@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ class Ticket::Article < ApplicationModel
include HasHistory
include ChecksHtmlSanitized
include CanCsvImport
+ include CanCloneAttachments
include HasObjectManagerAttributesValidation
include Ticket::Article::Assets
@@ -134,82 +135,6 @@ returns
-clone existing attachments of article to the target object
- article_parent = Ticket::Article.find(123)
- article_new = Ticket::Article.find(456)
- attached_attachments = article_parent.clone_attachments(article_new.class.name, article_new.id, only_attached_attachments: true)
- inline_attachments = article_parent.clone_attachments(article_new.class.name, article_new.id, only_inline_attachments: true)
- [attachment1, attachment2, ...]
- def clone_attachments(object_type, object_id, options = {})
- existing_attachments = Store.list(
- object: object_type,
- o_id: object_id,
- )
- is_html_content = false
- if content_type.present? && content_type =~ %r{text/html}i
- is_html_content = true
- end
- new_attachments = []
- attachments.each do |new_attachment|
- next if new_attachment.preferences['content-alternative'] == true
- # only_attached_attachments mode is used by apply attached attachments to forwared article
- if options[:only_attached_attachments] == true
- if is_html_content == true
- content_id = new_attachment.preferences['Content-ID'] || new_attachment.preferences['content_id']
- next if content_id.present? && body.present? && body.match?(/#{Regexp.quote(content_id)}/i)
- end
- end
- # only_inline_attachments mode is used when quoting HTML mail with #{article.body_as_html}
- if options[:only_inline_attachments] == true
- next if is_html_content == false
- next if body.blank?
- content_disposition = new_attachment.preferences['Content-Disposition'] || new_attachment.preferences['content_disposition']
- next if content_disposition.present? && content_disposition !~ /inline/
- content_id = new_attachment.preferences['Content-ID'] || new_attachment.preferences['content_id']
- next if content_id.blank?
- next if !body.match?(/#{Regexp.quote(content_id)}/i)
- end
- already_added = false
- existing_attachments.each do |existing_attachment|
- next if existing_attachment.filename != new_attachment.filename || existing_attachment.size != new_attachment.size
- already_added = true
- break
- end
- next if already_added == true
- file = Store.add(
- object: object_type,
- o_id: object_id,
- data: new_attachment.content,
- filename: new_attachment.filename,
- preferences: new_attachment.preferences,
- )
- new_attachments.push file
- end
- new_attachments
- end
def self.last_customer_agent_article(ticket_id)
sender = Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup(name: 'System')
Ticket::Article.where('ticket_id = ? AND sender_id NOT IN (?)', ticket_id, sender.id).order(created_at: :desc).first