@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+import gql from 'graphql-tag';
+import * as VueApolloComposable from '@vue/apollo-composable';
+import * as VueCompositionApi from 'vue';
+export type Maybe<T> = T | null;
+export type Exact<T extends { [key: string]: unknown }> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] };
+export type MakeOptional<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & { [SubKey in K]?: Maybe<T[SubKey]> };
+export type MakeMaybe<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & { [SubKey in K]: Maybe<T[SubKey]> };
+export type ReactiveFunction<TParam> = () => TParam;
+/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */
+export type Scalars = {
+ ID: string;
+ String: string;
+ Boolean: boolean;
+ Int: number;
+ Float: number;
+ /** An ISO 8601-encoded date */
+ ISO8601Date: any;
+ /** An ISO 8601-encoded datetime */
+ ISO8601DateTime: any;
+ /** Represents untyped JSON */
+ JSON: any;
+/** Autogenerated return type of Login */
+export type LoginPayload = {
+ __typename?: 'LoginPayload';
+ /** The logged-in user */
+ currentUser: User;
+ /** The current session */
+ session: Session;
+/** Autogenerated return type of Logout */
+export type LogoutPayload = {
+ __typename?: 'LogoutPayload';
+ /** Was the logout successful? */
+ success: Scalars['Boolean'];
+/** All available mutations. */
+export type Mutations = {
+ __typename?: 'Mutations';
+ /** Performs a user login to create a session */
+ login?: Maybe<LoginPayload>;
+ /** End the current session */
+ logout?: Maybe<LogoutPayload>;
+/** All available mutations. */
+export type MutationsLoginArgs = {
+ fingerprint: Scalars['String'];
+ login: Scalars['String'];
+ password: Scalars['String'];
+/** An object with an ID. */
+export type Node = {
+ /** ID of the object. */
+ id: Scalars['ID'];
+/** Organizations that users can belong to */
+export type Organization = Node & {
+ __typename?: 'Organization';
+ active: Scalars['Boolean'];
+ /** Create date/time of the record */
+ createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime'];
+ /** User that created this record */
+ createdBy: User;
+ domain?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ domainAssignment: Scalars['Boolean'];
+ id: Scalars['ID'];
+ members: UserConnection;
+ name: Scalars['String'];
+ note?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ shared: Scalars['Boolean'];
+ /** Last update date/time of the record */
+ updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime'];
+ /** Last user that updated this record */
+ updatedBy: User;
+/** Organizations that users can belong to */
+export type OrganizationMembersArgs = {
+ after?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ before?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ first?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
+ last?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
+/** Information about pagination in a connection. */
+export type PageInfo = {
+ __typename?: 'PageInfo';
+ /** When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue. */
+ endCursor?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ /** When paginating forwards, are there more items? */
+ hasNextPage: Scalars['Boolean'];
+ /** When paginating backwards, are there more items? */
+ hasPreviousPage: Scalars['Boolean'];
+ /** When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue. */
+ startCursor?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+/** All available queries */
+export type Queries = {
+ __typename?: 'Queries';
+ /** Fetches an object given its ID. */
+ node?: Maybe<Node>;
+ /** Fetches a list of objects given a list of IDs. */
+ nodes: Array<Maybe<Node>>;
+ /** Information about the current user session */
+ session: Session;
+/** All available queries */
+export type QueriesNodeArgs = {
+ id: Scalars['ID'];
+/** All available queries */
+export type QueriesNodesArgs = {
+ ids: Array<Scalars['ID']>;
+/** Data of a current session */
+export type Session = {
+ __typename?: 'Session';
+ data?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']>;
+ sessionId: Scalars['String'];
+/** Users (admins, agents and customers) */
+export type User = Node & {
+ __typename?: 'User';
+ active: Scalars['Boolean'];
+ address?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ city?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ country?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ /** Create date/time of the record */
+ createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime'];
+ /** User that created this record */
+ createdById: Scalars['Int'];
+ department?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ email?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ fax?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ firstname?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ id: Scalars['ID'];
+ image?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ imageSource?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ lastLogin?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']>;
+ lastname?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ login: Scalars['String'];
+ loginFailed: Scalars['Int'];
+ mobile?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ note?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ organization?: Maybe<Organization>;
+ outOfOffice: Scalars['Boolean'];
+ outOfOfficeEndAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601Date']>;
+ outOfOfficeReplacementId?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
+ outOfOfficeStartAt?: Maybe<Scalars['ISO8601Date']>;
+ password?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ phone?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ preferences?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']>;
