@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+require 'rails_helper'
+RSpec.describe 'Manage > Users', type: :system do
+ describe 'switching to an alternative user', authenticated_as: -> { original_user } do
+ let(:original_user) { create(:admin) }
+ let(:alternative_one_user) { create(:admin) }
+ let(:alternative_two_user) { create(:admin) }
+ before do
+ alternative_one_user
+ alternative_two_user
+ end
+ it 'starts as original user' do
+ expect(current_user).to eq original_user
+ end
+ it 'switches to alternative user' do
+ switch_to(alternative_one_user)
+ expect(current_user).to eq alternative_one_user
+ end
+ it 'switches to another alternative user' do
+ switch_to(alternative_one_user)
+ switch_to(alternative_two_user)
+ expect(current_user).to eq alternative_two_user
+ end
+ it 'switches back to original user' do
+ switch_to(alternative_one_user)
+ switch_to(alternative_two_user)
+ click '.switchBackToUser-close'
+ expect(current_user).to eq original_user
+ end
+ def switch_to(user)
+ visit 'manage/users'
+ within(:active_content) do
+ row = find("tr[data-id=\"#{user.id}\"]")
+ row.find('.js-action').click
+ row.find('.js-switchTo').click
+ end
+ await_empty_ajax_queue
+ end
+ end