@@ -77,10 +77,6 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
if @ajaxCalls
for callId in @ajaxCalls
- @userTicketPopupsDestroy()
- @ticketPopupsDestroy()
- @userPopupsDestroy()
- @organizationPopupsDestroy()
release: ->
# release custom bindings after it got removed from dom
@@ -295,228 +291,6 @@ class App.Controller extends Spine.Controller
item.attr('title', App.i18n.translateTimestamp(timestamp))
- ticketPopups: (position = 'right') ->
- # open ticket in new task if curent user agent
- if @permissionCheck('ticket.agent')
- @$('div.ticket-popover, span.ticket-popover').bind('click', (e) =>
- id = $(e.target).data('id')
- return if !id
- ticket = App.Ticket.findNative(id)
- @navigate ticket.uiUrl()
- )
- @ticketPopupsDestroy()
- # show ticket popup
- ui = @
- @ticketPopupsList = @el.find('.ticket-popover').popover(
- trigger: 'hover'
- container: 'body'
- html: true
- animation: false
- delay: 100
- placement: position
- title: ->
- ticketId = $(@).data('id')
- ticket = App.Ticket.find(ticketId)
- App.Utils.htmlEscape(ticket.title)
- content: ->
- ticketId = $(@).data('id')
- ticket = App.Ticket.fullLocal(ticketId)
- html = $(App.view('popover/ticket')(
- ticket: ticket
- ))
- html.find('.humanTimeFromNow').each(->
- ui.frontendTimeUpdateItem($(@))
- )
- html
- )
- ticketPopupsDestroy: =>
- if @ticketPopupsList
- @ticketPopupsList.popover('destroy')
- userPopups: (position = 'right') ->
- # open user in new task if current user is agent
- return if !@permissionCheck('ticket.agent')
- @$('div.user-popover, span.user-popover').bind('click', (e) =>
- id = $(e.target).data('id')
- return if !id
- user = App.User.findNative(id)
- @navigate user.uiUrl()
- )
- @userPopupsDestroy()
- # show user popup
- @userPopupsList = @el.find('.user-popover').popover(
- trigger: 'hover'
- container: 'body'
- html: true
- animation: false
- delay: 100
- placement: "auto #{position}"
- title: ->
- userId = $(@).data('id')
- user = App.User.find(userId)
- headline = App.Utils.htmlEscape(user.displayName())
- if user.isOutOfOffice()
- headline += " (#{App.Utils.htmlEscape(user.outOfOfficeText())})"
- headline
- content: ->
- userId = $(@).data('id')
- user = App.User.fullLocal(userId)
- # get display data
- userData = []
- for attributeName, attributeConfig of App.User.attributesGet('view')
- # check if value for _id exists
- name = attributeName
- nameNew = name.substr(0, name.length - 3)
- if nameNew of user
- name = nameNew
- # add to show if value exists
- if user[name] && attributeConfig.shown
- # do not show firstname and lastname / already show via diplayName()
- if name isnt 'firstname' && name isnt 'lastname' && name isnt 'organization'
- userData.push attributeConfig
- # insert data
- App.view('popover/user')(
- user: user
- userData: userData
- )
- )
- userPopupsDestroy: =>
- if @userPopupsList
- @userPopupsList.popover('destroy')
- organizationPopups: (position = 'right') ->
- # open org in new task if current user agent
- return if !@permissionCheck('ticket.agent')
- @$('div.organization-popover, span.organization-popover').bind('click', (e) =>
- id = $(e.target).data('id')
- return if !id
- organization = App.Organization.find(id)
- @navigate organization.uiUrl()
- )
- @organizationPopupsDestroy()
- # show organization popup
- @organizationPopupsList = @el.find('.organization-popover').popover(
- trigger: 'hover'
- container: 'body'
- html: true
- animation: false
- delay: 100
- placement: "auto #{position}"
- title: ->
- organization_id = $(@).data('id')
- organization = App.Organization.find(organization_id)
- App.Utils.htmlEscape(organization.name)
- content: ->
- organization_id = $(@).data('id')
- organization = App.Organization.fullLocal(organization_id)
- # get display data
- organizationData = []
- for attributeName, attributeConfig of App.Organization.attributesGet('view')
- # check if value for _id exists
- name = attributeName
- nameNew = name.substr(0, name.length - 3)
- if nameNew of organization
- name = nameNew
- # add to show if value exists
- if organization[name] && attributeConfig.shown
- # do not show firstname and lastname / already show via diplayName()
- if name isnt 'name'
- organizationData.push attributeConfig
- # insert data
- App.view('popover/organization')(
- organization: organization,
- organizationData: organizationData,
- )
- )
- organizationPopupsDestroy: =>
- if @organizationPopupsList
- @organizationPopupsList.popover('destroy')
- userTicketPopups: (params) ->
- show = (data, ticket_list) =>
- if !data.position
- data.position = 'left'
- @userTicketPopupsDestroy()
- # show user popup
- ui = @
- @userTicketPopupsList = @el.find(data.selector).popover(
- trigger: 'hover'
- container: 'body'
- html: true
- animation: false
- delay: 100
- placement: "auto #{data.position}"
- title: ->
- $(@).find('[title="*"]').val()
- content: ->
- type = $(@).filter('[data-type]').data('type')
- tickets = []
- if ticket_list[type]
- for ticketId in ticket_list[type]
- tickets.push App.Ticket.fullLocal(ticketId)
- # insert data
- html = $(App.view('popover/user_ticket_list')(
- tickets: tickets
- ))
- html.find('.humanTimeFromNow').each( ->
- ui.frontendTimeUpdateItem($(@))
- )
- html
- )
- fetch = (params) =>
- @ajax(
- type: 'GET'
- url: "#{@Config.get('api_path')}/ticket_customer"
- data:
- customer_id: params.user_id
- processData: true
- success: (data, status, xhr) ->
- App.Collection.loadAssets(data.assets)
- show(params, { open: data.ticket_ids_open, closed: data.ticket_ids_closed })
- )
- # get data
- fetch(params)
- userTicketPopupsDestroy: =>
- if @userTicketPopupsList
- @userTicketPopupsList.popover('destroy')
- anyPopoversDestroy: ->
- # do not remove permanent .popover--notifications widget
- $('.popover:not(.popover--notifications)').remove()
recentView: (object, o_id) =>
params =
object: object