@@ -423,8 +423,22 @@ returns
get count of tickets and tickets which match on selector
+@param [Hash] selectors hash with conditions
+@oparam [Hash] options
+@option options [String] :access can be 'full', 'read', 'create' or 'ignore' (ignore means a selector over all tickets), defaults to 'full'
+@option options [Integer] :limit of tickets to return
+@option options [User] :user is a current user
+@option options [Integer] :execution_time is a current user
+@return [Integer, [<Ticket>]]
ticket_count, tickets = Ticket.selectors(params[:condition], limit: limit, current_user: current_user, access: 'full')
+ ticket_count # count of found tickets
+ tickets # tickets
def self.selectors(selectors, options)
@@ -438,7 +452,7 @@ get count of tickets and tickets which match on selector
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction(requires_new: true) do
- if !current_user
+ if !current_user || access == 'ignore'
ticket_count = Ticket.distinct.where(query, *bind_params).joins(tables).count
tickets = Ticket.distinct.where(query, *bind_params).joins(tables).limit(limit)
return [ticket_count, tickets]
@@ -1118,18 +1132,22 @@ perform active triggers on ticket
+ user_id = ticket.updated_by_id
+ if article
+ user_id = article.updated_by_id
+ end
+ user = if user_id != 1
+ User.lookup(id: user_id)
+ end
# verify is condition is matching
- ticket_count, tickets = Ticket.selectors(condition, limit: 1, execution_time: true)
+ ticket_count, tickets = Ticket.selectors(condition, limit: 1, execution_time: true, current_user: user, access: 'ignore')
next if ticket_count.blank?
next if ticket_count.zero?
next if tickets.first.id != ticket.id
- user_id = ticket.updated_by_id
- if article
- user_id = article.updated_by_id
- end
if recursive == false && local_options[:loop_count] > 1
message = "Do not execute recursive triggers per default until Zammad 3.0. With Zammad 3.0 and higher the following trigger is executed '#{trigger.name}' on Ticket:#{ticket.id}. Please review your current triggers and change them if needed."
logger.info { message }