@@ -5,7 +5,14 @@ class Store
include ApplicationLib
after_destroy :destroy_provider
- # add new file
+add new file to store
+ store_file_id = Store::File.add(binary_data)
def self.add(data)
sha = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest( data )
@@ -27,7 +34,16 @@ class Store
- # read content
+read content of a file
+ store = Store::File.find(123)
+ store.content # returns binary
def content
adapter = self.class.load_adapter("Store::Provider::#{provider}")
if sha
@@ -39,7 +55,21 @@ class Store
- # check data and sha, in case fix it
+file system check of store, check data and sha (in case fix it)
+ Store::File.verify
+read each file which should be in backend and verify agsinst sha hash
+in case of fixing sha hash use:
+ Store::File.verify(true)
def self.verify(fix_it = nil)
success = true
Store::File.all.each {|item|
@@ -58,9 +88,20 @@ class Store
- # move file from one to other provider
- # e. g. Store::File.move('File', 'DB')
- # e. g. Store::File.move('DB', 'File')
+move file from one to other provider
+move files from file backend to db
+ Store::File.move('File', 'DB')
+move files from db backend to fs
+ Store::File.move('DB', 'File')
def self.move(source, target)
adapter_source = load_adapter("Store::Provider::#{source}")
adapter_target = load_adapter("Store::Provider::#{target}")