@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+class App.ObjectOrganizationAutocompletion extends App.Controller
+ className: 'dropdown js-recipientDropdown'
+ events:
+ 'hide.bs.dropdown .js-recipientDropdown': 'hideOrganizationMembers'
+ 'click .js-organization': 'showOrganizationMembers'
+ 'click .js-back': 'hideOrganizationMembers'
+ 'click .js-object': 'onObjectClick'
+ 'click .js-objectNew': 'newObject'
+ 'focus .js-objectSelect': 'onFocus'
+ 'click .js-objectSelect': 'stopPropagation'
+ 'blur .js-objectSelect': 'onBlur'
+ 'click .form-control': 'focusInput'
+ 'click': 'stopPropagation'
+ 'change .js-objectId': 'executeCallback'
+ 'click .js-remove': 'removeThisToken'
+ elements:
+ '.recipientList': 'recipientList'
+ '.js-objectSelect': 'objectSelect'
+ '.js-objectId': 'objectId'
+ '.form-control': 'formControl'
+ templateObjectItem: 'generic/object_search/item_object'
+ templateObjectNew: 'generic/object_search/new_object'
+ templateOrganizationItem: 'generic/object_search/item_organization'
+ templateOrganizationItemMembers: 'generic/object_search/item_organization_members'
+ objectSingle: 'User'
+ objectIcon: 'user'
+ objectSingels: 'People'
+ objectCreate: 'Create new object'
+ referenceAttribute: 'member_ids'
+ constructor: (params) ->
+ super
+ @lazySearch = _.debounce(@searchObject, 200)
+ @key = Math.floor( Math.random() * 999999 ).toString()
+ if !@attribute.source
+ @attribute.source = "#{@apiPath}/search/user-organization"
+ @build()
+ # set current value
+ if @attribute.value and @callback
+ @callback(@attribute.value)
+ element: =>
+ @el
+ release: ->
+ $(window).off 'click.ObjectOrganizationAutocompletion'
+ open: =>
+ # prevent rebinding of keydown event
+ return if @el.hasClass 'open'
+ @el.addClass('open')
+ $(window).on 'click.ObjectOrganizationAutocompletion', @close
+ $(window).on 'keydown.ObjectOrganizationAutocompletion', @navigateByKeyboard
+ close: =>
+ $(window).off 'keydown.ObjectOrganizationAutocompletion'
+ @el.removeClass('open')
+ $(window).off 'click.ObjectOrganizationAutocompletion'
+ onFocus: =>
+ @formControl.addClass 'focus'
+ @open()
+ focusInput: =>
+ @objectSelect.focus() if not @formControl.hasClass 'focus'
+ onBlur: =>
+ selectObject = @objectSelect.val()
+ if _.isEmpty(selectObject)
+ @objectId.val('')
+ return
+ if @attribute.guess is true
+ currentObjectId = @objectId.val()
+ if _.isEmpty(currentObjectId) || currentObjectId.match(/^guess:/)
+ if !_.isEmpty(selectObject)
+ @objectId.val("guess:#{selectObject}")
+ @formControl.removeClass 'focus'
+ onObjectClick: (e) =>
+ objectId = $(e.currentTarget).data('object-id')
+ @selectObject(objectId)
+ @close()
+ selectObject: (objectId) =>
+ if @attribute.multiple and @objectId.val()
+ # add objectId to end of comma separated list
+ objectId = _.chain( @objectId.val().split(',') ).push(objectId).join(',').value()
+ @objectSelect.val('')
+ @objectId.val(objectId).trigger('change')
+ executeCallback: =>
+ # with @attribute.multiple this can be several objects ids.
