@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require 'test_helper'
+require 'faraday'
+class RestTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ test 'users and orgs' do
+ puts "NOTICE: Do not execute rest tests, no BROWSER_URL=http://some_host:port is defined! e. g. export BROWSER_URL=http://localhost:3000"
+ return
+ end
+ # create agent
+ roles = Role.where( :name => ['Admin', 'Agent'] )
+ groups = Group.all
+ UserInfo.current_user_id = 1
+ admin = User.create_or_update(
+ :login => 'rest-admin',
+ :firstname => 'Rest',
+ :lastname => 'Agent',
+ :email => 'rest-admin@example.com',
+ :password => 'adminpw',
+ :active => true,
+ :roles => roles,
+ :groups => groups,
+ )
+ # create agent
+ roles = Role.where( :name => 'Agent' )
+ agent = User.create_or_update(
+ :login => 'rest-agent@example.com',
+ :firstname => 'Rest',
+ :lastname => 'Agent',
+ :email => 'rest-agent@example.com',
+ :password => 'agentpw',
+ :active => true,
+ :roles => roles,
+ :groups => groups,
+ )
+ # create customer without org
+ roles = Role.where( :name => 'Customer' )
+ customer_without_org = User.create_or_update(
+ :login => 'rest-customer1@example.com',
+ :firstname => 'Rest',
+ :lastname => 'Customer1',
+ :email => 'rest-customer1@example.com',
+ :password => 'customer1pw',
+ :active => true,
+ :roles => roles,
+ )
+ # create orgs
+ organization = Organization.create_or_update(
+ :name => 'Rest Org',
+ )
+ organization2 = Organization.create_or_update(
+ :name => 'Rest Org #2',
+ )
+ organization3 = Organization.create_or_update(
+ :name => 'Rest Org #3',
+ )
+ # create customer with org
+ customer_with_org = User.create_or_update(
+ :login => 'rest-customer2@example.com',
+ :firstname => 'Rest',
+ :lastname => 'Customer2',
+ :email => 'rest-customer2@example.com',
+ :password => 'customer2pw',
+ :active => true,
+ :roles => roles,
+ :organization_id => organization.id,
+ )
+ # not existing user
+ request = get( 'not_existing@example.com', 'adminpw', '/api/users')
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 401 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['error'], 'authentication failed' )
+ # username auth, wrong pw
+ request = get( 'rest-admin', 'not_existing', '/api/users' )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 401 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['error'], 'authentication failed' )
+ # email auth, wrong pw
+ request = get( 'rest-admin@example.com', 'not_existing', '/api/users' )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 401 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['error'], 'authentication failed' )
+ # username auth
+ request = get( 'rest-admin', 'adminpw', '/api/users' )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ # email auth
+ request = get( 'rest-admin@example.com', 'adminpw', '/api/users' )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ # /users
+ # index
+ request = get( 'rest-agent@example.com', 'agentpw', '/api/users')
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Array)
+ assert( request[:data].length >= 3 )
+ # show/:id
+ request = get( 'rest-agent@example.com', 'agentpw', '/api/users/' + agent.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['email'], 'rest-agent@example.com')
+ request = get( 'rest-agent@example.com', 'agentpw', '/api/users/' + customer_without_org.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['email'], 'rest-customer1@example.com')
+ # index
+ request = get( 'rest-customer1@example.com', 'customer1pw', '/api/users')
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Array)
+ assert_equal( request[:data].length, 1 )
+ # show/:id
+ request = get( 'rest-customer1@example.com', 'customer1pw', '/api/users/' + customer_without_org.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['email'], 'rest-customer1@example.com')
+ request = get( 'rest-customer1@example.com', 'customer1pw', '/api/users/' + customer_with_org.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 401 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['email'], nil)
+ # index
+ request = get( 'rest-customer2@example.com', 'customer2pw', '/api/users')
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Array)
+ assert_equal( request[:data].length, 1 )
+ # show/:id
+ request = get( 'rest-customer2@example.com', 'customer2pw', '/api/users/' + customer_with_org.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['email'], 'rest-customer2@example.com')
+ request = get( 'rest-customer2@example.com', 'customer2pw', '/api/users/' + customer_without_org.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 401 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['email'], nil)
+ # /organizations
+ # index
+ request = get( 'rest-agent@example.com', 'agentpw', '/api/organizations')
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Array)
+ assert( request[:data].length >= 3 )
+ # show/:id
+ request = get( 'rest-agent@example.com', 'agentpw', '/api/organizations/' + organization.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['name'], 'Rest Org')
+ request = get( 'rest-agent@example.com', 'agentpw', '/api/organizations/' + organization2.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['name'], 'Rest Org #2')
+ # index
+ request = get( 'rest-customer1@example.com', 'customer1pw', '/api/organizations')
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Array)
+ assert_equal( request[:data].length, 0 )
+ # show/:id
+ request = get( 'rest-customer1@example.com', 'customer1pw', '/api/organizations/' + organization.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['name'], nil)
+ request = get( 'rest-customer1@example.com', 'customer1pw', '/api/organizations/' + organization2.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['name'], nil)
+ # index
+ request = get( 'rest-customer2@example.com', 'customer2pw', '/api/organizations')
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Array)
+ assert_equal( request[:data].length, 1 )
+ # show/:id
+ request = get( 'rest-customer2@example.com', 'customer2pw', '/api/organizations/' + organization.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['name'], 'Rest Org')
+ request = get( 'rest-customer2@example.com', 'customer2pw', '/api/organizations/' + organization2.id.to_s )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 401 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert_equal( request[:data]['name'], nil)
+ # packages
+ request = get( 'rest-admin@example.com', 'adminpw', '/api/packages' )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert( request[:data]['packages'] )
+ request = get( 'rest-agent@example.com', 'agentpw', '/api/packages' )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 401 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert( !request[:data]['name'] )
+ request = get( 'rest-customer1@example.com', 'customer1pw', '/api/packages' )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 401 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert( !request[:data]['name'] )
+ # settings
+ request = get( 'rest-admin@example.com', 'adminpw', '/api/settings' )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 200 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Array)
+ assert( request[:data][0] )
+ request = get( 'rest-agent@example.com', 'agentpw', '/api/settings' )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 401 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert( !request[:data]['name'] )
+ request = get( 'rest-customer1@example.com', 'customer1pw', '/api/settings' )
+ assert_equal( request[:response].status, 401 )
+ assert_equal( request[:data].class, Hash)
+ assert( !request[:data]['name'] )
+ end
+ def get(user, pw, url)
+ conn = Faraday.new( :url => ENV['BROWSER_URL'] )
+ conn.basic_auth( user, pw )
+ response = conn.get url
+# puts 'URL: ' + url
+# puts response.body.to_s
+ data = JSON.parse( response.body )
+ return { :data => data, :response => response }
+ end