@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012-2025 Zammad Foundation, https://zammad-foundation.org/
+import '#tests/graphql/builders/mocks.ts'
+import { createPinia, setActivePinia } from 'pinia'
+import renderComponent from '#tests/support/components/renderComponent.ts'
+import { waitForNextTick } from '#tests/support/utils.ts'
+import {
+ EnumTicketStateColorCode,
+ type Organization,
+} from '#shared/graphql/types.ts'
+import { convertToGraphQLId } from '#shared/graphql/utils.ts'
+import QuickSearch from '#desktop/components/QuickSearch/QuickSearch.vue'
+import { useRecentSearches } from '#desktop/composables/useRecentSearches.ts'
+import { mockUserCurrentRecentViewResetMutation } from '#desktop/entities/user/current/graphql/mutations/userCurrentRecentViewReset.mocks.ts'
+import { mockUserCurrentRecentViewListQuery } from '#desktop/entities/user/current/graphql/queries/userCurrentRecentViewList.mocks.ts'
+import { getUserCurrentRecentViewUpdatesSubscriptionHandler } from '#desktop/entities/user/current/graphql/subscriptions/userCurrentRecentViewUpdates.mocks.ts'
+const renderQuickSearch = async () => {
+ const wrapper = renderComponent(QuickSearch, {
+ props: {
+ collapsed: false,
+ search: '',
+ },
+ router: true,
+ store: true,
+ dialog: true,
+ })
+ await waitForNextTick()
+ return wrapper
+setActivePinia(createPinia()) // Because we haven't set up the store before useRecentSearches is called
+describe('QuickSearch', () => {
+ const { addSearch, removeSearch, clearSearches } = useRecentSearches()
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ clearSearches()
+ })
+ describe('default state', () => {
+ it('shows empty state message when no searches or recently viewed items exist', async () => {
+ mockUserCurrentRecentViewListQuery({ userCurrentRecentViewList: [] })
+ const wrapper = await renderQuickSearch()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByText(
+ 'Start typing i.e. the name of a ticket, an organization or a user.',
+ ),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Clear All' }),
+ ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ })
+ describe('recent searches', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ mockUserCurrentRecentViewListQuery({ userCurrentRecentViewList: [] })
+ })
+ it('displays recent searches when added', async () => {
+ const wrapper = await renderQuickSearch()
+ addSearch('Foobar')
+ addSearch('Dummy')
+ await waitForNextTick()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByRole('heading', { level: 3, name: 'Recent searches' }),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(wrapper.getByText('Foobar')).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(wrapper.getByText('Dummy')).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByRole('link', { name: 'Clear recent searches' }),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('allows clearing all recent searches', async () => {
+ const wrapper = await renderQuickSearch()
+ addSearch('Foobar')
+ addSearch('Dummy')
+ await waitForNextTick()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByRole('link', { name: 'Clear recent searches' }),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ clearSearches()
+ await waitForNextTick()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByText(
+ 'Start typing i.e. the name of a ticket, an organization or a user.',
+ ),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.queryByRole('link', { name: 'Clear recent searches' }),
+ ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('allows removing individual recent searches', async () => {
+ const wrapper = await renderQuickSearch()
+ addSearch('Foobar')
+ addSearch('Dummy')
+ await waitForNextTick()
+ let removeIcons = wrapper.getAllByIconName('x-lg')
+ expect(removeIcons.length).toBe(2)
+ removeSearch('Foobar')
+ await waitForNextTick()
+ removeIcons = wrapper.getAllByIconName('x-lg')
+ expect(removeIcons.length).toBe(1)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('recently viewed items', () => {
+ const recentlyViewedItems = [
+ {
+ __typename: 'Ticket',
+ id: convertToGraphQLId('Ticket', 1),
+ title: 'Ticket 1',
+ number: '1',
+ stateColorCode: EnumTicketStateColorCode.Open,
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: 'User',
+ id: convertToGraphQLId('User', 1),
+ internalId: 1,
+ fullname: 'User 1',
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: 'Organization',
+ id: convertToGraphQLId('Organization', 1),
+ internalId: 1,
+ name: 'Organization 1',
+ },
+ ]
+ it('displays recently viewed items', async () => {
+ mockUserCurrentRecentViewListQuery({
+ userCurrentRecentViewList: recentlyViewedItems as Organization[],
+ })
+ const wrapper = await renderQuickSearch()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByRole('heading', { level: 3, name: 'Recently viewed' }),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByRole('link', { name: 'check-circle-no Ticket 1' }),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(wrapper.getByRole('link', { name: 'User 1' })).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByRole('link', { name: 'Organization 1' }),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ it('allows clearing all recently viewed items', async () => {
+ mockUserCurrentRecentViewListQuery({
+ userCurrentRecentViewList: recentlyViewedItems as Organization[],
+ })
+ mockUserCurrentRecentViewResetMutation({
+ userCurrentRecentViewReset: { success: true },
+ })
+ const wrapper = await renderQuickSearch()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByRole('link', { name: 'Clear recently viewed' }),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ mockUserCurrentRecentViewListQuery({ userCurrentRecentViewList: [] })
+ await getUserCurrentRecentViewUpdatesSubscriptionHandler().trigger({
+ userCurrentRecentViewUpdates: {
+ recentViewsUpdated: true,
+ },
+ })
+ await waitForNextTick()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.getByText(
+ 'Start typing i.e. the name of a ticket, an organization or a user.',
+ ),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(
+ wrapper.queryByRole('link', { name: 'Clear recently viewed' }),
+ ).not.toBeInTheDocument()
+ })
+ })