Browse Source

New user and org zoom.

Martin Edenhofer 10 years ago

+ 51 - 114

@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
 class App.OrganizationZoom extends App.Controller
-  elements:
-    '.tabsSidebar'      : 'sidebar'
   constructor: (params) ->
@@ -12,7 +9,11 @@ class App.OrganizationZoom extends App.Controller
     @navupdate '#'
-    App.Organization.full( @organization_id, @render )
+    # subscribe and reload data / fetch new data if triggered
+    @subscribeId = App.Organization.full( @organization_id, @render, false, true )
+  release: =>
+    App.Organization.unsubscribe(@subscribeId)
   meta: =>
     meta =
@@ -36,10 +37,7 @@ class App.OrganizationZoom extends App.Controller
     @navupdate '#'
   changed: =>
-    formCurrent = @formParam( @el.find('.ticket-update') )
-    diff = difference( @formDefault, formCurrent )
-    return false if !diff || _.isEmpty( diff )
-    return true
+    false
   render: (organization) =>
@@ -47,12 +45,38 @@ class App.OrganizationZoom extends App.Controller
       @doNotLog = 1
       @recentView( 'Organization', @organization_id )
+    # get display data
+    organizationData = []
+    for item2 in App.Organization.configure_attributes
+      item = _.clone( item2 )
+      # check if value for _id exists
+      itemNameValue =
+      itemNameValueNew = itemNameValue.substr( 0, itemNameValue.length - 3 )
+      if itemNameValueNew of organization
+ = itemNameValueNew
+      # add to show if value exists
+      if organization[] || item.tag is 'textarea'
+        # do not show firstname and lastname / already show via diplayName()
+        if isnt 'name'
+          if
+            organizationData.push item
     @html App.view('organization_zoom')(
-      organization:  organization
+      organization:     organization
+      organizationData: organizationData
-    new Overviews(
-      el:   @el
+    @$('[contenteditable]').ce({
+      mode:      'textonly'
+      multiline: true
+      maxlength: 250
+    })
+    new App.TicketStats(
+      el:           @$('.js-ticket-stats')
       organization: organization
@@ -60,125 +84,38 @@ class App.OrganizationZoom extends App.Controller
       genericObject: organization
-    new App.UpdateHeader(
-      el:            @el
-      genericObject: organization
-    )
     # start action controller
     showHistory = =>
       new App.OrganizationHistory( organization_id: )
+    editOrganization = =>
+      new App.ControllerGenericEdit(
+        id:
+        genericObject: 'Organization'
+        screen: 'edit'
+        pageData:
+          title: 'Organizations'
+          object: 'Organization'
+          objects: 'Organizations'
+      )
     actions = [
+      {
+        name:     'edit'
+        title:    'Edit'
+        callback: editOrganization
+      }
         name:     'history'
         title:    'History'
         callback: showHistory
     new App.ActionRow(
       el:    @el.find('.action')
       items: actions
-    new Sidebar(
-      el:           @sidebar
-      organization: organization
-    )
-class Overviews extends App.Controller
-  constructor: ->
-    super
-    # subscribe and reload data / fetch new data if triggered
-    @subscribeId = App.Organization.full(, @render, false, true )
-  release: =>
-    App.Organization.unsubscribe(@subscribeId)
-  render: (organization) =>
-    plugins =
-      main:
-        my_organization:
-          controller: App.DashboardTicketSearch,
-          params:
-            name: 'Tickets of Organization'
-            condition:
-              'tickets.state_id': [ 1,2,3,4,6 ]
-              'tickets.organization_id':
-            order:
-              by:        'created_at'
-              direction: 'DESC'
-            view:
-              d: [ 'number', 'title', 'customer', 'state', 'priority', 'created_at' ]
-              view_mode_default: 'd'
-    for area, plugins of plugins
-      for name, plugin of plugins
-        target = area + '_' + name
-        @el.find('.' + area + '-overviews').append('<div class="" id="' + target + '"></div>')
-        if plugin.controller
-          params = plugin.params || {}
-          params.el = @el.find( '#' + target )
-          new plugin.controller( params )
-    dndOptions =
-      handle:               'h2.can-move'
-      placeholder:          'can-move-plcaeholder'
-      tolerance:            'pointer'
-      distance:             15
-      opacity:              0.6
-      forcePlaceholderSize: true
-    @el.find( '#sortable' ).sortable( dndOptions )
-    @el.find( '#sortable-sidebar' ).sortable( dndOptions )
-class Sidebar extends App.Controller
-  constructor: ->
-    super
-    # render ui
-    @render()
-  render: ->
-    items = []
-    editOrganization = (e, el) =>
-      new App.ControllerGenericEdit(
-        id:
-        genericObject: 'Organization'
-        pageData:
-          title: 'Organizations'
-          object: 'Organization'
-          objects: 'Organizations'
-      )
-    showOrganization = (el) =>
-      new App.WidgetOrganization(
-        el:               el
-        organization_id:
-      )
-    items.push {
-      head: 'Organization'
-      name: 'organization'
-      icon: 'group'
-      actions: [
-        {
-          name:     'Edit Organization'
-          class:    'glyphicon glyphicon-edit'
-          callback: editOrganization
-        },
-      ]
-      callback: showOrganization
-    }
-    new App.Sidebar(
-      el:     @el
-      items:  items
-    )
 class Router extends App.ControllerPermanent
   constructor: (params) ->