+ # Only work with the last one since its the newest one
+ objectId = @objectId.val().split(',').pop()
+ return if !objectId
+ return if !App[@objectSingle].exists(objectId)
+ object = App[@objectSingle].find(objectId)
+ name = object.displayName()
+ if @attribute.multiple
+ # create token
+ @createToken name, objectId
+ else
+ if object.email
+ name += " <#{object.email}>"
+ @objectSelect.val(name)
+ if @callback
+ @callback(objectId)
+ createToken: (name, objectId) =>
+ @objectSelect.before App.view('generic/token')(
+ name: name
+ value: objectId
+ )
+ removeThisToken: (e) =>
+ @removeToken $(e.currentTarget).parents('.token')
+ removeToken: (which) =>
+ switch which
+ when 'last'
+ token = @$('.token').last()
+ return if not token.size()
+ else
+ token = which
+ # remove objectId from input
+ index = @$('.token').index(token)
+ ids = @objectId.val().split(',')
+ ids.splice(index, 1)
+ @objectId.val ids.join(',')
+ token.remove()
+ navigateByKeyboard: (e) =>
+ switch e.keyCode
+ # clean input on esc
+ when 27
+ # if org member selection is shown, go back to member list
+ if !@recipientList.hasClass('is-shown')
+ @hideOrganizationMembers()
+ return
+ # empty object selection and close
+ @objectSelect.val('').trigger('change')
+ # remove last token on backspace
+ when 8
+ if @objectSelect.val() is ''
+ @removeToken('last')
+ # close on tab
+ when 9 then @close()
+ # ignore left and right
+ when 37, 39 then return
+ # up / select upper item
+ when 38
+ e.preventDefault()
+ if @recipientList.hasClass('is-shown')
+ if @recipientList.find('li.is-active').length is 0
+ @recipientList.find('li').last().addClass('is-active')
+ else
+ if @recipientList.find('li.is-active').prev().length isnt 0
+ @recipientList.find('li.is-active').removeClass('is-active').prev().addClass('is-active')
+ return
+ recipientListOrgMemeber = @$('.recipientList-organizationMembers').not('.hide')
+ if recipientListOrgMemeber.not('.hide').find('li.is-active').length is 0
+ recipientListOrgMemeber.not('.hide').find('li').last().addClass('is-active')
+ else
+ if recipientListOrgMemeber.not('.hide').find('li.is-active').prev().length isnt 0
+ recipientListOrgMemeber.not('.hide').find('li.is-active').removeClass('is-active').prev().addClass('is-active')
+ return
+ # down / select lower item
+ when 40
+ e.preventDefault()
+ if @recipientList.hasClass('is-shown')
+ if @recipientList.find('li.is-active').length is 0
+ @recipientList.find('li').first().addClass('is-active')
+ else
+ if @recipientList.find('li.is-active').next().length isnt 0
+ @recipientList.find('li.is-active').removeClass('is-active').next().addClass('is-active')
+ return
+ recipientListOrgMemeber = @$('.recipientList-organizationMembers').not('.hide')
+ if recipientListOrgMemeber.not('.hide').find('li.is-active').length is 0
+ recipientListOrgMemeber.find('li').first().addClass('is-active')
+ else
+ if recipientListOrgMemeber.not('.hide').find('li.is-active').next().length isnt 0
+ recipientListOrgMemeber.not('.hide').find('li.is-active').removeClass('is-active').next().addClass('is-active')
+ return
+ # enter / take item
+ when 13
+ e.preventDefault()
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ # nav by org member selection
+ if !@recipientList.hasClass('is-shown')
+ recipientListOrganizationMembers = @$('.recipientList-organizationMembers').not('.hide')
+ if recipientListOrganizationMembers.find('.js-back.is-active').get(0)
+ @hideOrganizationMembers()
+ return
+ objectId = recipientListOrganizationMembers.find('li.is-active').data('object-id')
+ return if !objectId
+ @selectObject(objectId)
+ @close() if !@attribute.multiple
+ return
+ # nav by object list selection
+ objectId = @recipientList.find('li.is-active').data('object-id')
+ if objectId
+ if objectId is 'new'
+ @newObject()
+ else
+ @selectObject(objectId)
+ @close() if !@attribute.multiple
+ return
+ organizationId = @recipientList.find('li.is-active').data('organization-id')
+ return if !organizationId
+ @showOrganizationMembers(undefined, @recipientList.find('li.is-active'))
+ buildOrganizationItem: (organization) ->
+ objectCount = 0
+ if organization[@referenceAttribute]
+ objectCount = organization[@referenceAttribute].length
+ App.view(@templateOrganizationItem)(
+ organization: organization
+ objectSingels: @objectSingels
+ objectCount: objectCount
+ )
+ buildOrganizationMembers: (organization) =>
+ organizationMemebers = $( App.view(@templateOrganizationItemMembers)(
