@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ class App.Collection
_instance ?= new _Singleton
_instance.load( args )
+ @reset: ( args ) ->
+ if _instance == undefined
+ _instance ?= new _Singleton
+ _instance.reset( args )
@find: ( type, id, callback, force ) ->
if _instance == undefined
_instance ?= new _Singleton
@@ -58,6 +63,16 @@ class _Singleton
console.log 'loadCollection:trigger', type, data.collections[type]
@load( localStorage: data.localStorage, type: type, data: data.collections[type] )
+ # add trigger - bind new events
+ Spine.bind 'restCollection', (data) =>
+ # load collections
+ if data.collections
+ for type of data.collections
+ console.log 'restCollection:trigger', type, data.collections[type]
+ @reset( localStorage: data.localStorage, type: type, data: data.collections[type] )
# find collections to load
@@ -71,6 +86,22 @@ class _Singleton
console.log('load INIT', data)
@load( data )
+ reset: (params) ->
+ console.log( 'reset', params )
+ # remove permanent storage
+ list = App.Store.list()
+ for key in list
+ parts = key.split('::')
+ if parts[0] is 'collection' && parts[1] is params.type
+ App.Store.delete(key)
+ # empty in-memory
+ App[ params.type ].refresh( [], { clear: true } )
+ # load with new data
+ @load(params)
load: (params) ->
console.log( 'load', params )