@@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ RSpec.describe SecureMailing::SMIME do
let(:ca_certificate_subject) { '/emailAddress=ca@example.com/C=DE/ST=Berlin/L=Berlin/O=Example Security/OU=IT Department/CN=example.com' }
+ let(:content_type) { 'text/plain' }
def build_mail
from: sender_email_address,
to: recipient_email_address,
body: raw_body,
- content_type: 'text/plain',
+ content_type: content_type,
security: security_preferences
@@ -92,6 +94,35 @@ RSpec.describe SecureMailing::SMIME do
it_behaves_like 'HttpLog writer', 'failed'
+ context 'when message is 7bit or 8bit encoded' do
+ let(:mail) do
+ smime_mail = build_mail
+ mail = Channel::EmailParser.new.parse(smime_mail.to_s)
+ SecureMailing.incoming(mail)
+ mail
+ end
+ context 'when Content-Type is text/plain' do
+ let(:raw_body) { "\r\n\r\n@john.doe, now known as John Dóe has accepted your invitation to join the Administrator / htmltest project.\r\n\r\nhttp://\r\n\r\n-- \r\nYou're receiving this email because of your account on\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" }
+ it 'verifies' do
+ expect(mail['x-zammad-article-preferences']['security']['sign']['success']).to be true
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when Content-Type is text/html' do
+ let(:content_type) { 'text/html' }
+ let(:raw_body) { "<div><ul><li><p>an \nexample „Text“ with ümläütß. </p></li></ul></div>" }
+ it 'verifies' do
+ expect(mail['x-zammad-article-preferences']['security']['sign']['success']).to be true
+ end
+ end
+ end
context 'no private key present' do