+ 1 - 220

@@ -77,12 +77,7 @@ class App.UserZoom extends App.Controller
       maxlength: 250
-    #new Overviews(
-    #  el:   @el
-    #  user: user
-    #)
-    new TicketStats(
+    new App.TicketStats(
       el:   @$('.js-ticket-stats')
       user: user
@@ -132,220 +127,6 @@ class App.UserZoom extends App.Controller
       user.updateAttributes( note: note )
       @log 'notice', 'update', e, note, user
-class TicketStats extends App.Controller
-  events:
-    'click .js-userTab': 'showUserTab'
-    'click .js-orgTab':  'showOrgTab'
-  constructor: ->
-    super
-    # subscribe and reload data / fetch new data if triggered
-    @subscribeId = App.User.full(, @load, false, true )
-  release: =>
-    App.User.unsubscribe(@subscribeId)
-  load: (user) =>
-    @ajax(
-      id:    'ticket_stats_' +,
-      type:  'GET',
-      url:   @apiPath + '/ticket_stats/' +,
-      success: (data) =>
-       # load assets
-        App.Collection.loadAssets( data.assets )
-        @render(data)
-      )
-  showOrgTab: =>
-    @$('.js-userTab').removeClass('active')
-    @$('.js-orgTab').addClass('active')
-    @$('.js-user').addClass('hide')
-    @$('.js-org').removeClass('hide')
-  showUserTab: =>
-    @$('.js-userTab').addClass('active')
-    @$('.js-orgTab').removeClass('active')
-    @$('.js-user').removeClass('hide')
-    @$('.js-org').addClass('hide')
-  render: (data) =>
-    @html App.view('user_zoom/ticket_stats')(
-      user: @user
-    )
-    limit = 5
-    new TicketStatsList(
-      el:         @$('.js-user-open-tickets')
-      user:       @user
-      head:       'Open Ticket'
-      ticket_ids: data.user_tickets_open_ids
-      limit:      limit
-    )
-    new TicketStatsList(
-      el:         @$('.js-user-closed-tickets')
-      user:       @user
-      head:       'Closed Ticket'
-      ticket_ids: data.user_tickets_closed_ids
-      limit:      limit
-    )
-    new TicketStatsFrequency(
-      el:                    @$('.js-user-frequency')
-      user:                  @user
-      ticket_volume_by_year: data.user_ticket_volume_by_year
-    )
-    new TicketStatsList(
-      el:         @$('.js-org-open-tickets')
-      user:       @user
-      head:       'Open Ticket'
-      ticket_ids: data.org_tickets_open_ids
-      limit:      limit
-    )
-    new TicketStatsList(
-      el:         @$('.js-org-closed-tickets')
-      user:       @user
-      head:       'Closed Ticket'
-      ticket_ids: data.org_tickets_closed_ids
-      limit:      limit
-    )
-    new TicketStatsFrequency(
-      el:                    @$('.js-org-frequency')
-      user:                  @user
-      ticket_volume_by_year: data.org_ticket_volume_by_year
-    )
-class TicketStatsList extends App.Controller
-  events:
-    'click .js-showAll': 'showAll'
-  constructor: ->
-    super
-    @render()
-  render: =>
-    ticket_ids_show = []
-    if !@all
-      count = 0
-      for ticket_id in @ticket_ids
-        count += 1
-        if count <= @limit
-          ticket_ids_show.push ticket_id
-    else
-      ticket_ids_show = @ticket_ids
