@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+class Models
+ include ApplicationLib
+get list of models
+ result = Models.all
+ {
+ 'Some::Classname1' => {
+ attributes: ['id', 'name', '...']
+ reflections: ...model.reflections...
+ },
+ 'Some::Classname2' => {
+ attributes: ['id', 'name', '...']
+ reflections: ...model.reflections...
+ },
+ }
+ def self.all
+ all = {}
+ dir = "#{Rails.root}/app/models/"
+ Dir.glob( "#{dir}**/*.rb" ) do |entry|
+ next if entry =~ /application_model/i
+ next if entry =~ /channel\//i
+ next if entry =~ /observer\//i
+ next if entry =~ /store\/provider\//i
+ entry.gsub!(dir, '')
+ entry = entry.to_classname
+ model_class = load_adapter(entry)
+ next if !model_class
+ next if !model_class.respond_to? :new
+ model_object = model_class.new
+ next if !model_object.respond_to? :attributes
+ all[model_class] = {}
+ all[model_class][:attributes] = model_class.attribute_names
+ all[model_class][:reflections] = model_class.reflections
+ #puts "rrrr #{all[model_class][:attributes]}"
+ #puts model.class
+ #puts " #{model.attribute_names.inspect}"
+ end
+ all
+ end
+get reference list of a models
+ result = Models.references('User', 2)
+ {
+ 'Some::Classname1' => {
+ attributes: ['id', 'name', '...']
+ reflections: ...model.reflections...
+ },
+ 'Some::Classname2' => {
+ attributes: ['id', 'name', '...']
+ reflections: ...model.reflections...
+ },
+ }
+ def self.references(object_name, object_id)
+ object_model = load_adapter(object_name)
+ object_model.find(object_id)
+ list = all
+ references = {
+ model: {},
+ total: 0,
+ }
+ # find relations via attributes
+ list.each {|model_class, model_attributes|
+ references[:model][model_class.to_s] = 0
+ next if !model_attributes[:attributes]
+ ['created_by_id', 'updated_by_id'].each {|item|
+ if model_attributes[:attributes].include?(item)
+ Rails.logger.info "FOUND (by id) #{model_class}->#{item}!"
+ references[:model][model_class.to_s] += model_class.where("#{item} = ?", object_id).count
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ # find relations via reflections
+ list.each {|model_class, model_attributes|
+ next if !model_attributes[:reflections]
+ model_attributes[:reflections].each{|reflection_key, reflection_value|
+ next if reflection_value.macro != :belongs_to
+ if reflection_value.options[:class_name] == object_name
+ Rails.logger.info "FOUND (by ref without class) #{model_class}->#{reflection_value.name}!"
+ references[:model][model_class.to_s] += model_class.where("#{reflection_value.name}_id = ?", object_id).count
+ end
+ if !reflection_value.options[:class_name] && reflection_value.name == object_name.downcase.to_sym
+ Rails.logger.info "FOUND (by ref with class) #{model_class}->#{reflection_value.name}!"
+ references[:model][model_class.to_s] += model_class.where("#{reflection_value.name}_id = ?", object_id).count
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ references[:model].each {|k, v|
+ next if v == 0
+ references[:total] += v
+puts "#{k}: #{v}"
+ }
+ references
+ end