+ organization: organization
+ ) )
+ if organization[@referenceAttribute]
+ for objectId in organization[@referenceAttribute]
+ object = App[@objectSingle].fullLocal(objectId)
+ organizationMemebers.append(@buildObjectItem(object))
+ buildObjectItem: (object) =>
+ App.view(@templateObjectItem)(
+ object: object
+ icon: @objectIcon
+ )
+ buildObjectNew: =>
+ App.view(@templateObjectNew)(
+ objectCreate: @objectCreate
+ )
+ build: =>
+ tokens = ''
+ name = ''
+ value = ''
+ if @attribute.multiple && @attribute.value
+ # fallback for if the value is not an array
+ if typeof @attribute.value isnt 'object'
+ @attribute.value = [@attribute.value]
+ value = @attribute.value.join ','
+ # create tokens
+ for objectId in @attribute.value
+ if App[@objectSingle].exists objectId
+ tokens += App.view('generic/token')(
+ name: App[@objectSingle].find(objectId).displayName()
+ value: objectId
+ )
+ else
+ @log 'objectId doesn\'t exist', objectId
+ else
+ value = @attribute.value
+ if value
+ if App[@objectSingle].exists(value)
+ object = App[@objectSingle].find(value)
+ name = object.displayName()
+ if object.email
+ name += " <#{object.email}>"
+ else if @params && @params["#{@attribute.name}_completion"]
+ name = @params["#{@attribute.name}_completion"]
+ else
+ @log 'objectId doesn\'t exist', value
+ @html App.view('generic/object_search/input')(
+ attribute: @attribute
+ value: value
+ tokens: tokens
+ name: name
+ )
+ if !@attribute.disableCreateObject
+ @recipientList.append(@buildObjectNew())
+ # start search
+ @searchTerm = ''
+ @objectSelect.on 'keyup', @onKeyUp
+ onKeyUp: (e) =>
+ query = $(e.target).val().trim()
+ return if @searchTerm is query
+ @searchTerm = query
+ @hideOrganizationMembers()
+ # hide dropdown
+ if !query
+ @emptyResultList()
+ if !@attribute.disableCreateObject
+ @recipientList.append(@buildObjectNew())
+ # show dropdown
+ if query && ( !@attribute.minLengt || @attribute.minLengt <= query.length )
+ @lazySearch(query)
+ searchObject: (query) =>
+ @ajax(
+ id: "searchObject#{@key}"
+ type: 'GET'
+ url: @attribute.source
+ data:
+ query: query
+ processData: true
+ success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ @emptyResultList()
+ # load assets
+ App.Collection.loadAssets(data.assets)
+ # build markup
+ for item in data.result
+ # organization
+ if item.type is 'Organization'
+ organization = App.Organization.fullLocal(item.id)
+ @recipientList.append(@buildOrganizationItem(organization))
+ # objectss of organization
+ if organization[@referenceAttribute]
+ @$('.dropdown-menu').append(@buildOrganizationMembers(organization))
+ # objectss
+ if item.type is @objectSingle
+ object = App[@objectSingle].fullLocal(item.id)
+ @recipientList.append(@buildObjectItem(object))
+ if !@attribute.disableCreateObject
+ @recipientList.append(@buildObjectNew())
+ @recipientList.find('.js-object').first().addClass('is-active')
+ )
+ emptyResultList: =>
+ @recipientList.empty()
+ @$('.recipientList-organizationMembers').remove()
+ showOrganizationMembers: (e,listEntry) =>
+ if e
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ listEntry = $(e.currentTarget)
+ organizationId = listEntry.data('organization-id')
+ @organizationList = @$("[organization-id=#{ organizationId }]")
+ return if !@organizationList.get(0)
+ @recipientList.removeClass('is-shown')
+ @$('.recipientList-organizationMembers').addClass('is-shown')
+ # move organization-list to the right and slide it in
+ $.Velocity.hook(@organizationList, 'translateX', '100%')
+ @organizationList.removeClass('hide')
+ @organizationList.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateX: 0
+ options:
+ speed: 300
+ # fade out list
+ @recipientList.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateX: '-100%'
+ options:
+ speed: 300
+ complete: => @recipientList.height(@organizationList.height())
+ hideOrganizationMembers: (e) =>
+ e && e.stopPropagation()
+ @recipientList.addClass('is-shown')
+ @$('.recipientList-organizationMembers').removeClass('is-shown')
+ return if !@organizationList
+ # fade list back in
+ @recipientList.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateX: 0
+ options:
+ speed: 300
+ # reset list height
+ @recipientList.height('')
+ # slide out organization-list and hide it
+ @organizationList.velocity
+ properties:
+ translateX: '100%'
+ options:
+ speed: 300
+ complete: => @organizationList.addClass('hide')
+ newObject: (e) ->
+ if e
+ e.preventDefault()