@@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ import type { ObjectWithId } from '#shared/types/utils.ts'
import log from '#shared/utils/log.ts'
import { userTaskbarTabPluginByType } from '#desktop/components/UserTaskbarTabs/plugins/index.ts'
-import type { UserTaskbarTab } from '#desktop/components/UserTaskbarTabs/types.ts'
+import type {
+ BackRoute,
+ UserTaskbarTab,
+} from '#desktop/components/UserTaskbarTabs/types.ts'
import { useUserCurrentTaskbarItemAddMutation } from '../graphql/mutations/userCurrentTaskbarItemAdd.api.ts'
import { useUserCurrentTaskbarItemDeleteMutation } from '../graphql/mutations/userCurrentTaskbarItemDelete.api.ts'
@@ -58,91 +61,10 @@ export const useUserCurrentTaskbarTabsStore = defineStore(
const getTaskbarTabTypePlugin = (tabEntityType: EnumTaskbarEntity) =>
- const handleActiveTaskbarTabRemoval = (
- taskbarTabList: UserCurrentTaskbarItemListQuery['userCurrentTaskbarItemList'],
- removedItemId: string,
- ) => {
- const removedItem = taskbarTabList?.find(
- (tab) => tab.id === removedItemId,
- )
- if (!removedItem) return
- if (removedItem.key !== activeTaskbarTabEntityKey.value) return
- // If the active taskbar tab was removed, redirect to the default route.
- // TODO: Clarify and define the default or contextual route.
- router.push('/dashboard')
- }
const taskbarTabsQuery = new QueryHandler(
useUserCurrentTaskbarItemListQuery({ app: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop }),
- taskbarTabsQuery.subscribeToMore<
- UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesSubscriptionVariables,
- UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesSubscription
- >({
- document: UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesDocument,
- variables: {
- app: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop,
- userId: session.userId,
- },
- updateQuery(previous, { subscriptionData }) {
- const updates = subscriptionData.data.userCurrentTaskbarItemUpdates
- if (!updates.addItem && !updates.updateItem && !updates.removeItem)
- return null as unknown as UserCurrentTaskbarItemListQuery
- if (!previous.userCurrentTaskbarItemList || updates.updateItem)
- return previous
- const previousTaskbarTabList = previous.userCurrentTaskbarItemList
- if (updates.removeItem) {
- const newTaskbarTabList = previousTaskbarTabList.filter(
- (tab) => tab.id !== updates.removeItem,
- )
- handleActiveTaskbarTabRemoval(
- previousTaskbarTabList,
- updates.removeItem,
- )
- return {
- userCurrentTaskbarItemList: newTaskbarTabList,
- }
- }
- if (updates.addItem) {
- const newIdPresent = previousTaskbarTabList.find((taskbarTab) => {
- return taskbarTab.id === updates.addItem?.id
- })
- if (newIdPresent) return previous
- return {
- userCurrentTaskbarItemList: [
- ...previousTaskbarTabList,
- updates.addItem,
- ],
- }
- }
- return previous
- },
- })
- taskbarTabsQuery.subscribeToMore<
- UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesSubscriptionVariables,
- UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesSubscription
- >({
- document: UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesDocument,
- variables: {
- userId: session.userId,
- app: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop,
- },
- })
const taskbarTabsRaw = taskbarTabsQuery.result()
const taskbarTabsLoading = taskbarTabsQuery.loading()
@@ -260,6 +182,129 @@ export const useUserCurrentTaskbarTabsStore = defineStore(
const taskbarTabExists = (type: EnumTaskbarEntity, tabEntityKey: string) =>
+ const previousRoutes = ref<BackRoute[]>([])
+ // Keep track of previously visited routes and if they are taskbar tab routes.
+ router.afterEach((_, from) => {
+ // Clear all previous routes whenever a non-taskbar tab route is visited.
+ if (!from.meta?.taskbarTabEntityKey) previousRoutes.value.length = 0
+ previousRoutes.value.push({
+ path: from.fullPath,
+ taskbarTabEntityKey: from.meta?.taskbarTabEntityKey,
+ })
+ })
+ const backRoutes = computed(() => [...previousRoutes.value].reverse())
+ const redirectToLastHistoricalRoute = () => {
+ // In case of taskbar tab routes, make sure the tab is still present in the list.
+ // We can do this by comparing the historical taskbar tab entity key against the current tab list.
+ const nextRoute = backRoutes.value.find((backRoute) => {
+ // Return a non-taskbar tab route immediately.
+ if (!backRoute.taskbarTabEntityKey) return true
+ // Ignore the current tab, we will be closing it shortly.
+ if (backRoute.taskbarTabEntityKey === activeTaskbarTabEntityKey.value)
+ return false
+ // Check if the taskbar tab route is part of the current taskbar.
+ return !!taskbarTabListByTabEntityKey.value[
+ backRoute.taskbarTabEntityKey
+ ]
+ })
+ // If identified, redirect to the historical route.
+ if (nextRoute) {
+ router.push(nextRoute.path)
+ return
+ }
+ // Otherwise, redirect to the fallback route.
+ // TODO: Adjust the following redirect fallback to Overviews page instead, when ready.
+ router.push('/')
+ }
+ const handleActiveTaskbarTabRemoval = (
+ taskbarTabList: UserCurrentTaskbarItemListQuery['userCurrentTaskbarItemList'],
+ removedItemId: string,
+ ) => {
+ const removedItem = taskbarTabList?.find(
+ (tab) => tab.id === removedItemId,
+ )
+ if (!removedItem) return
+ if (removedItem.key !== activeTaskbarTabEntityKey.value) return
+ // If the active taskbar tab was removed, redirect to the last historical route.
+ redirectToLastHistoricalRoute()
+ }
+ taskbarTabsQuery.subscribeToMore<
+ UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesSubscriptionVariables,
+ UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesSubscription
+ >({
+ document: UserCurrentTaskbarItemUpdatesDocument,
+ variables: {
+ app: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop,
+ userId: session.userId,
+ },
+ updateQuery(previous, { subscriptionData }) {
+ const updates = subscriptionData.data.userCurrentTaskbarItemUpdates
+ if (!updates.addItem && !updates.updateItem && !updates.removeItem)
+ return null as unknown as UserCurrentTaskbarItemListQuery
+ if (!previous.userCurrentTaskbarItemList || updates.updateItem)
+ return previous
+ const previousTaskbarTabList = previous.userCurrentTaskbarItemList
+ if (updates.removeItem) {
+ const newTaskbarTabList = previousTaskbarTabList.filter(
+ (tab) => tab.id !== updates.removeItem,
+ )
+ handleActiveTaskbarTabRemoval(
+ previousTaskbarTabList,
+ updates.removeItem,
+ )
+ return {
+ userCurrentTaskbarItemList: newTaskbarTabList,
+ }
+ }
+ if (updates.addItem) {
+ const newIdPresent = previousTaskbarTabList.find((taskbarTab) => {
+ return taskbarTab.id === updates.addItem?.id
+ })
+ if (newIdPresent) return previous
+ return {
+ userCurrentTaskbarItemList: [
+ ...previousTaskbarTabList,
+ updates.addItem,
+ ],
+ }
+ }
+ return previous
+ },
+ })
+ taskbarTabsQuery.subscribeToMore<
+ UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesSubscriptionVariables,
+ UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesSubscription
+ >({
+ document: UserCurrentTaskbarItemListUpdatesDocument,
+ variables: {
+ userId: session.userId,
+ app: EnumTaskbarApp.Desktop,
+ },
+ })
const taskbarAddMutation = new MutationHandler(
update: (cache, { data }) => {