@@ -46,13 +46,7 @@ read content of a file
def content
adapter = self.class.load_adapter("Store::Provider::#{provider}")
- c = if sha
- adapter.get(sha)
- else
- # fallback until migration is done
- Store::Provider::DB.find_by(md5: md5).data
- end
- c
+ adapter.get(sha)
@@ -78,7 +72,7 @@ in case of fixing sha hash use:
next if sha == item.sha
success = false
logger.error "DIFF: sha diff of Store::File.find(#{item.id}) current:#{sha}/db:#{item.sha}/provider:#{item.provider}"
- store = Store.find(store_file_id: item.id)
+ store = Store.find_by(store_file_id: item.id)
logger.error "STORE: #{store.inspect}"
if fix_it
item.update_attribute(:sha, sha)