+ source?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ street?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ /** Last update date/time of the record */
+ updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime'];
+ /** Last user that updated this record */
+ updatedById: Scalars['Int'];
+ verified: Scalars['Boolean'];
+ vip?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
+ web?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+ zip?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
+/** The connection type for User. */
+export type UserConnection = {
+ __typename?: 'UserConnection';
+ /** A list of edges. */
+ edges?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<UserEdge>>>;
+ /** A list of nodes. */
+ nodes?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<User>>>;
+ /** Information to aid in pagination. */
+ pageInfo: PageInfo;
+/** An edge in a connection. */
+export type UserEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'UserEdge';
+ /** A cursor for use in pagination. */
+ cursor: Scalars['String'];
+ /** The item at the end of the edge. */
+ node?: Maybe<User>;
+export type LoginMutationVariables = Exact<{
+ login: Scalars['String'];
+ password: Scalars['String'];
+ fingerprint: Scalars['String'];
+export type LoginMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutations', login?: { __typename?: 'LoginPayload', currentUser: { __typename?: 'User', firstname?: string | null | undefined, lastname?: string | null | undefined }, session: { __typename?: 'Session', sessionId: string, data?: any | null | undefined } } | null | undefined };
+export type LogoutMutationVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>;
+export type LogoutMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutations', logout?: { __typename?: 'LogoutPayload', success: boolean } | null | undefined };
+export type SessionQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>;
+export type SessionQuery = { __typename?: 'Queries', session: { __typename?: 'Session', sessionId: string, data?: any | null | undefined } };
+export const LoginDocument = gql`
+ mutation login($login: String!, $password: String!, $fingerprint: String!) {
+ login(login: $login, password: $password, fingerprint: $fingerprint) {
+ currentUser {
+ firstname
+ lastname
+ }
+ session {
+ sessionId
+ data
+ }
+ }
+ `;
+ * __useLoginMutation__
+ *
+ * To run a mutation, you first call `useLoginMutation` within a Vue component and pass it any options that fit your needs.
+ * When your component renders, `useLoginMutation` returns an object that includes:
+ * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation
+ * - Several other properties: https://v4.apollo.vuejs.org/api/use-mutation.html#return
+ *
+ * @param options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://v4.apollo.vuejs.org/guide-composable/mutation.html#options;
+ *
+ * @example
+ * const { mutate, loading, error, onDone } = useLoginMutation({
+ * variables: {
+ * login: // value for 'login'
+ * password: // value for 'password'
+ * fingerprint: // value for 'fingerprint'
+ * },
+ * });
+ */
+export function useLoginMutation(options: VueApolloComposable.UseMutationOptions<LoginMutation, LoginMutationVariables> | ReactiveFunction<VueApolloComposable.UseMutationOptions<LoginMutation, LoginMutationVariables>>) {
+ return VueApolloComposable.useMutation<LoginMutation, LoginMutationVariables>(LoginDocument, options);
+export type LoginMutationCompositionFunctionResult = VueApolloComposable.UseMutationReturn<LoginMutation, LoginMutationVariables>;
+export const LogoutDocument = gql`
+ mutation logout {
+ logout {
+ success
+ }
+ `;
+ * __useLogoutMutation__
+ *
+ * To run a mutation, you first call `useLogoutMutation` within a Vue component and pass it any options that fit your needs.
+ * When your component renders, `useLogoutMutation` returns an object that includes:
+ * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation
+ * - Several other properties: https://v4.apollo.vuejs.org/api/use-mutation.html#return
+ *
+ * @param options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on: https://v4.apollo.vuejs.org/guide-composable/mutation.html#options;
+ *
+ * @example
+ * const { mutate, loading, error, onDone } = useLogoutMutation();
+ */
+export function useLogoutMutation(options: VueApolloComposable.UseMutationOptions<LogoutMutation, LogoutMutationVariables> | ReactiveFunction<VueApolloComposable.UseMutationOptions<LogoutMutation, LogoutMutationVariables>> = {}) {
+ return VueApolloComposable.useMutation<LogoutMutation, LogoutMutationVariables>(LogoutDocument, options);
+export type LogoutMutationCompositionFunctionResult = VueApolloComposable.UseMutationReturn<LogoutMutation, LogoutMutationVariables>;
+export const SessionDocument = gql`
+ query session {
+ session {
+ sessionId
+ data
+ }
+ `;
+ * __useSessionQuery__
+ *
+ * To run a query within a Vue component, call `useSessionQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs.
+ * When your component renders, `useSessionQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains result, loading and error properties
+ * you can use to render your UI.
+ *
+ * @param options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://v4.apollo.vuejs.org/guide-composable/query.html#options;
+ *
+ * @example
+ * const { result, loading, error } = useSessionQuery();
+ */
+export function useSessionQuery(options: VueApolloComposable.UseQueryOptions<SessionQuery, SessionQueryVariables> | VueCompositionApi.Ref<VueApolloComposable.UseQueryOptions<SessionQuery, SessionQueryVariables>> | ReactiveFunction<VueApolloComposable.UseQueryOptions<SessionQuery, SessionQueryVariables>> = {}) {
+ return VueApolloComposable.useQuery<SessionQuery, SessionQueryVariables>(SessionDocument, {}, options);
+export type SessionQueryCompositionFunctionResult = VueApolloComposable.UseQueryReturn<SessionQuery, SessionQueryVariables>;