-    @html App.view('user_zoom/ticket_stats_list')(
-      user:            @user
-      head:            @head
-      ticket_ids:      @ticket_ids
-      ticket_ids_show: ticket_ids_show
-      limit:           @limit
-    )
-    @frontendTimeUpdate()
-    @ticketPopups()
-  showAll: (e) =>
-    e.preventDefault()
-    @all = true
-    @render()
-class TicketStatsFrequency extends App.Controller
-  constructor: ->
-    super
-    @render()
-  render: (data) =>
-    # find 100%
-    max = 0
-    for item in @ticket_volume_by_year
-      if item.closed > max
-        max = item.closed
-      if item.created > max
-        max = item.created
-    console.log('MM', max)
-    for item in @ticket_volume_by_year
-      item.created_in_percent = 100 / max * item.created
-      item.closed_in_percent = 100 / max * item.closed
-    @html App.view('user_zoom/ticket_stats_frequency')(
-      user: @user
-      ticket_volume_by_year: @ticket_volume_by_year.reverse()
-    )
-class Overviews extends App.Controller
-  constructor: ->
-    super
-    # subscribe and reload data / fetch new data if triggered
-    @subscribeId = App.User.full(, @render, false, true )
-  release: =>
-    App.User.unsubscribe(@subscribeId)
-  render: (user) =>
-    plugins = {
-      main: {
-        my_assigned: {
-          controller: App.DashboardTicketSearch,
-          params: {
-            name: 'Tickets of User'
-            condition:
-              'tickets.state_id': [ 1,2,3,4,6 ]
-              'tickets.customer_id':
-            order:
-              by:        'created_at'
-              direction: 'DESC'
-            view:
-              d: [ 'number', 'title', 'state', 'priority', 'created_at' ]
-              view_mode_default: 'd'
-          },
-        },
-      },
-    }
-    if user.organization_id
-      plugins.main.my_organization = {
-        controller: App.DashboardTicketSearch,
-        params: {
-          name: 'Tickets of Organization'
-          condition:
-            'tickets.state_id': [ 1,2,3,4,6 ]
-            'tickets.organization_id': user.organization_id
-          order:
-            by:        'created_at'
-            direction: 'DESC'
-          view:
-            d: [ 'number', 'title', 'customer', 'state', 'priority', 'created_at' ]
-            view_mode_default: 'd'
-        },
-      }
-    for area, plugins of plugins
-      for name, plugin of plugins
-        target = area + '_' + name
-        @el.find('.' + area + '-overviews').append('<div class="" id="' + target + '"></div>')
-        if plugin.controller
-          params = plugin.params || {}
-          params.el = @el.find( '#' + target )
-          new plugin.controller( params )
-    dndOptions =
-      handle:               'h2.can-move'
-      placeholder:          'can-move-plcaeholder'
-      tolerance:            'pointer'
-      distance:             15
-      opacity:              0.6
-      forcePlaceholderSize: true
-    @el.find( '#sortable' ).sortable( dndOptions )
-    @el.find( '#sortable-sidebar' ).sortable( dndOptions )
 class Router extends App.ControllerPermanent
   constructor: (params) ->

