@@ -281,10 +281,6 @@ returns
- def self.semaphore
- @semaphore ||= Mutex.new
- end
def image_resize(content, width)
@@ -299,25 +295,19 @@ returns
+ image = Rszr::Image.load(temp_file.path)
- temp_file_resize = nil
- self.class.semaphore.synchronize do
- image = Rszr::Image.load(temp_file.path)
- # do not resize image if image is smaller or already same size
- return if image.width <= width
+ # do not resize image if image is smaller or already same size
+ return if image.width <= width
- # do not resize image if new height is smaller then 7px (images
- # with small height are usally usefull to resize)
- ratio = image.width / width
- return if image.height / ratio <= 6
- image.resize!(width, :auto)
- temp_file_resize = ::Tempfile.new.path
- image.save(temp_file_resize)
- image.send(:handle).finalize!
- end
+ # do not resize image if new height is smaller then 7px (images
+ # with small height are usally usefull to resize)
+ ratio = image.width / width
+ return if image.height / ratio <= 6
+ image.resize!(width, :auto)
+ temp_file_resize = ::Tempfile.new.path
+ image.save(temp_file_resize)
image_resized = ::File.binread(temp_file_resize)
Cache.write(cache_key, image_resized, { expires_in: 6.months })