@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
require 'test_helper'
class MonitoringControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false
setup do
# set accept header
@@ -439,4 +439,181 @@ class MonitoringControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ test '10 check failed delayed job' do
+ credentials = ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials('monitoring-admin@example.com', 'adminpw')
+ # disable elasticsearch
+ prev_es_config = Setting.get('es_url')
+ Setting.set('es_url', '')
+ # add a new object
+ object = ObjectManager::Attribute.add(
+ name: 'test3',
+ object: 'Ticket',
+ display: 'Test 3',
+ active: true,
+ data_type: 'input',
+ data_option: {
+ default: 'test',
+ type: 'text',
+ maxlength: 120,
+ null: true
+ },
+ screens: {
+ create_middle: {
+ 'ticket.customer' => {
+ shown: true,
+ item_class: 'column'
+ },
+ 'ticket.agent' => {
+ shown: true,
+ item_class: 'column'
+ }
+ },
+ edit: {
+ 'ticket.customer' => {
+ shown: true
+ },
+ 'ticket.agent' => {
+ shown: true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ position: 1550,
+ editable: true
+ )
+ migration = ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute
+ assert_equal(migration, true)
+ post "/api/v1/object_manager_attributes/#{object.id}", params: {}, headers: @headers
+ token = @response.headers['CSRF-TOKEN']
+ # parameters for updating
+ params = {
+ 'name': 'test4',
+ 'object': 'Ticket',
+ 'display': 'Test 4',
+ 'active': true,
+ 'data_type': 'input',
+ 'data_option': {
+ 'default': 'test',
+ 'type': 'text',
+ 'maxlength': 120
+ },
+ 'screens': {
+ 'create_middle': {
+ 'ticket.customer': {
+ 'shown': true,
+ 'item_class': 'column'
+ },
+ 'ticket.agent': {
+ 'shown': true,
+ 'item_class': 'column'
+ }
+ },
+ 'edit': {
+ 'ticket.customer': {
+ 'shown': true
+ },
+ 'ticket.agent': {
+ 'shown': true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'id': 'c-196'
+ }
+ # update the object
+ put "/api/v1/object_manager_attributes/#{object.id}", params: params.to_json, headers: @headers.merge('Authorization' => credentials)
+ migration = ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute
+ assert_equal(migration, true)
+ assert_response(200)
+ result = JSON.parse(@response.body)
+ assert(result)
+ assert(result['data_option']['null'])
+ assert_equal(result['name'], 'test4')
+ assert_equal(result['display'], 'Test 4')
+ jobs = Delayed::Job.all
+ 4.times do
+ jobs.each do |job|
+ Delayed::Worker.new.run(job)
+ end
+ end
+ # health_check
+ get "/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?token=#{@token}", params: {}, headers: @headers
+ assert_response(200)
+ result = JSON.parse(@response.body)
+ assert_equal(Hash, result.class)
+ assert(result['message'])
+ assert(result['issues'])
+ assert_equal(false, result['healthy'])
+ assert_equal("Failed to run background job #1 'BackgroundJobSearchIndex' 1 time(s) with 4 attempt(s).", result['message'])
+ # add another job
+ manual_added = Delayed::Job.enqueue( BackgroundJobSearchIndex.new('Ticket', 1))
+ manual_added.update!(attempts: 10)
+ # health_check
+ get "/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?token=#{@token}", params: {}, headers: @headers
+ assert_response(200)
+ result = JSON.parse(@response.body)
+ assert_equal(Hash, result.class)
+ assert(result['message'])
+ assert(result['issues'])
+ assert_equal(false, result['healthy'])
+ assert_equal("Failed to run background job #1 'BackgroundJobSearchIndex' 2 time(s) with 14 attempt(s).", result['message'])
+ # add another job
+ dummy_class = Class.new do
+ def perform
+ puts 'work work'
+ end
+ end
+ manual_added = Delayed::Job.enqueue( dummy_class.new )
+ manual_added.update!(attempts: 5)
+ # health_check
+ get "/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?token=#{@token}", params: {}, headers: @headers
+ assert_response(200)
+ result = JSON.parse(@response.body)
+ assert_equal(Hash, result.class)
+ assert(result['message'])
+ assert(result['issues'])
+ assert_equal(false, result['healthy'])
+ assert_equal("Failed to run background job #1 'BackgroundJobSearchIndex' 2 time(s) with 14 attempt(s).;Failed to run background job #2 'Object' 1 time(s) with 5 attempt(s).", result['message'])
+ # reset settings
+ Setting.set('es_url', prev_es_config)
+ # add some more failing job
+ 10.times do
+ manual_added = Delayed::Job.enqueue( dummy_class.new )
+ manual_added.update!(attempts: 5)
+ end
+ # health_check
+ get "/api/v1/monitoring/health_check?token=#{@token}", params: {}, headers: @headers
+ assert_response(200)
+ result = JSON.parse(@response.body)
+ assert_equal(Hash, result.class)
+ assert(result['message'])
+ assert(result['issues'])
+ assert_equal(false, result['healthy'])
+ assert_equal("13 failing background jobs.;Failed to run background job #1 'BackgroundJobSearchIndex' 2 time(s) with 14 attempt(s).;Failed to run background job #2 'Object' 8 time(s) with 40 attempt(s).", result['message'])
+ # cleanup
+ Delayed::Job.delete_all
+ end