+ 161 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+class App.TicketStats extends App.Controller
+  events:
+    'click .js-userTab': 'showUserTab'
+    'click .js-orgTab':  'showOrgTab'
+  constructor: ->
+    super
+    # subscribe and reload data / fetch new data if triggered
+    if @user
+      @subscribeId = App.User.full(, @load, false, true )
+    if @organization
+      @subscribeId = App.Organization.full(, @load, false, true )
+  release: =>
+    App.User.unsubscribe(@subscribeId)
+  load: (object) =>
+    if @organization
+      ajaxKey = "org_" +
+      data =
+        organization_id:
+    else
+      ajaxKey = "user_" +
+      data =
+        user_id:
+        organization_id: @user.organization_id
+    @ajax(
+      id:          'ticket_stats_' + ajaxKey
+      type:        'GET'
+      url:         @apiPath + '/ticket_stats'
+      data:        data
+      processData: true
+      success:     (data) =>
+       # load assets
+        App.Collection.loadAssets( data.assets )
+        @render(data)
+      )
+  showOrgTab: =>
+    @$('.js-userTab').removeClass('active')
+    @$('.js-orgTab').addClass('active')
+    @$('.js-user').addClass('hide')
+    @$('.js-org').removeClass('hide')
+  showUserTab: =>
+    @$('.js-userTab').addClass('active')
+    @$('.js-orgTab').removeClass('active')
+    @$('.js-user').removeClass('hide')
+    @$('.js-org').addClass('hide')
+  render: (data) =>
+    @html App.view('widget/ticket_stats')(
+      user:         @user
+      organization: @organization
+    )
+    if @organization
+      @showOrgTab()
+    limit = 5
+    new TicketStatsList(
+      el:         @$('.js-user-open-tickets')
+      user:       @user
+      head:       'Open Ticket'
+      ticket_ids: data.user_tickets_open_ids
+      limit:      limit
+    )
+    new TicketStatsList(
+      el:         @$('.js-user-closed-tickets')
+      user:       @user
+      head:       'Closed Ticket'
+      ticket_ids: data.user_tickets_closed_ids
+      limit:      limit
+    )
+    new TicketStatsFrequency(
+      el:                    @$('.js-user-frequency')
+      user:                  @user
+      ticket_volume_by_year: data.user_ticket_volume_by_year
+    )
+    new TicketStatsList(
+      el:         @$('.js-org-open-tickets')
+      user:       @user
+      head:       'Open Ticket'
+      ticket_ids: data.org_tickets_open_ids
+      limit:      limit
+    )
+    new TicketStatsList(
+      el:         @$('.js-org-closed-tickets')
+      user:       @user
+      head:       'Closed Ticket'
+      ticket_ids: data.org_tickets_closed_ids
+      limit:      limit
+    )
+    new TicketStatsFrequency(
+      el:                    @$('.js-org-frequency')
+      user:                  @user
+      ticket_volume_by_year: data.org_ticket_volume_by_year
+    )
+class TicketStatsList extends App.Controller
+  events:
+    'click .js-showAll': 'showAll'
+  constructor: ->
+    super
+    @render()
+  render: =>
+    ticket_ids_show = []
+    if !@all
+      count = 0
+      for ticket_id in @ticket_ids
+        count += 1
+        if count <= @limit
+          ticket_ids_show.push ticket_id
+    else
+      ticket_ids_show = @ticket_ids
+    @html App.view('widget/ticket_stats_list')(
+      user:            @user
+      head:            @head
+      ticket_ids:      @ticket_ids
+      ticket_ids_show: ticket_ids_show
+      limit:           @limit
+    )
+    @frontendTimeUpdate()
+    @ticketPopups()
+  showAll: (e) =>
+    e.preventDefault()
+    @all = true
+    @render()
+class TicketStatsFrequency extends App.Controller
+  constructor: ->
+    super
+    @render()
+  render: (data) =>
+    # find 100%
+    max = 0
+    for item in @ticket_volume_by_year
+      if item.closed > max
+        max = item.closed
+      if item.created > max
+        max = item.created
+    for item in @ticket_volume_by_year
+      item.created_in_percent = 100 / max * item.created
+      item.closed_in_percent = 100 / max * item.closed
+    @html App.view('widget/ticket_stats_frequency')(
+      user: @user
+      ticket_volume_by_year: @ticket_volume_by_year.reverse()
+    )

