@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+module KnowledgeBasePublicMatchers
+ module HaveBreadcrumbItem
+ extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL
+ matcher :have_breadcrumb_item do |expected|
+ match { breadcrumb_item_found? && at_specified_index? }
+ chain(:at_index, :index)
+ description do
+ if @index.present?
+ %(have "#{expected}" in breadcrumb at index #{@index})
+ else
+ %(have "#{expected}" in breadcrumb)
+ end
+ end
+ failure_message do
+ if breadcrumb_item_found? && !at_specified_index?
+ %(expected to find "#{expected}" at index #{@index} of breadcrumb (found at #{breadcrumb_item_index}))
+ else
+ %(expected to find "#{expected}" in breadcrumb, but did not)
+ end
+ end
+ failure_message_when_negated do
+ if breadcrumb_item_found? && @index.present?
+ %(expected not to find "#{expected}" at index #{@index} of breadcrumb)
+ else
+ %(expected not to find "#{expected}" in breadcrumb, but did)
+ end
+ end
+ def breadcrumb_item_found?
+ !breadcrumb_item_index.nil?
+ end
+ def at_specified_index?
+ @index.nil? || @index == breadcrumb_item_index
+ end
+ def breadcrumb_item_index
+ @breadcrumb_item_index ||= actual.all('.breadcrumbs .breadcrumb').index do |item|
+ item.find('span').text == expected
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+RSpec.configure do |config|
+ config.include KnowledgeBasePublicMatchers::HaveBreadcrumbItem, type: :system