@@ -44,13 +44,16 @@ class User < ApplicationModel
has_many :data_privacy_tasks, as: :deletable
belongs_to :organization, inverse_of: :members, optional: true
- before_validation :check_name, :check_email, :check_login, :ensure_uniq_email, :ensure_password, :ensure_roles, :ensure_identifier
+ before_validation :check_name, :check_email, :check_login, :ensure_password, :ensure_roles
before_validation :check_mail_delivery_failed, on: :update
before_create :check_preferences_default, :validate_preferences, :validate_ooo, :domain_based_assignment, :set_locale
before_update :check_preferences_default, :validate_preferences, :validate_ooo, :reset_login_failed_after_password_change, :validate_agent_limit_by_attributes, :last_admin_check_by_attribute
before_destroy :destroy_longer_required_objects, :destroy_move_dependency_ownership
after_commit :update_caller_id
+ validate :ensure_identifier, :ensure_email
+ validate :ensure_uniq_email, unless: :skip_ensure_uniq_email
# workflow checks should run after before_create and before_update callbacks
include ChecksCoreWorkflow
@@ -859,51 +862,49 @@ try to find correct name
preferences.fetch(:locale) { Locale.default }
+ attr_accessor :skip_ensure_uniq_email
def check_name
- if firstname.present?
- firstname.strip!
- end
- if lastname.present?
- lastname.strip!
- end
+ firstname&.strip!
+ lastname&.strip!
- return true if firstname.present? && lastname.present?
+ return if firstname.present? && lastname.present?
if (firstname.blank? && lastname.present?) || (firstname.present? && lastname.blank?)
used_name = firstname.presence || lastname
(local_firstname, local_lastname) = User.name_guess(used_name, email)
elsif firstname.blank? && lastname.blank? && email.present?
(local_firstname, local_lastname) = User.name_guess('', email)
- self.firstname = local_firstname if local_firstname.present?
- self.lastname = local_lastname if local_lastname.present?
+ check_name_apply(:firstname, local_firstname)
+ check_name_apply(:lastname, local_lastname)
+ end
- if firstname.present? && firstname.match(%r{^[A-z]+$}) && (firstname.downcase == firstname || firstname.upcase == firstname)
- firstname.capitalize!
- end
- if lastname.present? && lastname.match(%r{^[A-z]+$}) && (lastname.downcase == lastname || lastname.upcase == lastname)
- lastname.capitalize!
- end
- true
+ def check_name_apply(identifier, input)
+ self[identifier] = input if input.present?
+ self[identifier].capitalize! if self[identifier]&.match? %r{^([[:upper:]]+|[[:lower:]]+)$}
def check_email
- return true if Setting.get('import_mode')
- return true if email.blank?
+ return if Setting.get('import_mode')
+ return if email.blank?
self.email = email.downcase.strip
- return true if id == 1
+ end
+ def ensure_email
+ return if email.blank?
+ return if id == 1
email_address_validation = EmailAddressValidation.new(email)
- if !email_address_validation.valid_format?
- raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, "Invalid email '#{email}'"
- end
- true
+ return if email_address_validation.valid_format?
+ errors.add :base, "Invalid email '#{email}'"
def check_login
@@ -914,7 +915,7 @@ try to find correct name
# if email has changed, login is old email, change also login
- if changes && changes['email'] && changes['email'][0] == login
+ if email_changed? && email_was == login
self.login = email
@@ -943,27 +944,26 @@ try to find correct name
def ensure_roles
- return true if role_ids.present?
+ return if role_ids.present?
self.role_ids = Role.signup_role_ids
def ensure_identifier
- return true if email.present? || firstname.present? || lastname.present? || phone.present?
- return true if login.present? && !login.start_with?('auto-')
+ return if login.present? && !login.start_with?('auto-')
+ return if [email, firstname, lastname, phone].any?(&:present?)
- raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, __('Minimum one identifier (login, firstname, lastname, phone or email) for user is required.')
+ errors.add :base, __('At least one identifier (firstname, lastname, phone or email) for user is required.')
def ensure_uniq_email
- return true if Setting.get('user_email_multiple_use')
- return true if Setting.get('import_mode')
- return true if email.blank?
- return true if !changes
- return true if !changes['email']
- return true if !User.exists?(email: email.downcase.strip)
+ return if Setting.get('user_email_multiple_use')
+ return if Setting.get('import_mode')
+ return if email.blank?
+ return if !email_changed?
+ return if !User.exists?(email: email.downcase.strip)
- raise Exceptions::UnprocessableEntity, "Email address '#{email.downcase.strip}' is already used for other user."
+ errors.add :base, "Email address '#{email.downcase.strip}' is already used for other user."
def validate_roles(role)
@@ -1166,7 +1166,6 @@ raise 'Minimum one user need to have admin permissions'
def ensure_password
self.password = ensured_password
- true
def ensured_password