+ 43 - 12

@@ -1,18 +1,49 @@
-<div class="flex vertical">
-  <div class="flex u-positionOrigin horizontal">
-    <div class="main flex tabsSidebar-sidebarSpacer tabsSidebar-tabsSpacer">
-      <div class="organizationZoom">
-        <div class="page-header">
-          <h1><%- @T( @head ) %></h1>
-        </div>
+<div class="flex userZoom">
-        <div class="main-overviews" id="sortable"></div>
+  <div class="userZoom-window">
+    <div class="userZoom-section vertical centered">
+      <div class="align-right userZoom-action dropdown dropdown--actions action"></div>
+      <h1><%= @organization.displayName() %></h1>
+    </div>
+    <div class="userZoom-section">
+      <div class="userZoom-details horizontal wrap">
+        <% for row in @organizationData: %>
+          <% if @organization[]: %>
+            <% if row.tag isnt 'textarea': %>
+              <div class="userZoom-detailsEntry">
+                <label><%- @Ti( row.display ) %></label>
+                <%- @L( @P( @organization[] ) ) %>
+              </div>
+            <% end %>
+          <% end %>
+        <% end %>
+        <% for row in @organizationData: %>
+          <% if row.tag is 'textarea': %>
+            <div class="userZoom-detailsEntry" style="width: 100%;">
+              <label><%- @Ti( row.display ) %></label>
+              <div contenteditable="true" data-name="<%= %>" data-type="update" data-placeholder="<%- @T('Add a Note') %>"><%= @organization[] %></div>
+            </div>
+          <% end %>
+        <% end %>
-    <div class="tabsSidebar vertical"></div>
+    <% if @organization.members: %>
+    <div class="userZoom-section">
+      <label><%- @T('Member') %></label>
+      <div class="userZoom-details horizontal wrap">
+        <% for user in @organization.members: %>
+          <div class="userZoom-detailsEntry">
+            <a href="<%- user.uiUrl() %>" class="user-popover" data-id="<%- %>"><%= user.displayName() %></a>
+          </div>
+        <% end %>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <% end %>
+    <div class="userZoom-section js-ticket-stats"></div>
-  <form class="bottom-form form-inline horizontal" role="form">
-    <div class="action"></div>
-  </form>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     <div class="u-textTruncate"><%- @T( ) %></div>
   <div class="column">
-    <h3><%- @T( 'Age' ) %></h3>
+    <h3><%- @T( 'Created' ) %></h3>
     <div class="u-textTruncate"><%- @P( @ticket.humanTime ) %></div>
   <div class="column">

+ 0 - 0
app/assets/javascripts/app/views/user_zoom/ → app/assets/javascripts/app/views/widget/

+ 0 - 0
app/assets/javascripts/app/views/user_zoom/ → app/assets/javascripts/app/views/widget/

+ 0 - 0
app/assets/javascripts/app/views/user_zoom/ → app/assets/javascripts/app/views/widget/

