax(
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: '/ticket_customer',
+ data: {
+ customer_id: data.user_id,
+ }
+ processData: true,
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ @tickets = data.tickets
+ )
+ if !data.position
+ data.position = 'left'
+ # show user popup
+ $(data.selector).popover(
+ delay: { show: 500, hide: 5200 },
+ placement: data.position,
+ title: (e) =>
+ $(e).find('[title="*"]').val()
+ content: (e) =>
+ type = $(e).filter('[data-type]').data('type')
+ data = @tickets[type] || []
+ for ticket in data
+ # set human time
+ ticket.humanTime = @humanTime(ticket.created_at)
+ # insert data
+ App.view('user_ticket_info_small')(
+ tickets: data,
+ )
+ )
+ loadCollection: (params) ->
+ # users
+ if params.type == 'User'
+ for user of params.data
+ if user && !user.image
+ user.image = 'http://placehold.it/48x48'
+ App.User.refresh( params.data[user], options: { clear: true } )
+ # tickets
+ else if params.type == 'Ticket'
+ for ticket in params.data
+ # priority
+ ticket.ticket_priority = App.TicketPriority.find(ticket.ticket_priority_id)
+ # state
+ ticket.ticket_state = App.TicketState.find(ticket.ticket_state_id)
+ # group
+ ticket.group = App.Group.find(ticket.group_id)
+ # customer
+ if ticket.customer_id and App.User.exists(ticket.customer_id)
+ user = App.User.find(ticket.customer_id)
+ ticket.customer = user
+ # owner
+ if ticket.owner_id and App.User.exists(ticket.owner_id)
+ user = App.User.find(ticket.owner_id)
+ ticket.owner = user
+ # load collection
+ App.Ticket.refresh( ticket, options: { clear: true } )
+ # articles
+ else if params.type == 'TicketArticle'
+ for article in params.data
+ # add user
+ article.created_by = App.User.find(article.created_by_id)
+ # set human time
+ article.humanTime = @humanTime(article.created_at)
+ # add possible actions
+ article.article_type = App.TicketArticleType.find( article.ticket_article_type_id )
+ article.article_sender = App.TicketArticleSender.find( article.ticket_article_sender_id )
+ App.TicketArticle.refresh( article, options: { clear: true } )
+ # history
+ else if params.type == 'History'
+ for histroy in params.data
+ # add user
+ histroy.created_by = App.User.find(histroy.created_by_id)
+ # set human time
+ histroy.humanTime = @humanTime(histroy.created_at)
+ # add possible actions
+ if histroy.history_attribute_id
+ histroy.attribute = App.HistoryAttribute.find( histroy.history_attribute_id )
+ if histroy.history_type_id
+ histroy.type = App.HistoryType.find( histroy.history_type_id )
+ if histroy.history_object_id
+ histroy.object = App.HistoryObject.find( histroy.history_object_id )
+ App.History.refresh( histroy, options: { clear: true } )
+ # all the rest
+ else
+ for object in params.data
+ App[params.type].refresh( object, options: { clear: true } )
+class App.ControllerModal extends App.Controller
+ className: 'modal hide fade',
+ tag: 'div',
+ events:
+ 'submit form': 'submit',
+ 'click .submit': 'submit',
+ 'click .cancel': 'modalHide',
+ 'click .close': 'modalHide',
+ constructor: (options) ->
+ # do not use @el, because it's inserted by js
+ if options
+ delete options.el
+ # callbacks
+# @callback = {}
+# if options.success
+# @callback.success = options.success
+# if options.error
+# @callback.error = options.error
+ super(options)
+ modalShow: (params) =>
+ @el.modal({
+ backdrop: true,
+ keyboard: true,
+ show: true
+ })
+ @el.bind('hidden', =>
+ # navigate back to home page
+ if @pageData && @pageData.home
+ @navigate @pageData.home
+ # navigate back
+ if params && params.navigateBack
+ window.history.back()
+ # remove modal from dom
+ $('.modal').remove();
+ )
+ modalHide: (e) =>
+ if e
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @el.modal('hide')