+ 101 - 88

@@ -365,50 +365,96 @@ class TicketsController < ApplicationController
-  # GET /api/v1/ticket_stats/1
+  # GET /api/v1/ticket_stats
   def stats
-    user = User.find(params[:id])
+    if !params[:user_id] && !params[:organization_id]
+      raise "Need user_id or organization_id as param"
+    end
     # permissin check
     #return if !ticket_permission(ticket)
     # lookup open user tickets
-    limit     = 100
-    assets    = {}
-    condition = {
-      'tickets.state_id'    => Ticket::State.by_category('open'),
-      'tickets.customer_id' =>,
-    }
-    user_tickets_open =
-      :limit        => limit,
-      #:query        => params[:term],
-      :condition    => condition,
-      :current_user => current_user,
-      :detail       => true,
-    )
-    user_tickets_open_ids = assets_of_tickets(user_tickets_open, assets)
+    limit                      = 100
+    assets                     = {}
+    access_condition           = Ticket.access_condition( current_user )
+    now                        =
+    user_tickets_open_ids      = []
+    user_tickets_closed_ids    = []
+    user_ticket_volume_by_year = []
+    if params[:user_id]
+      user = User.find( params[:user_id] )
+      condition = {
+        'tickets.state_id'    => Ticket::State.by_category('open'),
+        'tickets.customer_id' =>,
+      }
+      user_tickets_open =
+        :limit        => limit,
+        #:query        => params[:term],
+        :condition    => condition,
+        :current_user => current_user,
+        :detail       => true,
+      )
+      user_tickets_open_ids = assets_of_tickets(user_tickets_open, assets)
-    # lookup closed user tickets
-    condition = {
-      'tickets.state_id'    => Ticket::State.by_category('closed'),
-      'tickets.customer_id' =>,
-    }
-    user_tickets_closed =
-      :limit        => limit,
-      #:query        => params[:term],
-      :condition    => condition,
-      :current_user => current_user,
-      :detail       => true,
-    )
-    user_tickets_closed_ids = assets_of_tickets(user_tickets_closed, assets)
+      # lookup closed user tickets
+      condition = {
+        'tickets.state_id'    => Ticket::State.by_category('closed'),
+        'tickets.customer_id' =>,
+      }
+      user_tickets_closed =
+        :limit        => limit,
+        #:query        => params[:term],
+        :condition    => condition,
+        :current_user => current_user,
+        :detail       => true,
+      )
+      user_tickets_closed_ids = assets_of_tickets(user_tickets_closed, assets)
+      # generate stats by user
+      (0..11).each {|month_back|
+        date_to_check = - month_back.month
+        date_start = "#{date_to_check.year}-#{date_to_check.month}-#{01} 00:00:00"
+        date_end   = "#{date_to_check.year}-#{date_to_check.month}-#{} 00:00:00"
+        condition = {
+          'tickets.customer_id' =>,
+        }
+        # created
+        created = Ticket.where('created_at > ? AND created_at < ?', date_start, date_end ).
+          where(access_condition).
+          where(condition).
+          count
+        # closed
+        closed = Ticket.where('close_time > ? AND close_time < ?', date_start, date_end  ).
+          where(access_condition).
+          where(condition).
+          count
+        data = {
+          :month   => date_to_check.month,
+          :year    => date_to_check.year,
+          :text    => Date::MONTHNAMES[date_to_check.month],
+          :created => created,
+          :closed  => closed,
+        }
+        user_ticket_volume_by_year.push data
+      }
+    end
     # lookup open org tickets
-    org_tickets_open_ids = []
-    if user.organization_id
+    org_tickets_open_ids      = []
+    org_tickets_closed_ids    = []
+    org_ticket_volume_by_year = []
+    if params[:organization_id] && !params[:organization_id].empty?
+      organization = Organization.find( params[:organization_id] )
       condition = {
         'tickets.state_id'        => Ticket::State.by_category('open'),
-        'tickets.organization_id' => user.organization_id,
+        'tickets.organization_id' => params[:organization_id],
       org_tickets_open =
         :limit        => limit,
@@ -418,14 +464,11 @@ class TicketsController < ApplicationController
         :detail       => true,
       org_tickets_open_ids = assets_of_tickets(org_tickets_open, assets)
-    end
-    # lookup closed org tickets
-    org_tickets_closed_ids = []
-    if user.organization_id
+      # lookup closed org tickets
       condition = {
         'tickets.state_id'        => Ticket::State.by_category('closed'),
-        'tickets.organization_id' => user.organization_id,
+        'tickets.organization_id' => params[:organization_id],
       org_tickets_closed =
         :limit        => limit,
@@ -435,63 +478,33 @@ class TicketsController < ApplicationController
         :detail       => true,
       org_tickets_closed_ids = assets_of_tickets(org_tickets_closed, assets)
-    end
-    # generate stats by user
-    user_ticket_volume_by_year = []
-    now =
-    (0..11).each {|month_back|
-      date_to_check = - month_back.month
-      date_start = "#{date_to_check.year}-#{date_to_check.month}-#{01} 00:00:00"
-      date_end   = "#{date_to_check.year}-#{date_to_check.month}-#{} 00:00:00"
-      condition = {
-        'tickets.customer_id' =>,
-      }
+      # generate stats by org
+      (0..11).each {|month_back|
+        date_to_check = - month_back.month
+        date_start = "#{date_to_check.year}-#{date_to_check.month}-#{01} 00:00:00"
+        date_end   = "#{date_to_check.year}-#{date_to_check.month}-#{} 00:00:00"
-      # created
-      created = Ticket.where('created_at > ? AND created_at < ?', date_start, date_end ).where(condition).count
-      # closed
-      closed = Ticket.where('close_time > ? AND close_time < ?', date_start, date_end  ).where(condition).count
-      data = {
-        :month   => date_to_check.month,
-        :year    => date_to_check.year,
-        :text    => Date::MONTHNAMES[date_to_check.month],
-        :created => created,
-        :closed  => closed,
-      }
-      user_ticket_volume_by_year.push data
-    }
-    # generate stats by org
-    org_ticket_volume_by_year = []
-    now =
-    (0..11).each {|month_back|
-      date_to_check = - month_back.month
-      date_start = "#{date_to_check.year}-#{date_to_check.month}-#{01} 00:00:00"
-      date_end   = "#{date_to_check.year}-#{date_to_check.month}-#{} 00:00:00"
-      condition = {
-        'tickets.organization_id' => user.organization_id,
-      }
+        condition = {
+          'tickets.organization_id' => params[:organization_id],
+        }
-      # created
-      created = Ticket.where('created_at > ? AND created_at < ?', date_start, date_end ).where(condition).count
+        # created
+        created = Ticket.where('created_at > ? AND created_at < ?', date_start, date_end ).where(condition).count
-      # closed
-      closed = Ticket.where('close_time > ? AND close_time < ?', date_start, date_end  ).where(condition).count
+        # closed
+        closed = Ticket.where('close_time > ? AND close_time < ?', date_start, date_end  ).where(condition).count
-      data = {
-        :month   => date_to_check.month,
-        :year    => date_to_check.year,
-        :text    => Date::MONTHNAMES[date_to_check.month],
-        :created => created,
-        :closed  => closed,
+        data = {
+          :month   => date_to_check.month,
+          :year    => date_to_check.year,
+          :text    => Date::MONTHNAMES[date_to_check.month],
+          :created => created,
+          :closed  => closed,
+        }
+        org_ticket_volume_by_year.push data
-      org_ticket_volume_by_year.push data
-    }
+    end
     # return result
     render :json => {

+ 30 - 0

@@ -79,6 +79,36 @@ returns
+get user access conditions
+  connditions = Ticket.access_condition( User.find(1) )
+  result = [user1, user2, ...]
+  def self.access_condition(user)
+    access_condition = []
+    if user.is_role('Agent')
+      group_ids = '' ).joins(:users).
+      where( 'groups_users.user_id = ?', ).
+      where( ' = ?', true ).
+      map( &:id )
+      access_condition = [ 'group_id IN (?)', group_ids ]
+    else
+      if !user.organization || ( !user.organization.shared || user.organization.shared == false )
+        access_condition = [ 'customer_id = ?', ]
+      else
+        access_condition = [ '( customer_id = ? OR organization_id = ? )',, ]
+      end
+    end
+    access_condition
+  end
 merge tickets
   ticket = Ticket.find(123)

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff